Initialization and constructors

This is the fifteenth part of the Tour of Ceylon. In the last part we learned about the language module, ceylon.language. Now we're going to get into the details of initialization, and the restrictions that Ceylon places upon your code to ensure that you never experience anything like Java's infamous NullPointerException.

But first, we need to learn a little more about references to the current object.

Self references and outer instance references

Whenever a method of a class is invoked upon an instance of the class, or when an attribute of the class is evaluated or assigned, the body of the method, getter, or setter is executed with an implicit reference to the instance. This reference is called the current instance of the class. Similarly, when a constructor of a class is invoked, the body of the constructor is executed with an implicit reference to the newly created instance of the class, and this new instance is considered the current instance.

Usually, we can refer to any other member of the current instance without needing to explicitly specify the current instance.

class Greeting(String name) {
    shared void greet()
        => print("Hello ``name``!"); //implicitly refers to

However, it's possible for a name collision to hide a member of the class.

class Greeting(String name) {
    shared void greet(String name) {
        print("``name`` says 'Hello ``name``!'"); //oops, local name hides!

We can resolve the name collision using the keyword this.

class Greeting(String name) {
    shared void greet(String name) {
        print("``name`` says 'Hello ````!'");

Self references

Ceylon features the keywords this and super, which refer to:

  • the instance that is being initialized, within the initializer of the class, or to
  • the current instance of a class, within the body of any operation (method invocation, member class instantiation, or attribute evaluation/assignment) of the class.

The difference between this and super is that super bypasses any actual operation defined in the current class, and directly calls the operation it refines.

The semantics are exactly the same as what you're used to in Java, with one exception: a reference to a member of super might refer to a member inherited from an interface, instead of from a superclass.

Tip: disambiguating super references

Consider this class:

class Impl() extends Class() satisfies Interface { ... }

Inside the body of this class, the expression super is treated as having the type Class & Interface. But what if Class and Interface both descend from a common ancestor with a method named ambiguous(), and Impl inherits two different implementations of ambiguous(), one from Class, and one from Interface? Then the expression super.ambiguous() would be, well, super-ambiguous.

In this case, the widening operator of may be used to disambiguate the member reference:

(super of Interface).ambiguous() //ambiguity resolved!

Here, the of operator is used to widen the type of the expression super from Class & Interface to just Interface, thus resolving the ambiguity as to which ambiguous() method is being called.

Outer instance references

In addition to this and super, Ceylon features the keyword outer, which refers to the parent instance of the current instance of a nested class.

class Parent(name) {
    shared String name;
    shared class Child(name) {
        shared String name;
        shared String qualifiedName = 
       + "/" + name;
        shared Parent parent => outer;

There are some restrictions on the use of this, super, and outer, which we'll explore below.

Containing package references

Finally, the keyword package may be used to refer to the toplevel declarations in the current package.

String name = "Trompon";

class Elephant(name = {
    String name;

Multiple inheritance and "linearization"

Ceylon features a restricted kind of multiple inheritance often called mixin inheritance. Some languages with multiple inheritance or even mixin inheritance feature so-called "depth-first" member resolution or linearization where all supertypes of a class are arranged into a linear order. We believe that this model is unacceptably arbitrary and fragile.

Ceylon doesn't perform any kind of linearization of supertypes. The order in which types appear in the satisfies clause is never significant. The only way one supertype can take "precedence" over another supertype is if the first supertype is a subtype of the second supertype. The only way a member of one supertype can take precedence over a member of another supertype is if the first member refines the second member.

In our view, there's no non-fragile basis for deciding that one type specializes another type unless the first type is explicitly defined to be a subtype of the second. There's no non-fragile basis for deciding that one operation is more specific than another operation unless the first operation is explicitly declared to refine the second.

For a similar reason, interfaces shouldn't be able to define initialization logic. There's no non-fragile way to define the ordering in which supertype initializers are executed in a multiple-inheritance model. This is the basic reason why interfaces are stateless in Ceylon.

So Ceylon is more restrictive than some other languages in this respect. But we think that this restriction makes a subtype less vulnerable to breakage due to changes in its supertypes.

Definite assignment and definite initialization

A really nice feature of Java is that the compiler checks that a local variable has definitely been assigned a value before allowing use of the local variable in an expression. So, for example, the following code compiles without error:

String greeting;
if (person == me) {
    greeting = "You're beautiful!";
else {
    greeting = "You're ugly!";

But the following code results in an error at compile time:

String greeting;
if (person == me) {
    greeting = "You're beautiful!";
print(greeting);   //error: greeting not definitely initialized

Many (most?) languages don't perform this kind of static analysis, which means that use of an uninitialized variable results in an error at runtime instead of compile time.

Unfortunately, Java doesn't do this same kind of static analysis for instance variables, not even for final instance variables. Instead, an instance variable which is not assigned a value in the constructor is initialized to a default value (zero or null). Surprisingly, it's even possible to see this default value for a final instance variable that is eventually assigned a value by the constructor. Consider the following code:

//Java code that prints "null"
class Broken {
    final String greeting;

    Broken() {
        greeting = "Hello";

    void print() {

new Broken();

This behavior is bad enough in and of itself. But it would be even less acceptable in Ceylon, where most types don't have an acceptable "default" value. For example, consider the type Person. What would be an acceptable default value of this type? The value null certainly won't do, since it's not even an instance of Person. (It's an instance of Null, remember!) Sure, evaluation of an uninitialized instance variable could be defined to result in an immediate exception, that would just be our old friend NullPointerException creeping back in by the back door.

Indeed, very few object-oriented languages perform the necessary static analysis to ensure definite initialization of instance variables, and this is perhaps one of the main reasons why object-oriented languages have never featured typesafe handling of null values.

Class bodies

In order to make it possible for the compiler to guarantee definite initialization of attributes, Ceylon imposes some restrictions on the body of a class.

Actually, to be completely fair, they're not strictly speaking restrictions at all, at least not from a ceylonic point of view, since you're actually allowed extra flexibility in the body of a class that you're not allowed in the body of a function or getter declaration! But, at least compared to Java, there's some things you're not allowed to do.

First, we need to know that the compiler automatically divides the body of the class into two sections:

  • First comes the initializer section, which contains a mix of declarations, statements and control structures. The initializer is executed every time the class is instantiated.
  • Then comes the declaration section, which consists purely of declarations, similar to the body of an interface.

Now we're going to introduce some rules that apply to code that appears in each section. The purpose of these rules is to guarantee that an instance variable has had a value specified or assigned before its value is used in an expression.

But you don't need to actually explicitly think about these rules when you write code. Only very rarely will you need to think about the "initializer section" and "declaration section" in explicit terms. The compiler will let you know when you break the rules, and force you to fix your code.

Initializer section

The initializer section (or just "the initializer") is responsible for initializing the state of the new instance of the class, before a reference to the new instance is available to clients. The declaration section contains members of the class which are only called after the instance has been fully initialized.

Consider the following example:

class Hello(String? name) {

    //initializer section:

    String greetingForTime {
        if (morning) {
            return "Good morning";
        else if (afternoon) {
            return "Good afternoon";
        else if (evening) {
            return "Good evening";
        else {
            return "Hi";

    String greeting;
    if (exists name) {
        greeting = greetingForTime + ", " + name;
    else {
        greeting = greetingForTime;

    //declaration section:

    shared void say() {

    shared default void printMessage(String message) {


To prevent a reference to a new instance of the class "leaking" before the new instance has been completely initialized, the language spec defines the following terminology:

Within a class initializer, a self reference to the instance being initialized is either:

  • any occurrence of the expression this or super, unless it also occurs in the body of a nested class or interface declaration, or
  • any occurrence of the expression outer in the body of a class or interface declaration immediately contained by the class.

Now, according to the language spec:

A statement or declaration contained in the initializer of a class may not evaluate an attribute, invoke a method, or instantiate a member class upon the instance being initialized, including upon a self reference to the instance being initialized if the attribute, method, or member class:

  • occurs later in the body of the class,
  • is annotated formal or default, or
  • is inherited from an interface or superclass, and is not refined by a declaration occurring earlier in the body of the class.

Furthermore, a statement or declaration contained in the initializer of a class may not:

  • pass a self reference to the instance being initialized as an argument of an instantiation, function invocation, or extends clause expression or as the value of a value assignment or specification,
  • use a self reference to the instance being initialized as an operand of any operator except the member selection operator, or the of operator,
  • return a self reference to the instance being initialized, or
  • narrow the type of a self reference to the instance being initialized using an assignability [is] condition.

(The spec mentions a couple of other restrictions that we'll gloss over here.)

Declaration section

The declaration section contains the definition of members that don't hold state, and that are never called until the instance to which they belong has been completely initialized.

According to the language spec:

The following constructs may not [occur] in the declaration section [unless nested inside a member body]:

  • a statement or control structure,
  • a reference declaration,
  • a constructor declaration,
  • a forward-declared function or value declaration not annotated late,
  • an object declaration with a non-empty initializer section, or
  • an object declaration that directly extends a class other than Object or Basic.

Note that the rules governing the declaration section of a class body are essentially the same rules governing the body of an interface. That makes sense, because interfaces don't have initialization logic—what interfaces and declaration sections have in common is statelessness.


Unfortunately, these rules make it a little tricky to set up circular references between two objects. This is a problem Ceylon has in common with functional languages, which also emphasize immutability. The following code produces an error:

class Child(parent) {
    shared Parent parent;

class Parent() {
    shared Child child = 
            Child(this); //compile error: leaks self reference

Fortunately, there's a way around this, though it does sacrifice some compile-time safety.

Tip: using late to create circular references

As a slightly adhoc workaround for this problem, we can annotate the reference parent, suppressing the usual definite initialization checks, using the late annotation:

class Child() {
    shared late Parent parent; //no initializer

class Parent() {
    shared Child child = Child();
    child.parent = this; //ok, since Child.parent is late

When a reference is annotated late, the checks which normally happen at compile time are delayed until runtime.

Tip: using late with annotation-driven frameworks

Certain widely-used Java frameworks depend on direct reflection-based access to initialize the fields of annotated classes. Examples include Hibernate, CDI, and Spring.

If your Ceylon class has an attribute that is meant to be initialized by a framework like this, you'll probably need to annotate it late in order to suppress the compile-time initialization checks.

A common use-case is dependency injection using java.inject:

class Bean() {
    inject late EntityManager em; //no initializer

On the other hand, use of the late annotation isn't necessary if you use constructor injection instead of field injection.

class Bean(EntityManager em) {

Tip: lazy initialization

We can abuse the variable annotation to arrive at the following idiom for lazy initialization of an attribute:

class HaveYourPi() {
    variable Float? _pi = null;
    shared Float pi
        => _pi else (_pi=calculatePi());

A future version of the language will likely offer a better way to do this.

Definite initialization of functions

Ceylon lets us separate the declaration of a function from the actual specification statement that specifies the function implementation.

This applies when a function implementation is specified by assigning a reference:

Float(Float) arithmetic(Operation op, Float x) {
    Float fun(Float y);
    switch (op)
    case (plus) { fun =; }
    case (minus) { fun = x.minus; }
    case (times) { fun = x.times; }
    case (divide) { fun = x.divided; }
    return fun;

Or when a function implementation is specified using a fat arrow:

Float(Float) arithmetic(Operation op, Float x) {
    Float fun(Float y);
    switch (op)
    case (plus) { fun(Float y) => x+y; }
    case (minus) { fun(Float y) => x-y; }
    case (times) { fun(Float y) => x*y; }
    case (divide) { fun(Float y) => x/y; }
    return fun;

The rules for definite initialization of values apply equally to functions defined this way.

Definite return

While we're on the topic, it's worth noting that the Ceylon compiler, just like the Java compiler, also performs definite return checking, to ensure that a function or getter always has an explicitly specified return value. So, this code compiles without error:

String greeting {
    if (person==me) {
        return "You're beautiful!";
    else {
        return "You're ugly!";

But the following code results in an error at compile time:

String greeting {   //error: greeting does not definitely return
    if (person==me) {
        return "You're beautiful!";
    //or otherwise? what now?


Classes with initializer parameters are very convenient almost all of the time, but very occasionally we run into the need for a class with two or more completely separate initialization paths. For this relatively rare case, Ceylon allows you to write a class with separate constructors.


A class with initializer parameters can't have constructors, so if we need to add a constructor to a class, the first thing we need to do is rewrite it without initializer parameters.

Default constructors

Let's take our trusty Polar class, and rewrite it to use a default constructor:

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared new (Float angle, Float radius) {
        this.angle = angle;
        this.radius = radius;

    shared Polar rotate(Float rotation) 
            => Polar(angle+rotation, radius);

    shared Polar dilate(Float dilation) 
            => Polar(angle, radius*dilation);

    shared String description 
            = "(``radius``,``angle``)";


This looks a great deal like a constructor declaration in Java or C#, except that we write the keyword new instead of the name of the class.

The good news is that this refactoring didn't break any clients, who can still instantiate Polar like this:

print(Polar(0.37, 10.0));

Unlike Java and C#, we can't overload a default constructor. Instead, we must give a distinct name to each additional constructor of the class.

Constructors are considered to belong to the initializer section of the class, so in this case the initializer section extends until the end of the default constructor declaration.

Of course, all the usual language guarantees about definite initialization are still in force, and the compiler will make sure that every constructor of a class leaves all members of the class fully initialized.

Named constructors

A named constructor declaration looks just like a default constructor, except that it declares an initial-lowercase name:

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared new (Float angle, Float radius) {
        this.angle = angle;
        this.radius = radius;

    shared new copy(Polar polar) {
        this.angle = polar.angle;
        this.radius = polar.radius;

    shared Polar rotate(Float rotation) 
            => Polar(angle+rotation, radius);

    shared Polar dilate(Float dilation) 
            => Polar(angle, radius*dilation);

    string => "(``radius``,``angle``)";


A reference to a named constructor must be qualified by the class name, except within the body of the class itself:

value pt = Polar(0.37, 10.0);

Constructor delegation

A constructor may delegate:

  • to another constructor of the class to which it belongs, whose declaration occurs earlier in the body of the class, or
  • directly to a constructor of its superclass or to the initializer of its superclass, if any.

Constructor delegation is specified using extends:

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared new (Float angle, Float radius) {
        this.angle = angle;
        this.radius = radius;

    shared new copy(Polar polar)
        extends Polar(polar.angle, polar.radius) {}

    shared new onHorizontalAxis(Float distance)
        extends Polar(0.0, distance) {}

    shared Polar rotate(Float rotation) 
            => Polar(angle+rotation, radius);

    shared Polar dilate(Float dilation) 
            => Polar(angle, radius*dilation);

    string => "(``radius``,``angle``)";


If a class directly extends the default superclass Basic, and the constructor does not explicitly delegate to another constructor, it is understood to implicitly delegate to the initializer of Basic.

Constructors of a class which does not directly extend Basic must explicitly delegate.

Since constructors are restricted to delegate backwards, the general flow of member initialization in Ceylon is preserved: initialization flows forward from the beginning of the body of the class, and each member must be initialized before it is used. The gory details are covered here.

Partial constructors

A partial constructor allows multiple constructors of a class to shared part of the initialization logic. Unlike a regular constructor, a partial constructor:

  • is not required to leave every member of the class initialized, but
  • may only be called from the extends clause of another constructor of the same class, and,
  • therefore, may not be declared shared.

Partial constructors must be annotated abstract:

class Point {
    shared Float x;
    shared Float y;
    shared String label;

    //partial constructor
    abstract new xy(Float x, Float y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    //default constructor
    shared new (Float x, Float y) 
            extends xy(x, y) {
        label = "";

    //named constructor
    shared new withLabel(Float x, Float y, String label) 
            extends xy(x, y) {
        this.label = label;

In this example, the partial constructor Point.xy() leaves the label uninitialized, which means that the regular constructors which delegate to xy() must each complete the initialization of the class by assigning a value to label.

Constructors and extension

When a class with a constructor extends a class with an initializer or default constructor, it specifies just the name of the extended class in the extends clause, and a regular instantiation in the extends clause of the constructor:

class Person(String name) {}

class Employee 
        extends Person { //just the class name
    shared new withName(String name) 
            extends Person(name) {} //instantiation

When a class with an initializer extends a class with a named constructor, it may specify the constructor invocation in its extends clause:

class Person {
    String name;
    shared new withName(String name) { = name;

class Employee(String name) 
        extends Person.withName(name) {} //constructor invocation

When a class with a constructor extends a class with a named constructor, it specifies just the name of the extended class in the extends clause, and a regular constructor invocation in the extends clause of the constructor:

class Person {
    String name;
    shared new withName(String name) { = name;

class Employee 
        extends Person { //just the class name
    shared new withName(String name) 
            extends Person.withName(name) {} //constructor invocation
class Employee 
        extends Person { //just the class name
    shared new withName(String name) 
            extends super.withName(name) {} //super constructor invocation
class Person {
    String name;
    shared new withName(String name) { = name;
    shared new withFirstAndLast(String first, String last) { = first + ' ' + last;

class Employee 
        extends Person {
    shared new withName(String name) 
            extends super.withName(name) {}
    shared new withFirstAndLast(String first, String last) 
            extends super.withFirstAndLast(first, last) {}

Value constructors

A value constructor is a constructor that:

  • takes no parameters, and
  • is executed exactly once for the context to which the class belongs.

Value constructors of toplevel classes are singletons.

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared new (Float angle, Float radius) {
        this.angle = angle;
        this.radius = radius;

    shared new copy(Polar polar)
        extends Polar(polar.angle, polar.radius) {}

    shared new onHorizontalAxis(Float distance)
        extends Polar(0.0, distance) {}

    shared new origin extends onHorizontalAxis(0.0) {}

    shared Polar rotate(Float rotation) 
            => Polar(angle+rotation, radius);

    shared Polar dilate(Float dilation) 
            => Polar(angle, radius*dilation);

    string => "(``radius``,``angle``)";


A reference to a value constructor must be qualified by the class name, except within the body of the class itself:


Value constructor enumerations

Finally we've arrived at an alternative, more satisfying, way to emulate a Java enum. We've already seen how to do it using anonymous classes, but we can also use value constructors:

class Suit of hearts | diamonds | clubs | spades {
    String name;
    shared new hearts { name = "hearts"; }
    shared new diamonds { name = "diamonds"; }
    shared new clubs { name = "clubs"; }
    shared new spades { name = "spades"; }

We can use this enumerated type in a switch:

void printSuit(Suit suit) {
    switch (suit)
    case (Suit.hearts) { print("Heartzes"); }
    case ( { print("Diamondzes"); }
    case (Suit.clubs) { print("Clidubs"); }
    case (Suit.spades) { print("Spidades"); }

You're probably wondering why Ceylon would provide two different ways to do essentially the same thing. Well, the thing is that according to the language specification, an object actually is a value constructor!

When we write:

object thing {}

That's really just a syntactic abbreviation for:

class \Ithing {
    shared new thing {}
\Ithing thing => \Ithing.thing;

Static members

You're probably familiar with the idea of a static member which comes up in many object-oriented languages, including C++, Java, and C#. Languages like Smalltalk and Ruby feature an almost identical concept called class members.

We don't have nearly as much use for static members in Ceylon as in Java, since we usually just use toplevel methods or values instead. However, there are occasionally good reasons for preferring a static member to a toplevel:

  • when a function needs to access private members of a class,
  • when a class needs to define private state or constants that are shared by all instances, without polluting the namespace of the whole package, or
  • to define "factory functions".

Restrictions on static members

Now, of course, there's no current instance for a static member, so within a static member we can't:

  • make use of this or super,
  • use parameters of the class it belongs to, or
  • call non-static members without providing an instance of the class or interface.

Therefore, Ceylon doesn't let us write something like this:

class Class(String name) {
    void instanceMethod() {}
    static void staticMethod() {} //error!

In this code, it looks like staticMethod() should have access to both the parameter name, and the method instanceMethod(), since they're both in scope, according to the usual scoping rules of the language.

So, both interfaces and classes may declare static members, but, in order to respect the block structure of the language, there's two important restrictions on static members of classes:

  • only a class with constructors may define static members, and
  • static members must be defined right at the start of the class, before the initializer section, before the constructors of the class, and before any regular non-static members of the class.

A nested interface, class, or anonymous class may not declare static members.

Declaring a static member

We indicate that a method, value, or nested class is static by annotating it:

shared class Greeting {
    //static members
    static String hello = "Hello";
    shared static void sayHello() => print(hello);

    //initializer section
    String name;
    shared new (String name) { = name;

    //instance method
    shared void greet() => print(hello + " " + name);

Notice how the body of the class is laid out as three different sections:

  • static member declarations come first,
  • followed by the initializer, along with constructors,
  • and then the declaration section.

References to static members

Static members are invoked directly on the class or interface itself:


This is a sort of static reference, just like what we met earlier in the tour. The difference here is that:

  • whereas, if sayHello() where a regular non-static method, the type of Greeting.sayHello would be Anything(Greeting)(),
  • in this case, since sayHello() is static, it has the type Anything(), allowing us to invoke the method without providing an instance of Greeting.

Tip: using static to define a factory

We can use the static in conjunction with the idiom for lazy initialization to define a factory:

shared class Greeting {
    //static member
    static String hello = "Hello";

    //a static factory
    shared static variable Greeting? forWorld = null;
    shared static Greeting forWholeWorld
            => forWorld else (forWorld = Greeting("world"));

    //initializer section
    String name;
    shared new (String name) { = name;

    //instance method
    shared void greet() => print(hello + " " + name);

We can call the factory as if it were a constructor:


Unlike in Java, the type parameters of class are considered in scope within the definition of a static member. This lets us call factory functions for generic classes using the same syntax we just to call a constructor.


In Ceylon 1.3, static interface members are not supported on Java 7. A Java 8 compiler and runtime is required.

There's more...

You can read more about constructors here.

Now, we're going to discuss annotations, and take a little peek at using the metamodel to build framework code.