Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.2, not to the current release.
Named arguments
This is the twelfth leg in the Tour of Ceylon. In the previous leg we learnt about functions. This part builds on that by covering Ceylon's support for calling functions using named arguments.
Named arguments
Consider the following function:
void printf(Writer to, String format, {Object*} values) {
// ...
We've seen lots of examples of invoking a function or instantiating a class using a familiar C-style syntax where arguments are delimited by parentheses and separated by commas. Arguments are matched to parameters by their position in the list. Let's see one more example, just in case:
"Thanks, %s. You have been charged %.2f.
Your confirmation number is %d.",
{,, order.confimationNumber });
This works fine. However, Ceylon provides an alternative function invocation protocol that is usually easier to read when there are more than one or two arguments:
printf {
to = writer;
format = "Thanks, %s. You have been charged %.2f.
Your confirmation number is %d.";
values = {,, order.confimationNumber };
This invocation protocol is called a named argument list. We can recognize a named argument list by the use of braces as delimiters instead of parentheses. Notice that arguments are separated by semicolons. We explicitly specify the name of each parameter.
We usually format named argument invocations across multiple lines.
Iterable arguments
Since the parameter values
is of type Iterable
, we're allowed to abbreviate
this, leaving out the parameter name and the braces surrounding the iterable
construction expression:
printf {
to = writer;
format = "Thanks, %s. You have been charged %.2f.
Your confirmation number is %d.";,, order.confimationNumber
Indeed, we can usually leave out the parameter names entirely.
Named arguments to variadic parameters
To pass a named argument to a variadic parameter, just wrap the arguments in a sequence:
Float product(Float+ floats) {
variable value product = floats.first;
for (float in {
product *= float;
return product;
print(product(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)); //positional args
print(product { floats = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; }); //same thing, with a named arg
Leaving out the parameter names
Contrary to the description of this feature as a "named argument list", we're actually allowed to leave out the names of the parameters if we write the arguments down in the right order:
printf {
"Thanks, %s. You have been charged %.2f.
Your confirmation number is %d.";,, order.confimationNumber
Yes, there's a great reason for this, as we're about to see!
There's a slightly-unfortunate near-ambiguity in the grammar of named argument lists. This invocation:
printAll { "hello" };
Means something quite different Is quite different to this one, with a terminating semicolon:
printAll { "hello"; };
(Try them and see.)
According to the rules above, the first example means this:
printAll { values = { "hello" }; };
Whereas the second example is an abbreviation for:
printAll { values = "hello"; };
Mind the punctuation!
Declarative object instantiation syntax
The following classes define a data structure for defining tables:
class Table(String title, Integer rows, Border border,
{Column*} columns) {}
class Column(String heading, Integer width,
String content(Integer row)) {}
class Border(Integer padding, Integer weight) {}
Of course, we could build a Table
using positional argument lists and
anonymous functions:
Table table = Table("Squares", 5, Border(2,1),
{ Column("x",10, (row) => row.string),
Column("x^2",12, (row) => (row^2).string) });
However, it's far more common to use named arguments to build a complex graph of objects. In this section we're going to meet some new features of named argument lists, that make it especially convenient to build object graphs.
First, note that the syntax we've already seen for specifying a named argument
value looks exactly like the syntax for refining a formal
attribute. If you
think about it, taking into account that a function parameter may accept
references to other functions, the whole problem of specifying values for named
parameters starts to look a lot like the problem of refining abstract members.
Therefore, Ceylon will let us reuse much of the member declaration syntax
inside a named argument list.
It's legal to include the following constructs in a named argument list:
- function declarations—specify the argument of a parameter that accepts a function,
(anonymous class) declarations—are most useful for specifying the value of a parameter whose type is an interface or abstract class, and - getter declarations—lets us compute the value of an argument inline.
This helps explain why named argument lists are delimited by braces: the fully general syntax for a named argument list is very, very close to the syntax for a class, function, or attribute body. Notice, again, how flexibility derives from language regularity.
So we could rewrite the code that builds a Table
as follows:
Table table = Table {
title = "Squares";
rows = 5;
border = Border {
padding = 2;
weight = 1;
Column {
heading = "x";
width = 10;
function content(Integer row)
=> row.string;
Column {
heading = "x^2";
width = 12;
function content(Integer row)
=> (row^2).string;
Notice that we've specified the value of the parameter named content
using the
usual syntax for declaring a function.
Even better, using the shortcuts we've already seen, our example can be further abbreviated like this:
Table table = Table {
title = "Squares";
rows = 5;
Border {
padding = 2;
weight = 1;
Column {
heading = "x";
width = 10;
content(Integer row)
=> row.string;
Column {
heading = "x^2";
width = 10;
content(Integer row)
=> (row^2).string;
Notice how we've transformed our code from a form which emphasized invocation into a form that emphasizes declaration of a hierarchical structure. Semantically, the two forms are equivalent. But in terms of readability, they're quite different.
We could put the above totally declarative code in a file by itself and it
would look like some kind of "minilanguage" for defining tables. In fact,
it's executable Ceylon code that may be validated for syntactic correctness by
the Ceylon compiler and then compiled to Java bytecode or JavaScript. Even
better, the Ceylon IDE will provide authoring support for our minilanguage.
In complete contrast to the DSL support in some dynamic languages, any Ceylon
DSL is completely typesafe! You can think of the definition of the Table
and Border
classes as defining the "schema" or "grammar" of the
minilanguage. (In fact, they are really defining a syntax tree for the
Now let's see an example of a named argument list with an inline getter declaration:
shared class Payment(PaymentMethod method,
Currency currency,
Float amount) {}
Payment payment = Payment {
method = user.paymentMethod;
currency = order.currency;
value amount {
variable Float total = 0.0;
for (item in order.items) {
total += item.quantity * item.product.unitPrice;
return total;
Finally, here's an example of a named argument list with an inline object
shared interface Observable {
shared void addObserver(Observer<Nothing> observer) {
// ...
shared interface Observer<in Event> {
shared formal void on(Event event);
observable.addObserver {
object observer
satisfies Observer<UpdateEvent> {
on(UpdateEvent e)
=> print("Update:" + e.string);
(Note that Observer<T>
is assignable to Observer<Nothing>
for any type
, since Observer<T>
is contravariant in its type parameter T
. If this
doesn't make sense, please read the section on generics again.)
Of course, as we saw in the leg on functions, a better way to
solve this problem might be to eliminate the Observer
interface and pass a
function directly:
shared interface Observable {
shared void addObserver<Event>(void on(Event event)) { ... }
observable.addObserver {
void on(UpdateEvent e)
=> print("Update:" + e.string);
Defining user interfaces
The platform module ceylon.html
is a library for writing HTML templates in
Ceylon. A fragment of static HTML looks something like this:
Html {
doctype = html5;
Head {
title = "Welcome Message";
Link {
rel = stylesheet;
type = css;
href = "/styles/screen.css";
id = "stylesheet";
Body {
H2 ( "Welcome to Ceylon ``language.version``!" ),
P ( "Now get your code on :)" )
Even though this looks like some kind of templating language, it's just an ordinary expression.
There's more...
There's plenty of potential applications of this syntax aside from user interface definition. For example, Ceylon lets us use a named argument list to specify the arguments of a program element annotation. But we'll have to come back to the subject of annotations in a future installment.
The next section introduces yet another way to specify an argument to a function: comprehensions.