Example programs and applications

We're collecting examples here.

Examples of client-side Ceylon

We have three small demo application which illustrate the use of Ceylon in a web browser:


  • The Ceylon Services Example demonstrates the use of Ceylon service providers, an abstraction of the Java service loader facility, on the JavaScript platform.

Examples of Ceylon on mobile platforms

This example project shows how to use Ceylon to create an Android application in Android Studio. It uses the Ceylon Gradle plugin for Android to integrate with the Android toolchain.

The Universal Media Player is a much more elaborate sample, but depends on Ceylon 1.3.3, which is not yet released. The process of developing the example application is discussed in this presentation.

Examples of server-side Ceylon

Ceylon is a fantastic language for writing microservices:

Documentation for Ceylon and Vert.x can be found at the Vert.x site.

Examples of full-stack applications

  • The Ceylon Web IDE is a great example of how to build a modern web application using Ceylon, making use of Ceylon's HTTP and JSON APIs, and interoperation with native Java libraries. The example even supports deployment to the OpenShift cloud platform.
  • The Ceylon DDDSample demonstrates the use of Ceylon to write a complete Java EE application, making use of JPA, CDI, EJB, JAX-RS, JMS, JSF, and Facelets.

Simple examples

Learn how to use Ceylon with these Java frameworks:

OSGi examples

The Ceylon OSGi examples demonstrate how to use Ceylon modules as OSGi bundles, and how to:

  • run the Ceylon HTTP server inside an OSGi container,
  • call standard OSGi services,
  • integrate with Pax Web in order to produce a web application packaged as a single Ceylon module, or
  • write an Eclipse plugin.

NPM examples

The Ceylon NPM integration examples project contains some very simple examples showing how a Ceylon module can make use of JavaScript modules belonging to the node package manager.

Examples of libraries

The Ceylon SDK includes plenty of good examples of Ceylon code, including:

Example ceylon plugins

A plugin for the ceylon command is a great way to improve your productivity.

Examples of real life warts-'n-all production code

The Ceylon IDE Common and Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ projects sure aren't beautiful polished example code, but they do show how cleanly Ceylon interoperates with hairy, real-world, legacy Java APIs.

The Ceylon plugin for VS Code exhibits a whole completely different approach to implementing tooling in Ceylon.

The Ceylon Dart project shows that it's possible to write a whole backend for the Ceylon compiler in Ceylon.