Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.1, not to the current release.

Positional argument lists

A positional argument list is not an expression itself, but is used in the formation of invocation expressions and tuple and iterable enumerations.


A positional argument list is simply a series of expressions, separated by commas. This example shows a positional invocation of a put function:

put(1, "one");


The position of each argument within the argument list identifies the corresponding parameter in the parameter list of the Callable being invoked. This is in contrast to named argument lists, where the correspondence between argument and parameter is done using the parameter's name.

There are three kinds of argument that can appear in a positional argument list

Listed arguments

Listed arguments are simply expressions which are evaluated to give the argument to the corresponding parameter.

print("hello world");
HashSet(1, 2, 3);

If the last parameter is variadic then it can accept multiple listed arguments (for example, in the HashSet instantiation above).

Spread arguments

A spread argument assigns the elements of an iterable or tuple object to one or more parameters. Spread arguments are distinguished from normal listed arguments by a preceeding star (*):


Spread arguments are useful when you have an iterable or sequential reference which you want to pass as the argument to a variadic parameter. Since you cannot used listed arguments (because you don't know what the elements of the reference are) you have to use a spread.

A spread Iterable can assigns a single Iterable argument to a variadic parameter:

void spreadIterable(String* names) {
    // note names is a variadic parameter

{String*} names = { "Tom", "Gavin" };

// Invocation using listed arguments
spreadIterable("Tom", "Gavin");

// Invocation using a spread iterable argument

If the argument is not already assignable to Sequential it is converted to a Sequential before being passed to the function (because within a variadic function, the variadic parameter has Sequential or Sequence type, depending on the varidacity).

You can also spread a Tuple over more than one parameter. In other words a single argument can be used to provide the values of more than one parameter:

Unlike Iterable arguments, Spreading Tuple arguments is not just limited to invocations with variadic parameters:

print(*["hello world"]);

It works with variadic parameters too, of course:

void spreadTuple(String name, Integer* numbers) {
    // note numbers is a variadic parameter

[String, Integer] tup = ["Tom", 1234];

// A spread tuple

// Variations
spreadTuple(*["Harry", 123, 466]);
spreadTuple("Eve", *[123, 466]);

Comprehension arguments

A comprehension is a shorthand way of creating an Iterable to be passed as an argument.

Integer sum({Integer*} values) {
    // ...

value sumOfEvens = sum(for (x in 0..50) 2*x);

The values produced by the iterable are constructed using for and if clauses and an expression:

  • A for clause introduces an iteration variable and a source iterable.
  • An if clause specifies a condition used to filter values from the resulting Iterable.
  • The expression transforms the iteration variable(s)

So in the example above:

value sumOfEvens = sum(
    for (x in 0..50) // the source iterable is 0..50
        2*x); // the expression doubles the iteration variable

We could produce the same stream of even numbers like this:

value sumOfEvens = sum(
    for (x in 0..100) // the source iterable is 0..100
        if (x%2 == 0) // we select only the even numbers
            x); // and the expression is the number we selected

Comprehensions with multiple for and if clauses are permitted:

    for (x in 0..100)
        for (y in 0..x)

The Iterables created by comprehension arguments are lazy, so each element is only evaluated when required.

It is common to use a comprehension argument in an iterable enumeration:

value names = {for (person in people)};

See also