Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.2, not to the current release.
Streams, sequences, and tuples
This is the sixth leg of the Tour of Ceylon. In the previous leg we covered anonymous classes and member classes. Now we're going to look at streams, sequences, and tuples. These are examples of generic container objects. Don't worry, we'll come back to talk more about generics later.
Streams (Iterables)
An iterable object, or stream, is an object that produces a stream of
values. Streams satisfy the interface
Ceylon provides some syntax sugar for working with streams:
- the type
represents a stream that might not produce any values when it is iterated, and may be abbreviated{X*}
, and - the type
represents a stream that always produces at least one value when it is iterated, and is usually abbreviated{X+}
We may construct an instance of Iterable
using braces:
{String+} words = { "hello", "world" };
{String+} moreWords = { "hola", "mundo", *words };
The prefix *
is called the spread operator. It "spreads" the values of a
stream. So moreWords
produces the values "hola", "mundo", "hello", "world"
when iterated.
As we'll see later, the braces may even contain a comprehension, making them much more powerful than what you see here.
is a subtype of the interface
so we can use the in
operator to test if a value is produced by the
if (exists char = text[i],
char in {',', '.', '!', '?', ';', ':'}) {
"index must be between 1 and 100"
assert (index in 1..100);
The in
operator is just syntactic sugar for the method
Iterating a stream
To iterate an instance of Iterable
, we can use a
for (word in moreWords) {
(Note that in this context, the in
keyword isn't the operator we just met
above, it's just part of the syntax of the for
If, for any reason, we need an index for each element produced by a stream,
we can use a special variation of the for
loop that is designed for
iterating streams of Entry
for (i -> word in moreWords.indexed) {
print("``i``: ``word``");
The indexed
attribute returns a stream of entries containing the indexed elements of
the original stream.
(Note: the arrow ->
is syntax sugar for the class Entry
. So we can
write the type of the entry stream as {<Integer->String>*}
It's often useful to be able to iterate two sequences at once. The
comes in handy here:
for (name -> place in zipEntries(names,places)) {
print(name + " @ " + place);
Now there's one more very important thing to know when you start mixing streams with mutable objects, variables, or impure functions. This is a common source of error for folks new to Ceylon.
Streams created using the { ... }
syntax are always lazy. That is:
- their elements are not evaluated until the stream is iterated, and
- each element is reevaluated each time the stream is iterated.
Consider this code:
variable value counter = 0;
value stream = { for (i in 0:5) counter++ }; //curly braces means LAZY!
print(stream); //evaluate elements
print(stream); //reevaluate elements
The code prints:
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }
{ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
If this behavior is not what you're looking for, you'll need a different sort of stream! One option is to use a sequence instead.
variable value counter = 0;
value stream = [ for (i in 0:5) counter++ ]; //square brackets means EAGER!
print(stream); //elements already evaluated
print(stream); //elements already evaluated
This code prints:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
An even more confusing example arises when one attempts to form a stream by incrementally "cons"-ing elements at the head of the stream. A first, naive attempt might look like this:
variable value stream = { 0 };
stream = { 1, *stream };
stream = { 2, *stream };
This code results in an infinite stream of 2
s, instead of the stream {2,1,0}
That's because the spread references to stream
is evaluated lazily!
The recommended solution is to use the follow()
method, which forces the
references to stream
to be evaluated eagerly:
variable value stream = { 0 };
stream = stream.follow(1);
stream = stream.follow(2);
Alternatively, one could use a sequence:
variable [Integer+] sequence = [0];
sequence = [1, *sequence];
sequence = [2, *sequence];
So now, naturally, its time to learn about sequences.
Some kind of array or list construct is a universal feature of all programming
languages. The Ceylon language module defines support for sequence types via
the interfaces Sequential
and Empty
Again, there is some syntax sugar associated with sequences:
- the type
represents a sequence that may be empty, and may be abbreviated[X*]
, - the type
represents a nonempty sequence, and may be abbreviated[X+]
, and - the type
represents an empty sequence and is abbreviated[]
Some operations of the type Sequence
aren't defined by Sequential
, so you
can't call them if all you have is X[]
. Therefore, we need the
if (nonempty ... )
construct to gain access to these operations.
void printBounds(String[] strings) {
if (nonempty strings) {
//strings is of type [String+] here
print(strings.first + ".." + strings.last);
else {
Notice how this is just a continuation of the
pattern established for
value handling. In fact, both these constructs are just syntactic
abbreviations for type narrowing:
if (nonempty strings)
is an abbreviation forif (is [String+] strings)
, just like -
if (exists name)
is an abbreviation forif (is Object name)
Sequence syntax sugar
There's lots more syntactic sugar for sequences. We can use a bunch of familiar Java-like syntax:
String[] operators = [ "+", "-", "*", "/" ];
String? plus = operators[0];
String[] multiplicative = operators[2..3];
Oh, and the expression []
evaluates to an instance of Empty
[] none = [];
However, unlike Java, all these syntactic constructs are pure abbreviations. The code above is exactly equivalent to the following de-sugared code:
Sequential<String> operators = ... ;
Null|String plus = operators.get(0);
Sequential<String> multiplicative = operators.span(2,3);
(We'll come back to what the list of values in brackets means in a minute!)
The Sequential
interface extends
so we can iterate a Sequential
using a for
for (op in operators) {
A Range
is a kind of Sequence
. The span
function creates a Range
. The following:
Character[] uppercaseLetters = 'A'..'Z';
Integer[] countDown = 10..0;
Is just sugar for:
Sequential<Character> uppercaseLetters = span('A','Z');
Sequential<Integer> countDown = span(10,0);
In fact, this is just a sneak preview of the fact that almost all operators in Ceylon are just sugar for method calls upon a type. We'll come back to this later, when we talk about operator polymorphism.
Ceylon doesn't need C-style for
loops. Instead, combine for
with the
range operator:
variable Integer fac=1;
for (n in 1..100) {
print("Factorial ``n``! = ``fac``");
Sequence and its supertypes
It's probably a good time to see some more advanced Ceylon code. What better place to find some than in the language module itself?
You can find the API documentation and source code of
online, or you can go to Navigate > Open Ceylon Declaration...
to view the
declaration of Sequential
directly inside Ceylon IDE.
The most important operations of Sequential
are inherited from
and Iterable
provides the capability to access elements of the sequence by index, and -
provides the ability to iterate the elements of the sequence.
Now open the class Range
in the IDE, to see a concrete implementation of the Sequence
Empty sequences and the bottom type
Finally, check out the definition of
Notice that Empty
is declared to be a subtype of List<Nothing>
. This special
type Nothing
, often called the bottom type, represents:
- the empty set, or equivalently
- the intersection of all types.
Since the empty set is a subset of all other sets, Nothing
is assignable to
all other types. Why is this useful here? Well, Correspondence<Integer,Element>
and Iterable<Element>
are both covariant in the type parameter Element
. So
is assignable to Correspondence<Integer,T>
and Iterable<T>
for any
type T
. That's why Empty
doesn't need a type parameter.
Since there are no actual instances of Nothing
, if you ever see an attribute
or method of type Nothing
, you know for certain that it can't possibly ever
return a value. There is only one possible way that such an operation can
terminate: by throwing an exception.
Another cool thing to notice here is the return type of the
of Empty
. You might have been expecting to see Nothing?
here, since they
override supertype members of type T?
. But as we saw in the
first part of the Tour, Nothing?
is just an abbreviation for
. And Nothing
is the empty set, so the union Nothing|T
with any other type T
is just T
The Ceylon compiler is able to do all this reasoning automatically. So when
it sees an Iterable<Nothing>
, it knows that the operation first
is of type
, i.e. that its value is null
Cool, huh?
Sequence gotchas for Java developers
Superficially, a sequence type looks a lot like a Java array, but really it's
very, very different! First, of course, a sequence type Sequential<String>
an immutable interface, it's not a mutable concrete type like an array. We
can't set the value of an element:
String[] operators = .... ;
operators[0] = "^"; //compile error
Furthermore, the index operation operators[i]
returns an optional type
, which results in quite different code idioms. To begin with, we
don't iterate sequences by index like in C or Java. The following code does
not compile:
for (i in 0..operators.size-1) {
String op = operators[i]; //compile error
// ...
Here, operators[i]
is a String?
, which is not directly assignable to
Instead, if we need access to the index, we use the special form of for
shown below.
for (i -> op in operators.indexed) {
// ...
Likewise, we don't usually do an upfront check of an index against the sequence length:
if (i>operators.size-1) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundException();
else {
return operators[i]; //compile error
Instead, we do the check after accessing the sequence element:
if (exists op = operators[i]) {
return op;
else {
throw IndexOutOfBoundException();
Indeed, this is a common use for assert
assert (exists op = operators[i]);
return op;
We especially don't ever need to write the following:
if (i>operators.size-1) {
return "";
else {
return operators[i]; //compile error
This is much cleaner:
return operators[i] else "";
All this may take a little getting used to. But what's nice is that all the
exact same idioms also apply to other kinds of Correspondence
, including
s .
A tuple is a linked list which captures the static type of each individual element in the list. For example:
[Float,Float,String] point = [0.0, 0.0, "origin"];
This tuple contains two Float
s followed by a String
. That information
is captured in its static type, [Float,Float,String]
Each link of the list is an instance of the class
If you really must know, the code above is syntax sugar for the following:
point = Tuple(0.0, Tuple(0.0, Tuple("origin", [])));
Therefore, we always use syntax sugar when working with tuples.
extends Sequence
, so we can do all the usual kinds of sequency
things to a tuple, iterate it, and so on. As with sequences, we can access
a tuple element by index. But in the case of a tuple, Ceylon is able to
determine the type of the element when the index is a literal integer:
Float x = point[0];
Float y = point[1];
String label = point[2];
Null zippo = point[3];
A unterminated tuple is a tuple where the last link in the list is
a sequence, not an Empty
. For example:
String[] labels = ... ;
[Float,Float,String*] point = [0.0, 0.0, *labels];
This tuple contains two Float
s followed by an unknown number of String
Now we can see that a sequence type like [String*]
or [String+]
be viewed as a degenerate tuple type!
Individually accessing the elements of a tuple by numeric index can be a little verbose, so Ceylon supports a sophisticated sort of parallel assignment called destructuring. We can rewrite the code above like this:
value [x, y, label] = point;
This introduces three new values, x
and y
of inferred type Float
and label
of inferred type String
The syntax [x, y, label]
is called a tuple pattern.
We can even use destructuring in for
for ([x, y, label] in points) {
print("``label``: (``x``, ``y``)");
And in if
if (nonempty [name, *rest] = process.arguments) {
print("Hello ``name``!");
And in let
print(let ([x, y] = [1.0, 2.0]) "(``x``, ``y``)");
We can also destructure Entry
s. We've already seen this used in a
for (i -> op in operators.indexed) {
// ...
The syntax i -> op
is called an entry pattern.
More complex destructuring patterns may be formed by nesting tuple and entry patterns, for example:
for (i -> [en, es] in translations.indexed) {
print("``i``: ``en`` ``es``");
Ceylon doesn't yet support destructuring in the case
s of a switch
but that's something that will definitely be added to a future release
of the language.
There's more...
If you're interested, you can find a more in-depth discussion of tuples here.
You can read more about destructuring here.
Next up we'll explore some more details of the type system, starting with type aliases and type inference.