Using Java from Ceylon


This page covers how you can use Java classes from Ceylon.

Dealing with Ceylon constraints

Accessing Java types with an initial lowercase letter

If you want to use a Java type with an initial lowercase letter, you have to prefix its name with \I to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about a type name.

Note that this does not apply to Java primitives, which are in general handled by the type mapping or by using the corresponding JVM boxed versions.

Accessing Java methods or fields with an initial uppercase letter

If you want to use a Java method or field with an initial uppercase letter, you have to prefix its name with \i to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about an attribute/method name.

Accessing Java declarations whose name is a Ceylon keyword

If you need to access a Java method or field whose name is a Ceylon keyword (e.g. a method called value()), you have to prefix its name with \i to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about an attribute/method name.

If you need to access a Java class or interface whose name is a Ceylon keyword (e.g. a class called value), you have to prefix its name with \I to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about a type name.

Dealing with overloading

Calling overloaded constructors or methods

No special syntax is required to call an overloaded constructor or method.

Occasionally, as in Java, a typecast is required to distinguish the overloaded version. Ceylon doesn't have unsafe typecasts, but it does have the of operator:

import java.lang { JException=Exception }


throw JException(null of String?);

Overriding overloaded methods

Although it is not possible in Ceylon to declare overloaded methods, it is possible to refine overloaded methods defined in a Java type.

Dealing with static fields and methods

It's easy to access static members of a Java class.

Accessing static methods or fields

You can access static methods or fields just like you would in Java:

import { File }

void m(){
    File.createTempFile("foo", "bar");

Note that since many Java static fields actually have an initial uppercase letter you will have to prefix their name with \i.

Importing static methods or fields

Alternatively, you can import a static method or field from its containing type:

import { File { separator, createTempFile } }

void m(){
    createTempFile("foo", "bar");

You can even use aliases:

import { JFile = File { sep = separator, roots = listRoots } }
import java.lang { ObjectArray }

void m(){
    ObjectArray<JFile> roots2 = roots();

This is a good way to eliminate the \i:

import java.lang { Integer { maxInt=\iMAX_VALUE } }

void m() {

Accessing instance fields

You can access Java instance fields as if they were normal Ceylon attributes, except if they are not public or if they are hidden by a JavaBean property of the same name.

Accessing JavaBean properties

Ceylon maps instance attributes to JavaBean properties, so naturally, every JavaBean property defined in Java is mapped to a Ceylon instance attribute.

Accessing instance methods

  1. Java Bean accessors (get*() and set*() methods) will be treated as Ceylon attributes, and therefore can only be accessed as such.
  2. If there is a Java Bean setter that has no corresponding getter (such as in the older parts of the JDK such as Vector.size() and Vector.setSize()) then both methods are available as normal Ceylon instance methods.
  3. The Object.toString() and Object.hashCode() methods are mapped to the respective Ceylon instance attributes string and hash, and as such are not visible as instance methods.
  4. Other methods declared by java.lang.Object are not visible in Ceylon.

Other instance methods can be accessed as normal Ceylon instance methods.

Catching Java exceptions

A Ceylon-side catch (Exception e) { ... } will catch java.lang.Exception (and, of course its subclasses).

A Ceylon-side catch (Throwable e) { ... } will catch java.lang.Throwable. There is no way to catch only java.lang.Error.

Since Ceylon 1.2.1 you can use a java.lang::AutoCloseable as a resource in a Ceylon try statement.

Java primitive types

Every Java primitive type (including arrays) is mapped to a Ceylon type as described in the type mapping list. This means you can get Java primitives into Ceylon and send them back. If you satisfy or extend a Java type, Ceylon will use the proper Java primitive types to satisfy the constraints imposed by the Java type.

In some very specific cases, such as with overloading, you might have to write some code in a special way though. For instance, since short and int are both mapped to the Ceylon type celon.language.Integer which in turn is mapped to long, if you want to call a method overriden for a specific version of these three types, you have to make it explicit:

public class JavaType {
    public void foo(short s){}
    public void foo(long s){}
    public void takesAShort(short s){}


import java.lang { JavaShort = Short }

void m(){
    JavaType t = JavaType();
    // this will be stored as a long on the JVM
    Integer i = 2;
    // this will produce a short and thus call foo(short);
    // this will call foo(long);
    // naturally this works too

At the moment you cannot declare a method or attribute in Ceylon such that its type represents a certain Java primitive (though if you override a method or attribute, its primitive type will be respected). In the future we may implement this with a compiler annotation to specify the underlying primitive type to use.

Java array types

Java arrays are supported and mapped to virtual objects in the java.lang package:

Java type Ceylon type
boolean[] java.lang.BooleanArray
byte[] java.lang.ByteArray
short[] java.lang.ShortArray
int[] java.lang.IntArray
long[] java.lang.LongArray
float[] java.lang.FloatArray
double[] java.lang.DoubleArray
char[] java.lang.CharArray
T[] java.lang.ObjectArray<T>

These virtual types must be imported from the java.base/7 or java.base/8 module, as the rest of the core of the JDK, and their definition is as follows, for example for BooleanArray:

import java.lang { JBoolean = Boolean }

shared class BooleanArray(Integer size, Boolean element = false){

    "Gets the item at the specified index"
    shared Boolean get(Integer index);

    "Sets the item at the specified index"
    shared void set(Integer index, Boolean element);

    "The array size"
    shared Integer size;

    "Get a Ceylon Array that is a view backed by this array"
    shared Array<JBoolean> array;

    "Get a Ceylon Array that is a view backed by this array"
    shared Array<Boolean> booleanArray;

    "Get a Ceylon Iterable that is a view backed by this array"
    shared Iterable<Boolean> iterable;

    "Copies this array to another array"
    shared void copyTo(BooleanArray destination, 
                       Integer sourcePosition = 0, 
                       Integer destinationPosition = 0, 
                       Integer length = size - sourcePosition);

    "True if this array is equal to the given array"
    shared Boolean equals(Object other);

    "A string representation of this array"
    shared String string;

    "A hash code for this array"
    shared Integer hash;

    "A shallow copy of this array"
    shared BooleanArray clone();

As you can see, we mapped every Java array operation to methods and attributes, and added a way to get a Ceylon Array object from a Java array, which allows you to access Java arrays as if they were Ceylon arrays. Be careful that the Java array is only wrapped so all changes to it will be visible in the Ceylon Array.

Note that the IntArray type has an extra method to convert an array of Unicode Code Points to a Ceylon Array of Character:

    "Get a Ceylon Array that is a view backed by this array"
    shared Array<Character> codePointArray;

Also note that the ObjectArray type is covariant in its element type T, as is the case in Java, and that therefore, to fit Ceylon semantics regarding declaration-site variance, its set method accepts Object and not just T. However, if you try to store elements whose type is not compatible with T, you will get a java.lang.ArrayStoreException.

shared class ObjectArray<out T>(Integer size, T? element = null){
    "Sets the item at the specified index"
    shared void set(Integer index, Object element);
    // ...

See how to use Java arrays:

public class JavaType {
    public String[] giveMeAnArray(){ return new String[]{"Foo"}; }
    public void takeThisArray(String[] arr){}


JavaType t = JavaType();
ObjectArray<String> array = t.giveMeAnArray();
String first = array.get(0);
array.set(0, "Updated");

Ceylon 1.2.2 brought a number of improvements to interoperating with Java arrays:

// lookup operator support for arrays
value firstViaLookup = array[0];
// arrays in a for statement
for (string in array) {
// arrays in a for comprehension
value shouty = {for (string in array) uppercased};

Creating your own Java array in Ceylon

You can create Java arrays in Ceylon:

public class JavaType {
    public void takeThisArray(String[] arr){}
    public void takeThisArray(int[] arr){}


JavaType t = JavaType();
ObjectArray<JString> a = ObjectArray<JString>(2);
a.set(0, "foo");
a.set(1, "bar"); 
IntArray i = IntArray(2); 
a.set(0, 0);
a.set(1, 1); 

Java enum types

It is currently impossible to create a Java enum from Ceylon, but you can use them as if they were toplevel objects:

public enum JavaEnum {

    ONE, TWO;

    public long field;
    public void method(){}
    public long getProperty(){ return 1; }
    public void setProperty(long p){}


import { JavaEnum { one = \iONE, two = \iTWO } }

void enums(){
    JavaEnum e = one;
    e.field = e.field; =;


import { JavaEnum }

void enums(){
    JavaEnum e = JavaEnum.\iONE;
    e.field = e.field; =;

Other areas of interoperation

Since Ceylon 1.2.2 there has been some improved support for interop with certain language constructs:

import java.lang{ JIterable=Iterable }
import java.util{ JMap=Map, JList=List }
JIterable<Person> people = ...;
JList<Person> peopleList = ...;
JMap<Person,Task> tasks = ...;

// Use java.lang.Iterable in for statements
for (person in people) {

// Use java.lang.Iterable in for comprehensions
value adults = {for (person in people) if (person.age > 18) person};

// Using the lookup operator with java.util.List
value firstPerson = peopleList[0];

// Using the lookup operator with java.util.Map
value firstTask = tasks[firstPerson];

// Using in operator with java.util.Collection
assert (firstPerson in peopleList);

Calling Java code with unsafe nulls

Ceylon always knows whether a value can or not be null, but this is not the case in Java, so when calling Java code, we don't really know if a value, or a method's return value can be null or not. There's simply no way to know this, unless you know the API, and so the decision is yours. When calling Java code, we will make your life easier and treat the return values as non-optional, so you can store them in non-optional variables, but you can also treat them as optional (like in exists tests) and things will work out.

If you decide to store a value obtained from calling Java code into a non-optional variable, we will insert a null check at the threshold, so that you get an exception at the most useful place. That check is of course not generated if you store a Java value in an optional variable, because null is allowed then.

We treat Java method parameters and writeable fields and JavaBean properties as accepting optional values if they are not Java primitives, thus allowing you to set them to null or to a value.

Implementing Java code with unsafe nulls

When implementing a Java interface or class in Ceylon, you can decide to make the method parameters and return values optional or not. The same is true when implementing JavaBean properties (as Ceylon attributes).

Using java modifiers

The ceylon compiler generates appropriate modifiers for Ceylon declarations. For example a shared attribute will be generated with a public getter method. However there are some modifiers which you might want applied to the generated code but Ceylon doesn't support.

Declaring transient fields

Most Ceylon classes are Since Ceylon 1.3.2, if you need a field underlying an attribute to be transient you can use the "virtual" transient annotation from java.lang to annotate the attribute.

import java.lang{transient}

class TransientExample(name) {
    shared transient String? name;
    shared transient String dangerous=name;

Not all attributes require a field, but it's not an error to apply the transient annotation to an attribute that doesn't have a field generated.

When you deserialize a Ceylon class instances with a transient attribute, it will by default get the default value for the kind of field it is (null for a reference field, zero for a numeric field, false for a boolean field). This means that a deserialized TransientExample will have a null dangerous even though it is declared to have the non-optional type String. It is advisible to only use the transient annotation with optional types and/or write a readResolve() method to substitute a suitable default value.

Declaring volatile fields

Since Ceylon 1.3.2, if you need a field underlying an attribute to be volatile you can use the "virtual" volatile annotation from java.lang to annotate the attribute.

import java.lang{volatile}

class VolatileExample(name) {
    shared volatile String name;

Not all attributes require a field, but it's not an error to apply the volatile annotation to an attribute that doesn't have a field generated.

Note that top-level values are already thread-safe on the JVM and so it is not necessary to annotate them volatile.

Declaring synchronized attributes and methods

Note: synchronized is not usually the best approach to dealing with concurrency on the JVM. It is very low-level, and using java.util.concurrent is usually a better approach than resorting to synchronized.

If you really do need to use synchronized since Ceylon 1.3.2 you can use the "virtual" synchronized annotation from java.lang to annotate the value, attribute, function or method.

import java.lang{synchronized}

class SynchronizedExample(name) {
    shared synchronized String name;
    shared synchronized String method() {
        // ...

On a value or attribute the synchronized annotation will cause the synchronized modifier to be added to the getter (and setter if the attribute is variable).

On a function or method the synchronized annotation will cause the synchronized modifier to be added to the method itself, but not the computation of the defaulted arguments. If you need defaulted arguments to be synchronized you should factor each argument out into a separate method that is itself synchronized.

    shared synchronized String subtle(String s=defaulted()) {
        // ...
    synchronized String defaulted() {
        // ...

Even when you do this it is worth noting that a named argument invocation such as subtle{} won't hold the objects monitor for the duration of the call, but rather it will be acquired for the call to defaulted(), released and then re-aquired for the call to subtle(String). If you need the complete invocation to be synchronized use a positional invocation subtle().

Note that top-level values are already thread-safe on the JVM and so it is not necessary to annotate them synchronized, though it could be useful for toplevel getters and setters.

There is no support for synchronized blocks.

Declaring native attributes and methods

Since Ceylon 1.3.2, it is possible to declare a native (in the Java sense) value, attribute, function or method using the native annotation imported from java.lang. Because you're not allowed to import a declaration whose name is the same as a ceylon.language modifier annotation you have to use an import alias:

import java.lang{javaNative=native}

class NativeExample() {
    shared javaNative String name;
    shared javaNative String method();

An attribute annotated with javaNativewill cause the native modifier to be added to the getter (and setter if the attribute is variable).

Declaring strictfp methods

Since Ceylon 1.3.2, it is possible to declare a strictfp value, attribute, function, method, class or interface using the strictfp annotation imported from java.lang.

import java.lang{strictfp}

class StrictfpExample() {
    shared strictfp Float name {
        // ...
    shared strictfp Float method() {
        // ...
    shared strictfp Float tricky = 1.0+1.0;

An attribute annotated with strictfp will have a strictfp getter (and setter if it is variable).

If you declare an attribute with an initial value – such as tricky in the above example – that initial value is not computed strictfp (because it gets evaluated in the StrictfpExample constructor, and strictfp is not permitted on a constructor). It is recommended to either annotate the whole class strictfp, or factor the initial value computation into a strictfp method.

Using Java annotations on Ceylon declarations

Ceylon annotations differ from Java annotations in an important respect: Ceylon requires an annotation constructor to be invoked at the declaration being annotated. Java doesn't have the concept of an annotation constructor, so for each Java annotation type we pretend there's a corresponding annotation constructor (whose name is the same as the annotation type name, but with a lower cased initial letter), which can be imported:

import javax.annotation{generated, 
    Resource {

These annotation constructors can then be used in the same way as normal Ceylon annotation constructors

class Foo() {
    shared void afterConstrution() {}

Invocations of these synthetic annotation constructors support Java enumeration elements and class literals (using Declaration reference expressions):

class Bar() {
    annotationTakingClass(`class Bar`)
    shared variable String tom = "";

In some cases the target of the annotation is ambiguous, for example you might need to annotate a field with @Inject, but in Ceylon there is no field in the source code to apply the annotation to. In these cases there are several synthetic annotation constructors available, named according to the possible @Target of the annotation type in question. For example

class Injected() {
    shared variable String whatever;

The compiler will warn you if you apply an annotation constructor to an element in an ambiguous way, and force you to use the more specific named variant.

It is a common requirement of Java frameworks that user classes be serializable (in the Java sense).

Ceylon classes directly extending Basic or Object automatically implement whether or not they are declared with a satisfies Serializable clause. Of course, subclasses of such classes will inherit Thus most classes in Ceylon are serializable.

objects and instances created from value constructors are supported and result in the appropiate instance being resolved during deserialization. This means that you still have a single instance of classes which are supposed to be singletons.

Currently there is no mechanism for marking a field as transient or for specifying a serialVersionUID. It is possible to implement the "magic" methods of writeObject(), readObject(), readObjectNoData(), writeReplace() and readResolve().

A number of runtime classes are not serializable, including callables, the iterables supporting comprehensions and metamodel implementation classes. This means that you should thoroughly test the actually serializability of the instances your application creates if you're relying on serializablility in your application.

'Default' constructors

Frameworks frequently require that user classes have a no-arguments constructor. The need for this usually stems from the fact that such classes will be instantiated via reflection APIs.

The usual idiom in Ceylon is for the constructor to fully initialize the instance. Thus the idomatic class:

class Person(firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth) {
    shared variable String firstName;
    shared variable String lastName;
    shared variable Date dateOfBirth;

would have to be written non-idiomatically as

class Person {
    shared variable String firstName;
    shared variable String lastName;
    shared variable Date dateOfBirth;
    "Constructor for the framework"
    shared new () {
        this.firstName = "";
        this.lastName = "";
        this.dateOfBirth = epoch;
    shared new instance(String firstName, String lastName, Date dateOfBirth) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;

You could omit the instance() constructor, but at the cost Ceylon clients of Person having to instantiate and then call the setters separately.

So the ceylon compiler generates a protected no-arguments constructor behind the scenes, specifically for use by frameworks, while Ceylon clients get the benefits of an API that is pleasant to use.

There are some cases where a constructor is not generated (or is not no-arguments):

  • Generic classes have constructors, but they take reified type arguments, and so won't be useful to frameworks. (They will be useful to non-generic subclasses though).
  • object ("anonymous") classes, since these have a singleton semantic which would be subverted by providing an accessible constructor.
  • Simiarly, classes which have only value constructors.

Importing JDK modules

The Java JDK is not imported by default anymore since Milestone 4, which means you need to import the JDK modules if you want to import JDK packages.

The JDK has been mapped to Ceylon modules following the current JDK module list for Jigsaw, which is the module system planned for Java 9. Note that the Jigsaw module list is far from being final, so it is subject to change.

The current list of JDK modules is as follows:

  • java.base: the JDK base packages such as java.lang, java.util,,, java.text, NIO and security
  • java.logging: contains java.util.logging aka. JUL
  • java.desktop: contains java.applet, java.awt.**, javax.imageio.**, javax.print.**, javax.sound, javax.swing.**, javax.accessibility
  • java.jdbc: contains java.sql, javax.sql
  • java.jdbc.rowset: contains javax.sql.rowset.**
  • javax.script: contains javax.script
  • javax.xml: contains javax.xml.**, org.w3c.dom, org.w3c.dom.{bootstrap,events,ls} (css, html, ranges, stylesheets, traversal and views are in the oracle.jdk.jaxp module), org.xml.sax.**
  • javax.xmldsig: contains javax.xml.crypto.**
  • contains
  • java.instrument: contains java.lang.instrument
  • java.rmi: contains java.rmi
  • java.prefs: contains java.util.prefs
  • java.tls: contains**,
  • java.auth: contains
  • java.auth.kerberos: contains, org.ietf.jgss
  • contains
  • javax.naming: contains javax.naming.**
  • javax.transaction: contains javax.transaction.**
  • javax.jaxws: contains javax.xml.bind.**, javax.xml.soap,**, javax.activation
  • javax.annotation: contains javax.annotation
  • java.corba: contains javax.activity, javax.rmi.**, org.omg.**
  • java.compiler: contains, javax.lang.model.**, javax.annotation.processing

There are additional vendor-specific JDK modules, whose module/package-list mappings are defined in the source.

Obtaining Java jar dependencies

You can either install Java jar dependencies in your Ceylon repositories manually in order for Ceylon to find them, or you can obtain them from a Maven repository.

See also