
You'll find all you need to know about Ceylon in these pages. Just like the code we write, all the information here is open source.

Oh, and if something is missing or isn't right, please help us improve it.

New to Ceylon?

The quick introduction summarizes some of what Ceylon is all about.

Still interested? The tour of Ceylon will guide you through the main features and syntax of Ceylon in some depth. Currently, this is the best way to learn Ceylon.

Alternatively, Renato Athaydes has written a 2-part tutorial for folks who want to Learn Programming in Ceylon.

If you want to get your hands a little dirty, the walkthrough is a guided set of exercises introducing many of the basic features of the language.

You'll find lots of links to little (and not so little) examples on the examples page.


Need to clarify some detail of the language, language module, or tooling? Try the reference page.

Or, if you want to be absolutely certain, you can dive into the language specification—the gospel according to Ceylon.

Module APIs

You can find the API documentation for modules, including platform modules, in Herd. The API documentation for the Ceylon Language Module ceylon.language is right here.


You can find information about Ceylon IDE for Eclipse and how to install it, along with information about the command line tools, and plugins for Ant, Gradle, and Maven.

There's even Vim support available.


There is extensive documentation for using Ceylon on Vert.x.

Got questions? We have FAQs

We're compiling a list of common questions. Check out the FAQs.

If you want to know why Ceylon is the way it is—what the hell were we thinking?!—the language design FAQ is especially interesting.


Want to know when to expect what? We can't promise dates, but we do have a roadmap.