Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.1, not to the current release.

<ceylon-module-descriptor> Ant task


Note: You must declare the tasks with a <typedef>.

To retrieve the name, version and license information from the sources for module and exposing them as ant properties:

<target name="descriptor" depends="ceylon-ant-taskdefs">
  <echo message="Name ${modulename}" />
  <echo message="Version ${moduleversion}" />
  <echo message="License ${modulelicense}" />


The <ceylon-module-descriptor> ant task supports retrieving the name, version and license from a module descriptor and making them available as properties for the ant build file. If no name is given for the different properties that can be retrieved then that particular attribute from the descriptor will not be available to the build script.


Note: In contrast to almost all other Ceylon ant tasks this one does not support any of the "common" attributes as listed on the main tool page.

Attribute Description Required
src A source directory. No, default is source
module The module name whose descriptor file we want to read. Ex: ``. Yes
name The name of the property in which to store the module's name. No
version The name of the property in which to store the module's version. No
license The name of the property in which to store the module's license. No

See also