Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.1, not to the current release.

Packages and modules

This is the tenth part of the Tour of Ceylon. If you found the previous part on generic types a little overwhelming, don't worry; this part is going to cover some material which should be much easier going. We're turning our attention to a very different subject: modularity. We're going to learn about packages and modules.

Packages and imports

There's no package statement in Ceylon source files. The compiler determines the package and module to which a toplevel program element belongs by the location of the source file in which it is declared. A class named Hello in the package org.jboss.hello must be defined in the file source/org/jboss/hello/Hello.ceylon where source is the source directory.

When a source file in one package refers to a toplevel program element in another package, it must explicitly import that program element. Ceylon, unlike Java, does not support the use of qualified names within the source file. We can't write org.jboss.hello.Hello in Ceylon.

The syntax of the import statement is slightly different to Java. To import a program element, we write:

import com.redhat.polar.core { Polar }

To import several program elements from the same package, we write:

import com.redhat.polar.core { Polar, pi }

To import all toplevel program elements of a package, we write:

import com.redhat.polar.core { ... }

To resolve a name conflict, we can rename an imported declaration:

import com.redhat.polar.core { PolarCoord=Polar }

We think renaming is a much cleaner solution than the use of qualified names. We can even rename members of type:

import com.redhat.polar.core { Polar { r=radius, theta=angle } }

Now here's a big gotcha for folks new to Ceylon.


As we're about to see, importing a program element from a different module is always a two step process:

  1. import the module containing the program element in the module descriptor (module.ceylon file) of the module containing the source file, and then
  2. import the program element in the source file.

One import statement is not enough!

In particular, this means that you simply can't import a program element defined in a module when you're playing around with code occurring outside a well-defined module (code in the "default" module).

With that in mind, it's definitely time to learn how to define modules and dependencies between modules.


Modularity is of central importance to the Ceylon language. But what does this word even mean? Well, a program is modular if it's composed of more than one module. Separate modules are:

  • independently distributed,
  • maintained by different teams, and
  • released according to independent schedules.

Therefore, we can often identify the modules that comprise our program by looking at how the program is maintained, released, and distributed.

A module has:

  • has a well-defined public API, and an inaccessible internal implementation,
  • a well-defined version, and
  • well-defined dependencies upon versions of collaborating modules.

The module system

There are several layers to the module system in Ceylon:

  • Language-level support for a unit of visibility that is bigger than a package, but smaller than "all packages".
  • A module descriptor format that expresses dependencies between specific versions of modules.
  • A built-in module archive format and module repository layout that is understood by all tools written for the language, from the compiler, to the IDE, to the runtime.
  • A runtime that features peer-to-peer classloading (one classloader per module) and the ability to manage multiple versions of the same module.
  • An ecosystem of remote module repositories where folks can share code with others.

Ceylon's module system has two levels of granularity: packages and modules. Each package within a module has its own namespace and well-defined API. For many simple modules, this is overkill, and thus it's perfectly acceptable for a module to have just one package. But more complex modules, with their own internal subsystems, often benefit from the additional level of granularity.

Module-level visibility and package descriptors

A package in Ceylon may be shared or unshared. An unshared package (the default) is visible only to the module which contains the package. We can make the package shared by providing a package descriptor:

"The typesafe query API."
shared package org.hibernate.query;

A shared package defines part of the "public" API of the module. Other modules can directly access shared declarations in a shared package.

A package descriptor must be defined in a source file named package.ceylon placed in the same directory as the other source files for the package. In this case, the package descriptor must occur in the file source/org/hibernate/query/package.ceylon.

Dependencies and module descriptors

A module must explicitly specify the other modules on which it depends. This is accomplished via a module descriptor:

"The best-ever ORM solution!"
license ("")
module org.hibernate "3.0.0.beta" {
    import ceylon.collection "1.0.0";
    import java.base "7";
    shared import java.jdbc "7";

A module import annotated shared is implicitly inherited by every module which imports the module with the shared module import.

A module descriptor must be defined in a source file named module.ceylon placed in the same directory as the other source files for the root package of the module. In this case, the module descriptor must occur in the file source/org/hibernate/module.ceylon.

Module archives and module repositories

When compiled for execution on the Java virtual machine, a module compiles to a module archive. The module archive packages together compiled .class files, package descriptors, and module descriptors into a Java-style jar archive with the extension .car.

A .car module archive also includes OSGi and Maven metadata.

The Ceylon compiler never produces individual .class files in a directory.

When compiled for execution on a JavaScript virtual machine, the module compiles to a .js file, called a module script. This module script follows a standard called Common JS Modules, which allows the script to be used in node.js or with require.js.

Module archives and module scripts live in module repositories. A module repository is a well-defined directory structure with a well-defined location for each module. A module repository may be either local (on the filesystem) or remote (on the Internet). Given a list of module repositories, the Ceylon compiler can automatically locate dependencies mentioned in the module descriptor of the module it is compiling. And when it finishes compiling the module, it puts the resulting module archive in the right place in a local module repository.

The architecture also includes support for source directories, source archives, and module documentation directories.

Developing modules in Ceylon IDE

To get started with modules in Ceylon IDE, go to Help > Cheat Sheets..., open the Ceylon item, and run the Introduction to Ceylon Modules cheat sheet, which will guide you step-by-step through the process of creating a module, defining its dependencies, and exporting it to a module repository.

The Ceylon Repository Explorer may be accessed via Window > Show View > Ceylon Repository Explorer when in the Ceylon perspective.

A wizard to create a new module, and add its dependencies can be found at File > New > Ceylon Module.

To change the imports of an existing module, you can select the module in the Ceylon Explorer, got to File > Properties, and select the Ceylon Module properties page.

Under File > Export... > Ceylon, you'll find two very useful wizards:

  • a wizard to export a Ceylon module defined in a workspace project to a local module repository, and
  • a wizard to add a Java .jar archive to a Ceylon module repository.

Examples: Compiling against a local or remote repository

Let's suppose you are writing Your project directory might be layed out like this:


Here, the source code is in a directory called source (which is the default and saves us having to pass a --src command line option to ceylon compile). From the project directory (the directory which contains the source directory) you can compile using the command

ceylon compile

This command will compile the source code files (Foo.ceylon and FooService.ceylon) into a module archive and publish it to the default output repository, modules. (you'd use the --out build option to publish to build instead). Now your project directory looks something like this:



The .src is file is the source archive which can be used by tools such as the IDE, for source code browsing. The .sha1 files each contains a checksum of the like-named .car file and can be used to detect corrupted archives.

You can generate API documentation using ceylon doc like this:

ceylon doc

This will create a


directory containing the documentation.

Now, let's suppose your project gains a dependency on version 3.1.4. Having declared that module and version as a dependency in your module.ceylon descriptor you'd need to tell ceylon compile which repositories to look in to find the dependencies.

One possibility is that you already have a repository containing locally on your machine. If it's in your default repository (~/.ceylon/repo) then you don't need to do anything, the same commands will work:

ceylon compile

Alternatively if you have some other local repository you can specify it using the --rep option.

The Ceylon Herd is an online module repository which contains open source Ceylon modules. As it happens, the Herd is one of the default repositories ceylon compile knows about. So if is in the Herd then the command to compile would remain pleasingly short

ceylon compile

(that's right, it's the same as before). By the way, you can disable the default repositories with the --no-default-repositories option if you want to.

If were in another repository, say, then the command would become

ceylon compile

(we're breaking the command across multiple lines for clarity here, you would need to write the command on a single line). You can specify multiple --rep options as necessary if you have dependencies coming from multiple repositories.

When you are ready, you can publish the module somewhere other people can use it. Let's say that you want to publish to You can just compile again, this time specifying an --out option

ceylon compile

It's worth noting that by taking advantage of the sensible defaults for things like source code directory and output repository, as we have here, you save yourself a lot of typing.

Module runtime

Ceylon's module runtime is based on JBoss Modules, a technology that also exists at the very core of JBoss AS 7. Given a list of module repositories, the runtime automatically locates a module archive and its versioned dependencies in the repositories, even downloading module archives from remote repositories if necessary.

Normally, the Ceylon runtime is invoked by specifying the name of a runnable module at the command line.

Examples: Running against a local or remote repository

Let's continue the example we had before where version 1.0 was published to Now suppose you want to run the module (possibly from another computer).

If the dependencies ( from before) can be found in the default repositories the ceylon run command is:

ceylon run

You can pass options too (which are available to the program via the top level process object):

ceylon run
  my options

If one of the dependencies isn't available from a default repository you will need to specify a repository that contains it using another --rep:

ceylon run
  my options

The easiest case though, is where the module and its dependencies are all in one (or more) of the default repositories (such as the Herd or ~/.ceylon/repo):

ceylon run

Module repository ecosystem

One of the nice advantages of this architecture is that it's possible to run a module "straight off the internet", just by typing, for example:

ceylon run --rep org.jboss.ceylon.demo/1.0

And all required dependencies get automatically downloaded as needed.

Ceylon Herd is a central community module repository where anyone can contribute reusable modules. Of course, the module repository format is an open standard, so any organization can maintain its own public module repository.


To include resources in a module archive, you must place them in a resource directory, named resource by default:


Resources in the subdirectory resource/net/example/foo are packaged into the module archive for the module, and into a directory of the module respository where they're accessible to the JavaScript runtime.

At runtime, the resource may be loaded by calling resourceByPath() on the Module object representing the module to which the resource belongs:

assert (exists Resource resource 
        = `module`.resourceByPath(""));
String text = resource.textContent();

Alternatively, you may identify the resource by a fully qualified path beginning with /, for example:

assert (exists Resource resource 
        = `module`.resourceByPath("/net/example/foo/");

There's more

Next we're going to look at Ceylon's support for higher order functions.