Eclipse Ceylon is an Eclipse Project. Like other Eclipse Projects, it's first and foremost an open source community project.
Stack Overflow
You can ask questions about Ceylon on stackoverflow.
Make sure you add the ceylon
tag to your question.
You can chat live with us on our busy Gitter channel.
There's also a second Gitter channel for development-related discussions.
User mailing list
If you have questions or suggestions, you're welcome to discuss them in our Google user group.
Development mailing list
You can follow and participate in the development of Ceylon by joining our Google development group.
Please report bugs and request improvements via GitHub's issue tracking system. If you're not sure precisely which subproject your issue report belongs in, please ask us on Gitter or by emailing the development list.
Come hear about Ceylon at a conference or user group near you.
Google+ and Twitter
Ceylon even has a Google+ page and a Twitter account.
Ceylon has a subreddit, /r/ceylon
We're compiling a list of offsite articles about Ceylon.
You can watch a Ceylon presentation online, and download slides.
Desktop wallpaper
Finally, everyone needs an elephant on their desktop.