Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.1, not to the current release.

Interoperation with Java

Ceylon is designed to execute in a virtual machine environment (loosely speaking, in an environment with built-in garbage collection), but it doesn't have its own native virtual machine. Instead, it "borrows" a virtual machine designed for some other language. For now the options are:

  • the Java Virtual Machine, or
  • a JavaScript virtual machine.

In this chapter, we're going to learn about how to interoperate with native code running on the Java Virtual Machine. In the next chapter we'll discuss JavaScript.

Depending on the Java SDK

A Ceylon program can only use native code belonging to a module. In particular, the Java SE SDK is available as a set of modules, according to the modularization proposed by the Jigsaw project. So to make use of the Java SE SDK we need to import one or more of these modules. For example:

  • the module java.base contains core packages including java.lang, java.util, and,
  • the module java.desktop contains the AWT and Swing desktop UI frameworks, and
  • java.jdbc contains the JDBC API.

So, if we need to use the Java collections framework in our Ceylon program, we need to create a Ceylon module that depends on java.base.

module org.jboss.example "1.0.0" {
    import java.base "7";

Now, we can simply import the Java class we're interested in and use it like any ordinary Ceylon class:

import java.util { HashMap }

void hashyFun() {
    value hashMap = HashMap<String,Object>();

TODO: instructions for using JavaFX here.

Depending on a Java archive

Two make use of native code belonging to a packaged .jar archive, you have two options:

  • add the archive to a Ceylon module repository, along with JBoss modules metadata in a module.xml or file, or
  • import the archive from a legacy Maven repository.

The format of the file is documented here, and the module.xml descriptor format is defined here.

If you're using Ceylon IDE, and you don't want to write the module.xml descriptor by hand, go to File > Export ... > Ceylon > Java Archive to Module Repository.

The Ceylon module architecture interoperates with Maven via Aether. You can find more information here.

Deploying Ceylon on OSGi

TODO: document OSGi interop.

Interoperation with Java types

There's a handful of things to be aware of when writing Ceylon code that calls a Java class or interface.

Java primitive types are mapped to Ceylon types

You're never exposed to Java primitive types when calling a Java method or field from Ceylon. Instead:

  • boolean is represented by Ceylon's Boolean type,
  • char is represented by Ceylon's Character type,
  • long, int, and short are represented by Ceylon's Integer type,
  • byte is represented by Ceylon's Byte type,
  • double and float are represented by Ceylon's Float type, and
  • java.lang.String is represented by Ceylon's String type.

According to these rules, all conversions from a Java primitive to a Ceylon type are widening conversions, and are guaranteed to succeed at runtime. However, conversion from a Ceylon type to a Java primitive type might involve an implicit narrowing conversion. For example, if:

  • a Ceylon Integer is assigned to a Java int or short,
  • a Ceylon Float is assigned to a Java float, or if
  • a Ceylon UTF-32 Character is assigned to a Java 16-bit char

the assignment can fail at runtime, producing an exception.

Note: it is not a goal of Ceylon's type system to warn about operations which might result in numeric overflow. In general, almost any operation on a numeric type, including + or *, can result in numeric overflow.

Java array types are represented by special Ceylon classes

Since there are no primitively-defined array types in Ceylon, arrays are represented by special classes. These classes are considered to belong to the package java.lang. (Which belongs to the module java.base.)

  • boolean[] is represented by the class BooleanArray,
  • char[] is represented by the class CharArray,
  • long[] is represented by the class LongArray,
  • int[] is represented by the class IntArray,
  • short[] is represented by the class ShortArray,
  • byte[] is represented by the class ByteArray,
  • double[] is represented by the class DoubleArray,
  • float[] is represented by the class FloatArray, and, finally,
  • T[] for any object type T is represented by the class ObjectArray<T>.

We can obtain a Ceylon Array without losing the identity of the underlying Java array.

ByteArray javaByteArray = ByteArray(10);
Array<Byte> byteArray = javaByteArray.byteArray;

You can think of the ByteArray as the actual underlying byte[] instance, and the Array<Byte> as an instance of the Ceylon class Array that wraps the byte[] instance.

The module contains a raft of additional methods for working with these Java array types.

Null values are checked at runtime

Java types offer no information about whether a field or method can produce a null value, except in the very special case of a primitive type. Therefore, the compiler inserts runtime null value checks wherever Ceylon code calls a Java function that returns an object type, or evaluates a Java field of object type, and assigns the result to an non-optional Ceylon type.

In this example, no runtime null value check is performed, since the return value of System.getProperty() is assigned to an optional type:

import java.lang { System }

void printUserHome() {
    String? home = System.getProperty("user.home");

In this example, however, a runtime type check occurs when the return value of System.getProperty() is assigned to the non-optional type String:

import java.lang { System }

String getUserHome() {
    return System.getProperty("user.home");

The runtime check ensures that null can never unsoundly propagate from native Java code with unchecked null values into Ceylon code with checked null values, resulting in an eventual NullPointerException in Ceylon code far from the original call to Java.


The Ceylon compiler doesn't have any information that a Java method could return null, and so it won't warn you at compile time if you call a Java method that sometimes returns null.

Java properties are exposed as Ceylon attributes

A Java getter/setter pair will appear to a Ceylon program as a Ceylon attribute. For example:

import java.util { Calendar, TimeZone } 

void calendaryFun() {
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.instance;
    TimeZone timeZone = calendar.timeZone;
    Integer timeInMillis = calendar.timeInMillis;

If you want to call a Java setter method, assign a value to it using =:

calendar.timeInMillis = system.milliseconds;


Note that there are certain corner cases here which might be confusing. For example, consider this Java class:

public class Foo {
    public String getBar() { ... }
    public void setBar(String bar) { ... }
    public void setBar(String bar, String baz) { ... }

From Ceylon, this will appear as if it were defined like this:

shared class Foo {
    shared String bar { ... }
    assign bar { ... }
    shared void setBar(String bar, String baz) { ... }


In pure Ceylon code, we almost always use declaration-site variance. However, this doesn't work when we interoperate with Java generic types with wildcards. Therefore, Ceylon supports use-site variance (wildcards).

  • List<out Object> has a covariant wildcard, and is equivalent to List<? extends Object> in Java, and
  • Topic<in Object> has a contravariant wildcard, and is equivalent to Topic<? super Object> in Java.

Wildcard types are unavoidable when interoperating with Java, and perhaps occasionally useful in pure Ceylon code. But we recommend avoiding them, except where there's a really good reason.

Utility functions and classes

In the module you'll find a suite of useful utility methods and classes for Java interoperation. For example, there are classes that adapt between Ceylon collection types and Java collection types.

An especially useful adaptor is CeylonIterable, which lets you iterate any Java Iterable from a for loop in Ceylon, or apply any of the usual operations of a Ceylon Iterable to it.

import java.util { JList=List }
import { CeylonIterable }

JList<String> strings = ... ;
for (string in CeylonIterable(strings)) {

(Alternatively, we could have used CeylonList in this example.)


Here's a couple of limitations to be aware of:

  • You can't call Java methods using the named argument syntax, since Java 7 doesn't expose the names of parameters at runtime (and Ceylon doesn't yet depend on features of Java 8).
  • You can't obtain a method reference, nor a static method reference, to an overloaded method.
  • Java generic types don't carry reified type arguments at runtime, so certain operations that depend upon reified generics (for example, is tests) fail at runtime.

There's more ...

Finally, we're going to learn about interoperation with languages like JavaScript with dynamic typing.