Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.2, not to the current release.
Interoperation with Java
Ceylon is designed to execute in a virtual machine environment (loosely speaking, in an environment with built-in garbage collection), but it doesn't have its own native virtual machine. Instead, it "borrows" a virtual machine designed for some other language. For now the options are:
- the Java Virtual Machine, or
- a JavaScript virtual machine.
In this chapter, we're going to learn about how to interoperate with native code running on the Java Virtual Machine. In the next chapter we'll discuss JavaScript.
Depending on the Java SDK
A Ceylon program can only use native code belonging to a module. In particular, the Java SE SDK is available as a set of modules, according to the modularization proposed by the Jigsaw project. So to make use of the Java SE SDK we need to import one or more of these modules. For example:
- the module
contains core packages includingjava.lang
, - the module
contains the AWT and Swing desktop UI frameworks, and -
contains the JDBC API.
So, if we need to use the Java collections framework in our
Ceylon program, we need to create a Ceylon module that depends
on java.base
module org.jboss.example "1.0.0" {
import java.base "7";
Now, we can simply import the Java class we're interested in and use it like any ordinary Ceylon class:
import java.util { HashMap }
void hashyFun() {
value hashMap = HashMap<String,Object>();
TODO: instructions for using JavaFX here.
Depending on a Java archive
To make use of native code belonging to a packaged .jar
archive, you have two options:
- add the archive to a Ceylon module repository, along with
JBoss Modules metadata defined in a
file, or - import the archive directly from a legacy Maven repository.
A module.xml
file specifies dependency
information for a .jar
- The format of the
file is documented here, and - the
descriptor format is defined here.
If you're using Ceylon IDE, and you don't want to write the
descriptor by hand, go to
File > Export ... > Ceylon > Java Archive to Module Repository
The Ceylon module architecture interoperates with Maven via Aether. You can find more information here.
Deploying Ceylon on OSGi
Ceylon is fully interoperable with OSGI, so that Ceylon modules:
- can be deployed as pure OSGI bundles in an OSGI container out-of-the-box without any modification of the module archive file,
- can embed additional OSGI metadata, to declare services for example,
- can easily use OSGI standard services
This provides a great and straightforward opportunity to run Ceylon code inside a growing number of JEE application servers or enterprise containers that are based upon (or integrated with) OSGI.
Installing the Ceylon distribution / Ceylon SDK in an OSGI container
In order to be able to resolve and start Ceylon module archives (.car
inside an OSGI container, you will first need to install, in the OSGI container,
all the bundles of the Ceylon distribution and SDK.
These bundles are available in a dedicated location on the Ceylon language web site under various delivery forms:
- OSGI bundle repositories (OBR and R5 XML), for Felix-based containers for example,
- P2 repositories for Eclipse development or deployment to an Equinox container,
- Zip archives for direct deployment inside containers,
- Apache Karaf (aka JBoss Fuse) features
The OSGI interoperability reference gives more details about the URLs providing these packages, as well as how to install these bundles, for various containers
OSGI metadata management
Module archives generated for execution on the Java virtual machine already contain the OSGI metadata that can be deduced from the Ceylon module descriptor.
More precisely, for the following module descriptor:
native("jvm") module example.pureCeylon "3.1.0" {
import ceylon.locale "1.2.2";
import java.base "7";
shared import "1.2.2";
the following OSGI metadata will be automatically generated in the module archive
Bundle-SymbolicName: example.pureCeylon
Bundle-Version: 3.1.0.v20160311-1742
Export-Package: example.pureCeylon;version=3.1.0
Require-Bundle: com.redhat.ceylon.dist;bundle-version=1.2.2;visibility
The Ceylon module imports are translated into a Require-Bundle
header, and
imports are translated into a reexport
directive.The java.base "7"
import is translated into a Require-Capability
header that requires the same
Java version.
Note that the com.redhat.ceylon.dist
bundle is systematically and implicitly
added as a dependency to all generated Ceylon archives.
However it is also possible to customize the OSGI metadata of the generated archive in 2 ways:
Additional manifest entries or resources (such as a desclarative service descriptor) can be added by simply adding resources as explained below.
Module imports that correspond to dependencies provided by the OSGI container (such as the OSGI framework bundle or any bundle assumed to be available in the OSGI container) should be omitted from the generated
header. The--osgi-provided-bundles=<modules>
option of theceylon compile
command allows specifying those modules. The same list can also be specified in the compiler section of the configuration file.
Generally, once omitted from the Require-Bundle
header, the dependencies to
provided bundles should be declared in an Import-Package
header added in the
resource, as mentioned in point 1.
Ceylon metamodel registration
In order to be able to fully leverage the power of the Ceylon language, the metamodel
should be initialized for each module used by a Ceylon application. It is automatically
performed when running from the command line through the ceylon run
command, but in
an OSGi container it should be done when starting the Ceylon module. The Ceylon OSGI
distribution provides an easy way to register the metamodel for a module, as well as
for all the modules transitively imported.
This can be done by adding an OSGI activator class to the Ceylon module, that performs
this metamodel registration. The com.redhat.ceylon.dist
OSGI bundle, implicitly
required by all Ceylon modules, already provides such an activator class:
So if you don't need to do anything else in your OSGI Ceylon bundle at startup, you can simply add the following line to your MANIFEST.MF resource:
Bundle-Activator: com.redhat.ceylon.dist.osgi.Activator
Alternatively, if you need to perform some sort initialization in your Ceylon module
bundle startup, you can also define an Activator
class that will delegate to the default
. In this case, you'll need to follow these
three steps.
First, explicitly import the com.redhat.ceylon.dist
module in your module descriptor:
native("jvm") module example.withActivator "1.0.0" {
shared import com.redhat.ceylon.dist "1.2.2";
import java.base "7";
Next, add the following class to your module:
import com.redhat.ceylon.dist.osgi {
DefaultActivator = Activator
import org.osgi.framework {
shared class Activator() extends DefaultActivator() {
shared actual void start(BundleContext context) {
// do module startup stuff
super.start(context); // will perform the metamodel registering
shared actual void stop(BundleContext context) {
// do module shutdown stuff
Finally, Add the following line to your
Bundle-Activator: example.withActivator.Activator
Interoperation with Java types
There's a handful of things to be aware of when writing Ceylon code that calls a Java class or interface.
Java primitive types are mapped to Ceylon types
You're never exposed to Java primitive types when calling a Java method or field from Ceylon. Instead:
is represented by Ceylon'sBoolean
type, -
is represented by Ceylon'sCharacter
type, -
, andshort
are represented by Ceylon'sInteger
type, -
is represented by Ceylon'sByte
type, -
are represented by Ceylon'sFloat
type, and -
is represented by Ceylon'sString
According to these rules, all conversions from a Java primitive to a Ceylon type are widening conversions, and are guaranteed to succeed at runtime. However, conversion from a Ceylon type to a Java primitive type might involve an implicit narrowing conversion. For example, if:
- a Ceylon
is assigned to a Javaint
, - a Ceylon
is assigned to a Javafloat
, or if - a Ceylon UTF-32
is assigned to a Java 16-bitchar
the assignment can fail at runtime, producing an exception.
Note: it is not a goal of Ceylon's type system to warn about
operations which might result in numeric overflow. In general,
almost any operation on a numeric type, including +
or *
can result in numeric overflow.
Gotcha again!
There is no mapping between Java's wrapper classes like
or java.lang.Boolean
and Ceylon basic
types, so these conversions must be performed explicitly by
calling, for example, intValue()
or booleanValue()
, or
by explicitly instantiating the wrapper class, just like you
would do in Java when converting between a Java primitive
type and its wrapper class.
Java array types are represented by special Ceylon classes
Since there are no primitively-defined array types in Ceylon,
arrays are represented by special classes. These classes are
considered to belong to the package java.lang
. (Which belongs
to the module java.base
is represented by the classBooleanArray
, -
is represented by the classCharArray
, -
is represented by the classLongArray
, -
is represented by the classIntArray
, -
is represented by the classShortArray
, -
is represented by the classByteArray
, -
is represented by the classDoubleArray
, -
is represented by the classFloatArray
, and, finally, -
for any object typeT
is represented by the classObjectArray<T>
We can obtain a Ceylon Array
without losing the identity
of the underlying Java array.
ByteArray javaByteArray = ByteArray(10);
Array<Byte> byteArray = javaByteArray.byteArray;
You can think of the ByteArray
as the actual underlying
instance, and the Array<Byte>
as an instance of
the Ceylon class Array
that wraps the byte[]
The module
contains a raft of additional
methods for working with these Java array types.
Null values are checked at runtime
Java types offer no information about whether a field or method can produce a null value, except in the very special case of a primitive type. Therefore, the compiler inserts runtime null value checks wherever Ceylon code calls a Java function that returns an object type, or evaluates a Java field of object type, and assigns the result to an non-optional Ceylon type.
In this example, no runtime null value check is performed, since
the return value of System.getProperty()
is assigned to an
optional type:
import java.lang { System }
void printUserHome() {
String? home = System.getProperty("user.home");
In this example, however, a runtime type check occurs when
the return value of System.getProperty()
is assigned to the
non-optional type String
import java.lang { System }
String getUserHome() {
return System.getProperty("user.home");
The runtime check ensures that null
can never unsoundly
propagate from native Java code with unchecked null values
into Ceylon code with checked null values, resulting in an
eventual NullPointerException
in Ceylon code far from the
original call to Java.
The Ceylon compiler doesn't have any information that a Java
method could return null
, and so it won't warn you at
compile time if you call a Java method that sometimes returns
Java properties are exposed as Ceylon attributes
A Java getter/setter pair will appear to a Ceylon program as a Ceylon attribute. For example:
import java.util { Calendar, TimeZone }
void calendaryFun() {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.instance;
TimeZone timeZone = calendar.timeZone;
Integer timeInMillis = calendar.timeInMillis;
If you want to call a Java setter method, assign a value to
it using =
calendar.timeInMillis = system.milliseconds;
Note that there are certain corner cases here which might be confusing. For example, consider this Java class:
public class Foo {
public String getBar() { ... }
public void setBar(String bar) { ... }
public void setBar(String bar, String baz) { ... }
From Ceylon, this will appear as if it were defined like this:
shared class Foo {
shared String bar { ... }
assign bar { ... }
shared void setBar(String bar, String baz) { ... }
- to call the single-argument setter, use an assignment
statement like = bar
, but - to call the two-argument setter, use a method call like
In pure Ceylon code, we almost always use declaration-site variance. However, this doesn't work when we interoperate with Java generic types with wildcards. Therefore, Ceylon supports use-site variance (wildcards).
List<out Object>
has a covariant wildcard, and is equivalent toList<? extends Object>
in Java, and -
Topic<in Object>
has a contravariant wildcard, and is equivalent toTopic<? super Object>
in Java.
Since Ceylon 1.2.1 it is possible to use a java.lang.Iterable
in a Ceylon
statement, like this:
import java.lang{JIterable=Iterable, JString=String}
JIterable<Object> objects = ...;
for (obj in objects) {
// ...
Note that there is no special handling for type of the iterated elements:
If the iterable contains Java String
s they're not magically transformed to
Ceylon String
JIterable<JString> strings = ...;
for (s in strings) {
// s is a JString
Also note this is not supported when using an entry or tuple destructing iterator:
JIterable<String-String> stringPairs = ...;
for (key->item in stringPairs) {
// not supported
In practice it is unusual to have a Java Iterable
of Ceylon Entry
or Tuple
Utility functions and classes
In the module
you'll find a suite of useful utility functions and classes for
Java interoperation. For example, there are classes that adapt
between Ceylon collection types and Java collection types.
Converting between Iterable
An especially useful adaptor is
which lets you iterate any Java Iterable
from a for
loop in
Ceylon, or apply any of the usual operations of a Ceylon
to it.
import java.util { JList=List, JArrayList=ArrayList }
import { CeylonIterable }
JList<String> strings = JArrayList<String>();
for (string in CeylonIterable(strings)) {
(Alternatively, we could have used
in this example.)
Similarly there are CeylonStringIterable
, CeylonIntegerIterable
and CeylonBooleanIterable
classes which as well as converting the iterable type also convert
the elements from their Java types to the corresponding Ceylon type.
Getting a java.util.Class
Another especially useful function is javaClass
which obtains an instance of java.util.Class
for a given type.
import { javaClass }
import java.lang { JClass=Class }
JClass<Integer> jc = javaClass<Integer>();
The functions javaClassFromInstance
and javaClassFromDeclaration
are also useful.
Java annotations
You can annotate a Ceylon class or interface with Java annotations. However, you must use an initial lowercase identifier to refer to the Java annotation.
For example:
import javax.persistence {
class Person(firstName, lastName, city) {
id generatedValue
column { name = "pid"; }
value _id = 0;
shared String firstName;
shared String lastName;
manyToOne { optional=false; }
shared City city;
string => "Person(``_id``, ``firstName`` ``lastName``, ````)";
Note that id
here refers to the Java annotation javax.persistence.Id
A Java annotation with @Target(ElementType.METHOD)
may be applied to
a getter or setter method on Java. Similarly, it may be applied to a
Ceylon getter or setter. But it may not be applied it to a Ceylon
reference declaration.
For example, given the following Java annotation:
public @interface Awesome {}
We may apply the annotation to a getter or setter:
awesome String name => _name;
awesome assign name => _name = name;
But the following is not legal:
awesome String name = "Trompon"; //compile error!
The reason for this restriction is that if either:
- the Ceylon reference is
, or - the Java annotation is also marked
then this code would be ambiguous.
Some Java frameworks and environments require metadata packaged in
directory of the module archive, or
sometimes even in the root directory of the module archive. We've
already seen how to package resources in
Ceylon module archives by placing the resource files in the modules'
subdirectory of the resource directory, named resource
by default.
Then, given a module named
- resources to be packaged in the root directory of the module
archive should be placed in
, - resources to be packaged in the
directory of the module archive should be placed inresource/net/example/foo/ROOT/META-INF/
, and - resources to be packaged in the
directory of the module archive should be placed inresource/net/example/foo/ROOT/WEB-INF/
Here's a couple of limitations to be aware of:
- You can't call Java methods using the named argument syntax, since Java 7 doesn't expose the names of parameters at runtime (and Ceylon doesn't yet depend on features of Java 8).
- You can't obtain a method reference, nor a static method reference, to an overloaded method.
- Java generic types don't carry reified type arguments at runtime,
so certain operations that depend upon reified generics (for
example, some
tests) fail at runtime.
There's more ...
In a mixed Java/Ceylon project, you'll probably need to use a build
system like Gradle, Maven, or Apache ant
. Ceylon has
plugins for each of these build systems.
Finally, we're going to learn about interoperation with languages like JavaScript with dynamic typing.