Dynamic typing and interoperation with JavaScript

Interoperation with a dynamic language like JavaScript poses a special challenge for Ceylon. Since no typing information for dynamically typed values is available at compile time, the compiler can't validate the usual typing rules of the language. Therefore, Ceylon lets us write dynamically typed code where typechecking is performed at runtime.

We're not allowed to write dynamically typed code in a regular pure-Ceylon module, so let's see how to define a module that interoperates with native JavaScript code.

Defining a native JavaScript module

Before we can start writing code that interacts with dynamically-typed JavaScript code, we must declare a native JavaScript module using the native annotation.

native ("js") module hello {}

Or, alternatively, we must declare a native function or class within a regular cross-platform module.

native ("js")
void hello() {
    dynamic {

We've already seen how to define a native Java module in the previous chapter, and the approach here is very similar.

Tip: defining an operation with a native header

When writing a cross-platform module that interacts with native Java and JavaScript code, we usually need to define native functions and classes that work on both platforms. In this case, we use a native header.

//native header
native void hello();

//native implementation for the JVM
native ("jvm") void hello() {
    import java.lang { System }

//native implementation for JavaScript
native ("js") void hello() {
    dynamic {

//cross-platform function that calls
//the native function
shared void run() => hello();

Once we have a native header, we can safely call the native functions from non-native cross-platform Ceylon code.

We're not going to delve further into the topic of native code in cross-platform modules as part of this tour, but you can read more here, and find lots of examples in the source code of the language module and other Ceylon platform modules.

StringBuilder is a great starting point.

Dynamic typing

Now that we know how to declare a native("js") module or function, we can start writing code which uses dynamic typing. When we talk about "dynamic typing", we're talking about the absence of information—we're saying that we're missing information about the type of a thing at compile time.

Partially typed declarations

The keyword dynamic may be used to declare a function or value with missing type information. Such a declaration is called partially typed.

dynamic xmlHttpRequest = ... ;

void handle(dynamic event) { ... }

dynamic findDomNode(String id) { ... }

Note that dynamic is not itself a type. Rather, it represents the absence of typing information. Therefore any value is considered assignable to a dynamic value or returnable by a dynamic function, whatever its type, and whether we know its type or not.

Dynamically typed expressions

A dynamically typed expression is an expression that involves references to program elements for which no typing information is available. That includes references to values and functions declared dynamic, along with things defined in a dynamic language like JavaScript.

A dynamically typed expression may only occur within a dynamic block. The dynamic block serves to suppress certain type checks that the compiler normally performs.

dynamic xmlHttpRequest;
dynamic {
    xmlHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest();

void handle(dynamic event) {
    dynamic {

Note: you cannot make use of a partially typed declaration outside of a dynamic block. The following is not accepted by the compiler:

void handle(dynamic event) {
    print(event.info); //compile error: event has unknown type

When a dynamically typed expression is evaluated, certain runtime type checks are performed, which can result in a runtime typing exception. For example, in the code examples above, the compiler can't determine at compile time:

  • whether there really is a function named XMLHttpRequest, nor
  • whether event has a member named info.

Therefore, the expressions XMLHttpRequest() and event.info can, in principle, result in a runtime error when evaluated.

Interoperating with native JavaScript

The reason Ceylon supports partially typed declarations and dynamically typed expressions is to allow interoperation with JavaScript objects written in JavaScript. The next example illustrates the use of a native JavaScript API. Try it:

dynamic { 
    dynamic req = XMLHttpRequest();
    req.open("HEAD", "https://try.ceylon-lang.org/", true);
    req.onreadystatechange = () {
        if (req.readyState == 4) {
            String headers = req.getAllResponseHeaders();
            for (header in headers.lines) {
                print(header.replaceFirst(": ", " = "));

Note that this code isn't very different in appearance or semantics to what one would write in JavaScript itself. To port a fragment of JavaScript code to Ceylon, often the only thing you need to do is replace var and function with dynamic!


A dynamic reference to a native JavaScript object like xmlHttpRequest or event lacks a known type at compile time. Moreover, the actual JavaScript object itself lacks a Ceylon class at runtime.

We can't even assign the JavaScript object to Ceylon's Object type, since it doesn't have the operations declared by Object (string, equals(), and hash). Nor can we assign it to the enumerated type Anything, since it's neither an Object, nor null.

But of course that's not true for every value that can be assigned to a dynamic reference. For example, the following values are instances of Ceylon's Object type:

  • JavaScript Strings, Numbers, and Booleans,
  • every object obtained by instantiating a Ceylon class, and,
  • as we're just about to see, any native JavaScript object assigned to a dynamic interface type.

Let's learn about dynamic interfaces.

Dynamic interfaces

Writing dynamically-typed code is a frustrating, tedious, error-prone activity involving lots of debugging and lots of finger-typing, since the IDE can't autocomplete the names of members of a dynamic type, nor even show us the documentation of an object or member when we hover over it.

Therefore, Ceylon makes it possible to write a special sort of interface that captures the typing information that is missing from a JavaScript API. For example:

dynamic IXMLHttpRequest {
    shared formal void open(String method, String url, Boolean async);
    shared formal variable Anything()? onreadystatechange;
    shared formal void send();
    shared formal Integer readyState;
    shared formal String? getAllResponseHeaders();
    //TODO: more operations

IXMLHttpRequest newXMLHttpRequest() {
    dynamic { return XMLHttpRequest(); }

Now we can rewrite the example above, without the use of dynamic, using regular static typing:

IXMLHttpRequest req = newXMLHttpRequest();
req.open("HEAD", "https://try.ceylon-lang.org/", true);
req.onreadystatechange = () {
    if (req.readyState==4) {

Thus, it's possible to create Ceylon libraries that provide a typesafe view of native JavaScript APIs.


Note that a dynamic interface is a convenient fiction! The Ceylon compiler can't do anything at compilation time to ensure that the native JavaScript object you assign to the dynamic interface type actually implements the operations that the interface declares!

So, if you're not careful when writing your dynamic interface, or when assigning a dynamically typed value to a dynamic interface type, you can still get runtime type exceptions!

Runtime type checks for assignment to dynamic interfaces

When, at runtime, a dynamically typed expression is evaluated and assigned to a dynamic interface type, a runtime type check is performed to verify that either the assigned value:

  • is already "known" to be an instance of the type (it has previously been "tagged" as an instance of the dynamic interface type), or, if not, that it
  • has a member with the right name for every member of the dynamic interface, and that each member has the expected type.

In the second case, the value may be tagged as an instance of the dynamic interface type.


Note that this runtime typecheck is far from foolproof! In an environment as dynamic as JavaScript, there are all sorts of ways to defeat it. However, it's a basic sanity check that will help you find bugs faster, and make it easier to trace them to their root cause.

Dynamic interfaces in is conditions

An is condition for a dynamic interface, for example, is IXMLHttpRequest val, is only satisfied if the value val has previously been assigned to the dynamic interface type. For a native JavaScript object that has never been assigned to a dynamic interface type, an is condition is never satisfied.

dynamic Window {
    shared formal void alert(String message);

dynamic {
    print(window is Window);
    Window w = window;
    print(window is Window);

This behavior is unintuitive but reasonable.

As a special exception, an is condition in an assert statement will first attempt to coerce a value which has not been tagged as an instance of any Ceylon type to the specified dynamic interface type by performing the runtime checks outlined above, and then tagging the value as an instance of the type. This coercion never occurs in if, while, or switch conditions!

Dynamic instantiation expressions

Occasionally it's necessary to instantiate a JavaScript Array or plain JavaScript Object (which is not the same thing as a Ceylon Object!). We may use a special-purpose dynamic enumeration expression. This comes in two flavors:

  • with named arguments, to instantiate a JavaScript Object, or
  • with positional arguments, to instantiate a JavaScript Array.

The example demonstrates both flavors:

dynamic {
    dynamic obj = dynamic [ hello = "Hello, World"; count = 11; ];

    dynamic arr = dynamic [ 12, 13, 14 ];
    for (n in arr) {
    print(13 in arr);
    print(15 in arr);

Notice how we've used:

  • the lookup operator [] to obtain elements of the JavaScript array and attributes of the JavaScript object,
  • for to iterate the elements of the JavaScript array, and
  • in to determine if a value belongs to the array.

It's even possible to use the spread operator, or a comprehension inside a dynamic enumeration expression:

dynamic {
    dynamic oneToTen = dynamic [*(1..10)];
    dynamic letters = dynamic [for (ch in "hello") ch.uppercased];

Furthermore, we can define named functions, values and objects in a dynamic enumeration:

dynamic {
    dynamic obj = dynamic [ 
        void greet() => print("Hello!");
        value time = system.milliseconds;
        object thing { string => "Just some object"; }

Thus, a dynamic enumeration expression accepts the full syntax of a named argument list.


A dynamic enumeration expression is not considered to produce an instance of a Ceylon class, and the resulting value is not even considered an instance of Ceylon's Object type. This code produces an exception at runtime:

dynamic {
    dynamic obj = dynamic [ name = "Ceylon"; ];
    Object thing = obj;

The reason for this is that the value produced by the dynamic enumeration expression just doesn't have the operations of Object (string, equals(), and hash).

Tip: assigning a dynamic enumeration to a dynamic interface type

On the other hand, if you assign the value produced by a dynamic enumeration expression to a dynamic interface type, you'll get something that is a Ceylon Object.

dynamic Named {
    shared formal String name;
    shared formal void greet();

dynamic {
    dynamic obj = dynamic [
        name = "Ceylon"; 
        void greet() => print("Hello!");
    print(obj is Object);
    print(obj is Named);
    Named named = obj;  //assigns a Ceylon type to obj
    print(obj is Named);
    print(obj is Object);

Run this code to see the effect of the assignment to the dynamic interface type Named.

Now try removing the definition of greet from the dynamic value, leaving the following unsound code:

dynamic Named {
    shared formal String name;
    shared formal void greet();

dynamic {
    dynamic obj = dynamic [
        name = "Ceylon";
        //missing definition of greet()
    Named named = obj;  //runtime error!

Run this code to see it how cleanly it fails at runtime.

Importing npm packages containing native JavaScript code

A Ceylon module may express a dependency on a native JavaScript module by importing the module from npm (the node package manager), specifying the npm: repository type:

native ("js")
module com.example.npm "1.0.0" {

    import npm:"left-pad" "1.1.3";
    import npm:"fast-html-parser" "1.0.1";
    import npm:"express" "4.15.3";

    import npm:"request":"api" "0.6.0";
    import npm:"request":"client" "0.1.0";


Note that npm package names are quoted, and may have one or two elements:

  • an npm package like fast-html-parser with only a package name and no scope may be specified using the syntax npm:"fast-html-parser", but
  • a scoped npm package like @request/api where request is a scope and api is the package name, must be specified using the syntax npm:"request":"api".

Package names for imported modules

An npm: module import results in a Ceylon package containing the things exported by the npm package. The name of this Ceylon package is constructed by replacing every - and _ in the npm scope and package name with ..

For example, for the npm packages imported above, the resulting Ceylon packages are:

  • left.pad
  • fast.html.parser
  • express
  • request.api
  • request.client


We must explicitly import things by name from these packages. This wildcard import statement does nothing:

import request.api { ... }  //doesn't import anything

Gotcha again!

There's no way to know about the things exported by a native JavaScript module at compile time, so the names listed in an import statement for an npm package aren't checked by the Ceylon compiler!

CommonJS packages

Most npm modules respect the CommonJS format, exporting only named entries. Exported functions and objects may be imported by name from the corresponding Ceylon package.

import fast.html.parser { parseHtml = parse, Matcher }

A function or object imported from an npm package is dynamically typed and may only be called from within in a dynamic block.

Non-standard packages

Some npm packages don't follow the CommonJS format and instead export a single function or object. In this case, the exported function or object is available for import using a name constructed from the npm package name (ignoring the scope prefix) by replacing every -, _, and . with a "camel hump". For example:

import left.pad { leftPad }
import request.api { api }
import request.client { client }

void run() {
    dynamic {
        for (i in 1..10) {
            print(leftPad("hello", i));

If the exported function or object has members, then these members are may be imported by name.

import express { express, request, response }

Tip: installation of npm packages

Both the compile-js and the run-js commands will automatically install npm packages named by npm: imports if needed. A node_modules directory will be created under the working directory.

Tip: publishing Ceylon modules to npm

If you wish to export your own Ceylon module to npm, you can specify the npm package name explicitly in the module descriptor:

native ("js")
module com.example.npm          //Ceylon module name
        npm:"ceylon-example"    //npm package name
        "1.0.0" {               //module version
    import npm:"left-pad" "1.1.3";

Now, after compiling the module with ceylon compile-js, you can run npm publish from the module's directory in the output module repository.

For publishing scoped packages, use the same syntax as for importing scoped packages e.g. npm:"myscope":"ceylon-example".

There's more ...

Well, no, actually, we've finished the tour! Of course, there's still plenty of scope for you to explore Ceylon on your own. You should now know enough to start writing Ceylon code for yourself, and start getting to know the platform modules.

Alternatively, if you want to keep reading you can browse the reference documentation or (if you're sitting comfortably) read the specification.