Using Ceylon from Java


This page covers how you can use Ceylon classes, interfaces etc from Java.

Ceylon classes and interfaces


  • toplevel Ceylon class or interface, or
  • Ceylon inner class

compiles to a Java class or interface of the same name.

The situation is more complicated for inner interfaces. The compiler produces a top level interface whose name is produced by concatenating the names of containing types with $.

For example, this Ceylon class:

class C() {
    interface I {}

results in the following Java interface:

interface C$I {}

This is necessary in order to support arbitrary nesting of interfaces and classes within other types, which cannot be expressed in Java.

Instantiating Ceylon classes

A Ceylon class with initializer parameters or a default constructor is instantiated like any other Java class.

For example, suppose we have the following Ceylon class:

shared class Person(String name) {}

Then, in Java, we can call the constructor like this:

Person person = new Person("Some One");

This would still be true if the class were defined with a default constructor like this:

shared class Person { shared new(String name) {} }

On the other hand, instantiation via a named constructor is a bit less comfortable. Given:

shared class Person {
    shared new create(String name) {}

Then, in Java, we can call the named constructor like this:

Person person = new Person(Person.create_, "Some One");

Instantiating a class with defaulted parameters

A Ceylon class or constructor may have defaulted parameters. Such a class has an overloaded constructor for each defaulted initializer parameter or default constructor parameter.

For example, suppose we have the following Ceylon class:

shared class Animal(String name, Species = elephant, Integer age = 0) {}

Then, in Java, we can instantiate a Person as follows:

Animal animal = new Animal("Trompon");
Animal animal = new Animal("Trompon", elephant);
Animal animal = new Animal("Trompon", elephant, 6);

This would still be true if the class were defined with a default constructor like this:

shared class Animal {
    shared new(String name, Species = elephant, Integer age = 0) {}

Accessing Ceylon values

The type of a Ceylon value is translated to Java according to the type mapping rules.

If a Ceylon value name is a Java keyword, it will be prefixed with $, for example, $int.

Instance attributes

A shared Ceylon attribute compiles into a JavaBean-style getter and—if the attribute is variable or has an assign block—a JavaBeans-style setter.

For example, this class has getName(), getAge(), and setAge():

class Person(shared String name, shared variable Integer age) {}

Boolean attributes use get accessors rather than an is accessors. (Note that a get accessor is acceptable for boolean properties, according to the JavaBean specification.)

If both the attribute and the type it belongs to are shared, the Java accessors will be public.

Toplevel values

A toplevel value compiles to a class of the same name, suffixed with an underscore (_), which:

  • is final,
  • has a private constructor,
  • a static getter method and,
  • if the attribute is mutable, a corresponding static setter method.

For example, this toplevel values:

shared variable Boolean bool = true;

may be accessed and set using the following Java code:

// bool_ is the name of the Java class that holds the toplevel value 
boolean value = bool_.get_();

If the value is declared shared, the class and its accessors will both be public.

Calling Ceylon functions

A Ceylon function compiles directly into a Java method of the same name. The method result type and argument types are translated according to the type mapping rules.

If a Ceylon function name is a Java keyword, it will be prefixed with $, for example, $true.

Toplevel functions

A toplevel function compiles to a class of the same name, suffixed with an underscore (_), which:

  • is final,
  • has a private constructor, and
  • a static method of the same name as the toplevel function.

Thus, this toplevel function:

shared Boolean foo(Boolean b) => !b;

may be called using the following Java code:

// foo_ is the name of the Java class that holds the toplevel function 
boolean value =;

Calling a function with defaulted parameters

A Ceylon function may have defaulted parameters. There will be an overloaded method for each defaulted parameter.

For example, suppose we have the following Ceylon function:

shared Boolean foo(Boolean b = false, Boolean c = false) => b||c;

Then, in Java, we can invoke foo() as follows:

Boolean bool = foo();
Boolean bool = foo(true);
Boolean bool = foo(true, true);

Functions, initializers, and constructors with variadic parameters

A function, initializer, or constructor may have a variadic parameter, which is represented in the resulting Java code as a parameter of type Sequential<? extends T>.

Catching Ceylon exceptions

The root of the exception hierarchy in Ceylon is ceylon.language::Throwable, Unlike Java's Throwable, ceylon.language::Throwable is sealed and the only subclasses available to users are ceylon.language::Exception and ceylon.language::AssertionError. In order to best interoperate between the JVM and the JavaScript virtual machines there's is no Ceylon equivalent to java.lang.Error (in general JavaScript virtual machine errors are uncatchable and fatal).

The JVM implementation of ceylon.language::Exception is a java.lang.RuntimeException. On the other hand, ceylon.language::AssertionError is a java.lang.Error at runtime. This means that pure Ceylon code compiled for the JVM can only generate unchecked exceptions.

Impure Ceylon (that is, Ceylon code which access Java code) may throw any exception that is thrown by that Java code, including checked exceptions. Ceylon methods do not declare throws java.lang.Throwable in their bytecode, even though they can in principle throw Throwable. In practice Ceylon methods are very unlikely to throw Throwable itself (because Java methods are unlikely to), but Ceylon methods are quite likely to throw java.lang.Exception. So unless you know otherwise, it's probably sensible to wrap calls to Ceylon methods in a Java-side try/catch which handles this possibility.

If you really need to catch java.lang.Error from Ceylon you have two choices:

  • you can catch ceylon.language::Throwable and then decide whether you really have the error you're interested in (e.g. from its error message). This has a tendency to be bug-prone (exception messages can change), but doesn't require your module to be JVM only.

  • if you're willing to have a JVM-only module you can explicitly import java.lang.Error and catch it directly.

Type conversions

If you need to convert a Java or Ceylon type according to the type mapping rules, you can do so using the following methods.

Convert from a Java type to a Ceylon type

Java type Convert to Ceylon object
boolean b ceylon.language.Boolean.instance(b)
byte x ceylon.language.Byte.instance(x) 1.1
short x, int x, long x ceylon.language.Integer.instance(x)
float x, double x ceylon.language.Float.instance(x)
char c ceylon.language.Character.instance(c)
T[] a ceylon.language.Array.instance(a)
java.lang.String s ceylon.language.String.instance(s)

Convert from a Ceylon type to a Java type

Ceylon type Convert to Java object
ceylon.language.Boolean b b.booleanValue()
ceylon.language.Byte b b.byteValue() 1.1
ceylon.language.Integer i i.longValue()
ceylon.language.Float f f.doubleValue()
ceylon.language.Character c c.intValue()
ceylon.language.Array a a.toArray()
ceylon.language.String s s.toString()

Annotating Java declarations with Ceylon annotations

Ceylon annotation classes are compiled into Java annotation types (@interfaces). Each annotation class parameter is mapped to an annotation type member. This means it's mostly a matter of adding the Ceylon annotation types to your Java declarations.

  • The name of the annotation type is the name of the annotation class with $annotation appended
  • Annotation classes that subclass SequencedAnnotation have an extra wrapper annotation type, which holds an array of the individual annotations. The name of this wrapper annotation type is the name of the annotation class with $annotations appended.
  • Annotation classes that subclass ConstrainedAnnotation have their program element constraints transformed into a @Target constaint. However, due to the differing semantics for constraining annotations it's not a bijective mapping.
  • Due to the constraints placed on annotation types by the Java language and virtual machine to type mapping differs
    • Iterable, Sequence and Tuple-typed parameters are all mapped to a Java array of the relevant type.
    • Declaration references are mapped to java.lang.String using a special syntax detailed below.
    • objects of enumerated types mapped to the java.lang.Class for the anonymous class.

The grammar for the Declaration reference syntax is as follows:

ref              ::= version? module ;
                     // note: version is optional to support looking up the
                     // runtime version of a package, once we support this
version          ::= ':' SENTINEL ANYCHAR* SENTINEL ;
module           ::= dottedIdent package? ;
dottedIdent      ::= ident ('.' ident)* ;
package          ::= ':' ( relativePackage | absolutePackage ) ? ( ':' declaration ) ? ;
                     // note: if no absolute or relative package given, it's the 
                     // root package of the module
relativePackage  ::= dottedIdent ;
absolutePackage  ::= '.' dottedIdent ;
                     // note: to suport package names which don't start 
                     // with the module name
declaration      ::= type | function | value ;
type             ::= class | interface ;
class            ::= 'C' ident ( '.' member )?
interface        ::= 'I' ident ( '.' member )?
member           ::= declaration ;
function         ::= 'F' ident ;
value            ::= 'V' ident ;

For example the ClassDeclaration for ceylon.language::String in ceylon.language version 0.6 would be ::0.6:ceylon.language::CString, and for the value true it would be ::0.6:ceylon.language::Vtrue.

See also