Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.0, not to the current release.

<ceylon-copy> Ant task


Note: You must declare the tasks with a <typedef>.

To copy the module with all its dependencies to a module repository in the build directory:

<target name="copy" depends="ceylon-ant-taskdefs">
  <ceylon-copy out="build" recursive="true">
    <module name="" version="1.5"/>


The <ceylon-compile> ant task supports copying a module or a set of modules from one repository to another. If set for recursive copying it will also copy all the module's dependencies and their dependencies until the entire module tree has been copied.


Note: In addition to the parameters in the table below, a nested <module>s required.

Attribute Description Required
out The output module repository (which must be publishable). No, default is modules
user The user name to use when connecting to the output repository. Only used for HTTP output repositories. No
pass The password to use when connecting to the output repository. Only used for HTTP output repositories. No
recursive A source directory. No, default is false
verbose Whether the compiler should emit verbose logging information. The zero or more of the following flags can be passed separated by commas: 'all' or 'loader'. If you do not pass a flag 'all' will be assumed. No

Nested elements


A reference to a <moduleset> defined elsewhere in the ant build file.


A module to compile. Can be specified multiple times.

Attribute Description Required
name The module name Yes


A reference to a <reposet> defined elsewhere in the ant build file.


A module repository containing dependencies. Can be specified multiple times. Defaults to modules.

Attribute Description Required
url The URL of the module repository Yes

See also