Integer literals

A literal notation for an Integer value.


An Integer literal may be written in a variety of ways.

Integer one = 1;
variable Integer oneMillion = 1000000;
oneMillion = 1_000_000;
oneMillion = 1M;


At its simplest, an Integer literal is just a series of decimal digits, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Other digit characters (digits from other scripts) are not allowed.

When a negative number is required, the unary minus operator may be used, like this:

Integer minusTwo = -2;

Leading zeros

Integer literals with a leading zero, 0, are allowed, but unlike other C-like programming languages, such literals are not interpreted using octal notation.

Grouping digits

To make long integer literals easier to read, groups of three digits may be separated with an underscore, _, similar to how a comma or stop is used as a thousands separator in many written numbers. Only the left-most group may have one or two digits.

Decimal suffixes

Use of one of the following metric magnitudes as a suffix is supported:

  • k (kilo), 103
  • M (mega), 106
  • G (giga), 109
  • T (tera), 1012
  • P (peta), 1015

For example:

Integer oneThousand = 1k;

Binary literals

A binary integer can be written with a $ prefix, and again _ may be used to group digits, but binary digit groups are of length 4.

For example:

Integer eight = $1001; // binary literal

Hexadecimal literals

A hexadecimal integer can be written with a # prefix, and again _ may be used to group digits, but hexadecimal digit groups are of length 2 or 4.

Integer red = #ff_00_00; // hex literal

As a primary

Invoking members of the class Integer directly on a literal is permitted:

Integer minusFive = 5.negativeValue;

See also