Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ

The Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, also compatible with Android Studio. It is the best-performing IDE for Ceylon, and is the preferred way to develop for Android in Ceylon.

Ceylon IDE provides inline error reporting, syntax highlighting, code completion, refactoring, intention actions, navigation, searching, online documentation, and much, much more.

Like everything we produce, Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ is open source.


You can find out what Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ has to offer, together with screenshots, on the IDE features page. Of course, the best way to learn what the IDE provides is to install it.

Getting started

In addition to the Ceylon walkthrough, you can follow the getting started guide to create and run your first project in Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ.

Running the IDE

You'll need a clean install of IntelliJ 2016.x, or of Android Studio 2.x running on Java 7 or 8.

Install Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ (which includes the Ceylon compiler) from the JetBrains repository.