Getting started with Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ

Here are the steps needed to run a simple project in IntelliJ.

Create a new project via File > New > Project and choose the Ceylon category.

Click Next and choose whether you want to compile/run your project on the JVM, on JS or both:

Click Next twice, enter a name for your project and click Finish. Your project is now ready to host new Ceylon code:

In the Project view, you can see a few existing files and folders:

  • .ceylon contains internal configuration that can be reused by the CLI tools, you shouldn't have to modify it directly most of the time.
  • modules is the output directory where Ceylon modules will be compiled.
  • resource contains resources.
  • source contains source modules.

To add Ceylon code to this project, you can either put files directly under the source folder to add them to the default module, or create a new module and add source files to this module. In both cases, .ceylon files must be in the source folder, not directly in the project folder.

  • To add a file to the default module, right-click on the source folder and choose New > Ceylon File/Declaration, enter a name (for example run) and click OK.
  • To create a new module, right-click on the source folder and choose New > Ceylon Module, enter a name like my.ceylon.example, adjust the version if you don't like 1.0.0, set the runnable unit name to something like run and click OK. New folders will be created (my/ceylon/example), along with a module descriptor (module.ceylon), a package descriptor (package.ceylon) and your runnable unit (run.ceylon).

At this point, a tool window titled Ceylon Problems should be present in the bottom tool bar, indicating that the IDE is now aware that the project contains Ceylon code and is correctly configured:

Now that the project is set up, it's time to actually add code :). Open run.ceylon and add the following code:

shared void run() {

A green arrow will appear in the left gutter, click on that arrow to run or debug the run function:

Click on Run 'run', this will automatically create a run configuration, build the project and print hello: