Contribute to Eclipse Ceylon
We're working hard to make Eclipse Ceylon awesome. You can help by trying out the latest release and contributing bug reports or code.
Our code is open source, read more.
Looking for nightly builds?
You can download pre-release builds of Ceylon (distribution, SDK, IDEs) on our Continuous Integration server.
Get the source, start hacking
Are you interested in joining the team and helping improve the Ceylon language, the compiler, the class libraries, or the IDE? Contact us on our dev mailing list.
Want to get your hands on the code? Read how to access the source.
Feeling adventurous and want to help us with the compiler backend? Read how to work on that project.
You might want to start with an overview of the architecture of the project.
Contribute your own Ceylon modules
Are you working on a nice new module that you want to share with others through the main Ceylon Module Repository aka the Herd? Read the instructions over at the Herd on how to publish your own module and the guidelines for modules.
Contribute to the website
This website, like the rest of Ceylon, is open source. Help us improve it. We have a complete guide to contributing to the website.