Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.0, not to the current release.


This is the second step in our tour of the Ceylon language. In the previous leg you learned some of the basics of the syntax of Ceylon. In this leg we're going to learn how to define classes with methods and attributes.

Identifier naming

The case of the first character of an identifier is significant. Type (interface, class, and type parameter) names must start with an initial capital letter. Function and value names start with an initial lowercase letter or underscore. The Ceylon compiler is very fussy about this. You'll get a compilation error if you write:

class hello() { ... } //compile error


String Name = .... //compile error

There is a way to work around this restriction, which is mainly useful when calling legacy Java code. You can "force" the compiler to understand that an identifier is a type name by prefixing it with \I, or that it is a function or value name by prefixing it with \i. For example, \iRED is considered an initial lowercase identifier.

So the following declarations are acceptable, but definitely not recommended, except in the interop scenario:

class \Ihello() { ... } //OK, but not recommended


String \iName = .... //OK, but not recommended

Creating your own class

Our first class is going to represent points in a polar coordinate system. Our class has two parameters, two methods, and an attribute.

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar(Float angle, Float radius) {

    shared Polar rotate(Float rotation) =>
            Polar(angle+rotation, radius);

    shared Polar dilate(Float dilation) =>
            Polar(angle, radius*dilation);

    shared String description = "(``radius``,``angle``)";


There's two things in particular to notice here:

  1. The parameters used to instantiate a class are specified as part of the class declaration, right after the name of the class. There's no Java-style constructors in Ceylon. This syntax is less verbose and more regular than Java, C#, or C++.

  2. We make use of the parameters of a class anywhere within the body of the class. In Ceylon, we often don't need to define explicit members of the class to hold the parameter values. Instead, we can access the parameters angle and radius directly from the rotate() and dilate() methods, and from the expression which specifies the value of description.

Notice also that Ceylon doesn't have a new keyword to indicate instantiation, we just "invoke the class", writing Polar(angle, radius).

The shared annotation determines the accessibility of the annotated type, attribute, or method. Before we go any further, let's see how we can hide the internal implementation of a class from other code.

Hiding implementation details

Ceylon doesn't make a distinction between public, protected and "default" visibility like Java does; here's why. Instead, the language distinguishes between:

  • program elements which are visible only inside the scope in which they are defined, and
  • program elements which are visible wherever the thing they belong to (a type, package, or module) is visible.

By default, members of a class are hidden from code outside the body of the class. By annotating a member with the shared annotation, we declare that the member is visible to any code to which the class itself is visible.

And, of course, a class itself may be hidden from other code. By default, a toplevel class is hidden from code outside the package in which the class is defined. Annotating a top level class with shared makes it visible to any code to which the package containing the class is visible.

Finally, packages are hidden from code outside the module to which the package belongs by default. Only explicitly shared packages are visible to other modules.

Got the idea? We are playing Russian dolls here.

Exposing parameters as attributes

If we want to expose the angle and radius of our Polar coordinate to other code, we need to define attributes of the class. It's very common to assign parameters of a class directly to a shared attribute of the class, so Ceylon provides a streamlined syntax for this.

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar(angle, radius) {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared Polar rotate(Float rotation) =>
            Polar(angle+rotation, radius);

    shared Polar dilate(Float dilation) =>
            Polar(angle, radius*dilation);

    shared String description = "(``radius``,``angle``)";


Code that uses Polar can access the attributes of the class using a very convenient syntax.

shared Cartesian cartesian(Polar polar) {
    return Cartesian(polar.radius*cos(polar.angle), 

There's an even more compact way to write the code above, though it's often less readable:

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar(shared Float angle, shared Float radius) {

    shared Polar rotate(Float rotation) =>
            Polar(angle+rotation, radius);

    shared Polar dilate(Float dilation) =>
            Polar(angle, radius*dilation);

    shared String description = "(``radius``,``angle``)";


This illustrates an important feature of Ceylon: there is almost no essential difference, aside from syntax, between a parameter of a class, and a value declared in the body of the class.

Instead of declaring the attributes in the body of the class, we simply annotated the parameters shared. We encourage you to avoid this shortcut when you have more than one or two parameters.

Initializing attributes

The attributes angle and radius are references, the closest thing Ceylon has to a Java field. Usually we specify the value of a reference when we declare it.

shared Float x = radius * sin(angle);
shared String greeting = "Hello, ``name``!";
shared Integer months = years * 12;

On the other hand, it's sometimes useful to separate declaration from assignment.

shared String description;
if (exists label) {
    description = label;
else {
    description = "(``radius``,``angle``)";

But if there's no constructors in Ceylon, where precisely should we put this code? We put it directly in the body of the class!

"A polar coordinate with an optional label"
class Polar(angle, radius, String? label) {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared String description;
    if (exists label) {
        description = label;
    else {
        description = "(``radius``,``angle``)";

    // ...


The Ceylon compiler forces you to specify a value of any reference before making use of the reference in an expression.

Integer count;
void inc() {
    count++;   //compile error

We'll learn more about this later in the tour.

Abstracting state using attributes

If you're used to writing JavaBeans, you can think of a reference as a combination of several things:

  • a field,
  • a getter, and, sometimes,
  • a setter.

That's because not all value are references like the one we've just seen; others are more like a getter method, or, sometimes, like a getter and setter method pair.

We'll need to expose the equivalent cartesian coordinates of a Polar. Since the cartesian coordinates can be computed from the polar coordinates, we don't need to define state-holding references. Instead, we can define the attributes as getters.

import ceylon.math.float { sin, cos }

"A polar coordinate"
class Polar(angle, radius) {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared Float x => radius * cos(angle);
    shared Float y => radius * sin(angle);

    // ...


Notice that the syntax of a getter declaration looks a lot like a method declaration with no parameter list.

So in what way are attributes "abstracting state"? Well, code that uses Polar never needs to know if an attribute is a reference or a getter. Now that we know about getters, we could rewrite our description attribute as a getter, without affecting any code that uses it.

"A polar coordinate, with an optional label"
class Polar(angle, radius, String? label) {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared String description {
        if (exists label) {
            return label;
        else {
            return "(``radius``,``angle``)";

Living without static members

Right at the beginning of the tour, we mentioned that Ceylon doesn't have static members like in Java, C#, or C++. Instead of a static member, we either:

  • use a toplevel function or value declaration, or
  • in the case where several "static" declarations need to share some private stuff, members of a singleton object declaration, which we'll meet right at the start of the next chapter.

The lack of static members results in a minor gotcha for newcomers.


The syntax Polar.radius is legal in Ceylon, and we even call it a static reference, but it does not usually mean what you think it means!

Sure, if you're taking advantage of Ceylon's Java interop, you can call a static member of a Java class using this syntax, just like you can in Java:

import java.lang { Runtime }

Integer procs = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors();

Or, alternatively, you could write the following:

import java.lang { Runtime { runtime } }

Integer procs = runtime.availableProcessors(); 

But in regular Ceylon code, an expression like Polar.radius is not a reference to a static member of the class Polar. We'll come back to the question of what a "static reference" really is, when we discuss higher-order functions.

Living without overloading

It's time for some bad news: Ceylon doesn't have method or constructor overloading (the truth is that overloading is the source of various problems in Java, especially when generics come into play). However we can emulate most non-harmful uses of constructor or method overloading using:

  • defaulted parameters,
  • variadic parameters (varargs), and
  • union types or enumerated type constraints.

We're not going to get into all the details of these workarounds right now, but here's a quick example of each of the three techniques:

//defaulted parameter
void println(String line, String eol = "\n") =>
        process.write(line + eol);

//variadic parameter
void printlns(String* lines) {
    for (line in lines) {

//union type
void printName(String|Named name) {
    switch (name)
    case (is String) {
    case (is Named) {
        println(name.first + " " + name.last);

Don't worry if you don't completely understand the third example just yet, we'll come back to it later in the tour.

Let's make use of this idea to "overload" the "constructor" of Polar.

"A polar coordinate with an optional label"
class Polar(angle, radius, String? label=null) {

    shared Float angle;
    shared Float radius;

    shared String description {
        if (exists label) {
            return label;
        else {
            return "(``radius``,``angle``)";

    // ...


Now we can create Polar coordinates with or without labels:

Polar origin = Polar(0.0, 0.0, "origin");
Polar coord = Polar(r, theta);

There's more...

In the next chapter, we'll continue our investigation of attributes, and especially variable attributes. We'll also meet Ceylon's control structures.

(We'll wait until a later chapter to learn more about methods.)