Maven repositories

Ceylon's module system integrates with Maven repositories, and can obtain dependencies (Java jar archives) from a Maven repository via Aether.

Importing Maven modules

Maven modules are seamlessly supported in the Ceylon module descriptor, but:

  • the repository type maven: should be explicitly specified,
  • the : separator must be used to separate Maven group and artifact ids, and
  • the artifact id must be quoted.

For example, this line, occurring in module.ceylon, specifies a dependency on Hibernate ORM:

import maven:org.hibernate:"hibernate-core" "5.0.4.Final";

Note that, from the point of view of your Ceylon code, the name of the imported module is the whole string org.hibernate:hibernate-core. However, the packages belonging to this module are named simply org.hibernate, org.hibernate.boot, etc.

Maven group and artifact ids

Ceylon uses a single identifier for module names, but Maven uses:

  • a group id, which usually obeys the Java package name format,
  • together with an artifact id, which identifies a .jar file, and is usually of form foo-bar-baz.

So to import the Maven module with group id org.hibernate and artifact id hibernate-core, we formed a module name by first quoting the artifact id, and then concatenating the two identifiers with a : (colon), resulting in the module name org.hibernate:"hibernate-core" seen above.

Specifying explicit Maven settings

If you have special requirements—for example, if you need to specify an additional Maven repository—and need a Maven settings.xml, you can specify the file using the --rep flag:

ceylon compile --rep maven:/path/to/special/settings.xml

In Ceylon IDE, this option may be specified via Lookup repositories on build path in the Module Repositories tab of the project-level compiler settings.


You can't just pass the URL of a Maven repository using --rep. You must specify it in settings.xml.

Resolving Maven conflicts

Very often, when working with Maven repositories, we encounter one or all of the following:

  • versioning conflicts,
  • undeclared dependencies, and/or
  • the need to export promote transitive dependencies.

These problems arise from the fact that Maven metadata is often only tested with a flat classpath, and breaks when executing on isolated classloaders in Ceylon.

In such scenarios, there are two main ways to proceed:

  • run your Ceylon program on a flat classpath, using the --flat-classpath flag of the command line tools, or
  • use a module overrides file to resolve the problems individually by adjusting the module dependencies.

Building with Maven

You can also build your Ceylon modules using Maven, which is very useful when you mix Java and Ceylon modules in your project.