Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.2, not to the current release.

Anonymous functions

An anonymous function is a function with no name, defined within an expression.


// verbose
function (Float x) => 2*x

// less verbose
(Float x) => 2*x 

// void
void (String name) => print("hello " + name)

// with a block
(String name) {
    String greeting = "hello " + name;
    return greeting;



The type of an anonymous function is simply the callable type of the function.

Function and void keywords

The keyword function is optional for an anonymous function that returns a value. The keyword void is required for an anonymous function that doesn't return a value, for example, if it calls a void method or function, or performs an assignment.

Higher-order anonymous functions

Anonymous functions can, be higher order too. Here's one with multiple parameter lists:

value multiplier = (Float x)(Float y) => x*y;


Try to avoid using anonymous functions as function results. The preferred form is to use a function with multiple parameter lists:

// A function f which returns an anonymous function
// (difficult to read with all those =>)
Float(Float) f(Float x) => (Float y) => x*y;

// A function f with multiple parameters
// (preferred)
Float f(Float x)(Float y) => x*y;

Anonymous functions with blocks are rare. If your anonymous function doesn't fit in a single expression, consider refactoring:

  • turn the anonymous function into an ordinary named function,
  • use Extract Function to pull some of the functionality out of the anonymous function, or
  • use a named argument list instead.

See also