Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.0, not to the current release.

ceylon - The Ceylon command

The ceylon command provides access to the Ceylon command line toolset.


ceylon [<options>...] <command> [<command-args>...]


The top level ceylon command is the entry point for a particular subcommand. There is a list of the available subcommands.

The rest of this page will highlight particular tools

Backend-agnostic commands

  • ceylon help provides interactive help about other ceylon commands.
  • ceylon doc is the command line interface to the Ceylon documentation compiler
  • ceylon new generates Ceylon projects from templates

JVM-specific commands

  • ceylon compile is the command line interface to the Ceylon compiler
  • ceylon run is the command line interface for launching a Ceylon program on the JVM
  • ceylon test is the command line interface for executing tests on the JVM
  • ceylon import-jar is the command line interface for importing a Java archive into a Ceylon module repository

JavaScript-specific commands

  • ceylon compile-js is the command line interface to the Ceylon compiler for JavaScript
  • ceylon run-js is the command line interface for launching a Ceylon program on the node.js

See also