Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.2, not to the current release. aka Ceylon Herd

Ceylon Herd is our next-gen module repository, where you can find and publish open-source Ceylon modules. Why is it next-gen? Here's why:

  • Lean and intuitive user interface
  • Tips and instructions to help you find your way
  • Browse or search Ceylon modules
  • Visualise information about Ceylon modules, such as dependencies, documentation, license or authors
  • Integrated with remote issue trackers such as GitHub to give more depth to Ceylon modules
  • Social: discover who's doing what, be proud of what you publish
  • Keep up to date: follow people's activity, or track new versions of your favourite modules with Atom feeds
  • Already integrated in every Ceylon tool: you can start using it today
  • Publish your modules using an intuitive and helpful process that checks what you are doing and suggests ways forward
  • Powerful management for module owners, with permissions delegation and transfer of ownership

Not only that, but we're not keeping this next-gen module repository to ourselves: it's completely Free Software so you're encouraged to run your own instance, just as powerful as what we're using, and contribute to make it better.

Start using Herd today and publish your first module to start sharing!

See also