Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.2, not to the current release.

Module repositories

Ceylon supports modules natively. Ceylon Modules contain the following:

  • A module descriptor, which contains:
    • A unique name and version
    • Meta-data such as author, license, documentation
    • A list of module dependencies
  • A list of packages
  • Optionally, a source archive
  • Optionally, an API documentation archive

Ceylon modules are published in Ceylon repositories, which are then used by Ceylon tools to consume and produce modules natively.

Archive types

Ceylon module archives contain the compiled code and are packaged in a .car file using the ZIP file format.

Ceylon source archives contain the source code and are packaged in a .src file using the ZIP file format.

Ceylon API documentation archives contain the API documentation in a module-doc folder, which holds HTML documentation.

Legacy Java archives contain the compiled code and are packaged in a .jar file using the ZIP file format just as they are for Java. They are used instead of the corresponding .car archive (you can have on or the other, not both). A legacy archive needs to follow the same naming rules and folder structure as defined for .car archives (see below). Also if the legacy archive has dependencies on other modules they can be defined using a modules.xml or file or other external files.

Repository structure

Ceylon module repositories are organised using the following structure (using a module of versions 0.1 and 1.0 as example):

                -- Ceylon module archive
           -- Checksum file
                -- Ceylon source archive
           -- Checksum file
                    module-doc/              -- API documentation 
                        index.html           -- Index page
                        [...]                -- API documentation files
                -- Java legacy archive
                  -- Dependencies for legacy archive

Supported repository types

At the moment, the Ceylon tools are able to use the following repository types:

  • File system repository
  • HTTP repository (for reading)
  • WebDAV repository (for reading and publishing). You can specify the user name and password to use for WebDAV publishing in the tools
  • A flat repository for interop
  • Legacy repositories (Maven…)

Standard repositories

The Ceylon tools use a number of standard repositories and support command line arguments to add references to your own. All of that is explained in detail on the section on Dealing with repositories on the command line.

If you want to know more about how the Ceylon configuration file can be used to change the default behavior of the tools when looking up modules in repositories you can read the section on tool configuration.

Legacy repositories

Ceylon also integrates with other legacy repositories such as Maven.

Dependency overrides

You can override dependencies for Maven or Ceylon modules.