Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.1, not to the current release.
The for
statement iterates the elements produced by an iterable object.
The general form of the for
statement is:
for ( /* variable declaration */ in /* iterable expression */ ) {
/* for block */
else {
/* code executed if iteration doesn't exit early */
The else
clause is optional.
A for
statement accepts an expression of type
, which is evaluated
to produce an Iterable
The for
block is executed repeatedly, with the iteration variable taking the
value of each successive item produced by an Iterator
obtained from the iterable
object. Iteration of the loop terminated when the Iterator
produces finished
or an
early exit occurs.
If an early exit does not terminate iteration of the loop, the else
block is
and continue
Within the for
block the break
directive can be used to exit
the block early without iterating over the remaining items in the Iterator
This is one form of early exit.
The continue
directive can be used to skip execution of the
remainder of the block and proceed with the next item produced by the Iterator
Early Exit
If the for
block ends with a return
, break
or throw
directive, the iteration is said to have exited early.
In the case of return
or throw
, control is returned directly to the caller.
In the case of a break
statement, execution continues with the statement
immediately following the for
statement. Therefore, the else
block is never
executed in any case of early exit.
The else
clause is ideally suited to situations where the for
is being used to find something in a sequence or list, and the sought item has
not been found:
Boolean definitelyInitialize(Person[] people) {
Boolean minors;
for (p in people) {
if (p.age<18) {
minors = true;
else {
minors = false;
return minors;
Iterating entries
A special syntactic form of the for
statement is provided for iterating instances
of Entry
for (key->item in map) {
- Ceylon does not support the C-style
statement, with an initialising statement, iteration statement and termination condition. This isn't a problem in practice; see what the Tour has to say.
See also
- The
statement - The
statement - The
statement Iterable
- The
statement and Iterating Sequences in the Tour of Ceylon - The
statement in the Ceylon language specification