Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.0, not to the current release.

Ceylon Ant tasks


Before using any of the Ceylon Ant tasks they need to be declared using a <typedef>:

<property name="ceylon.ant.lib" value="${ceylon.home}/lib/ceylon.ant.jar"/>

<target name="ceylon-ant-taskdefs">

  <!-- Create a path to the ceylon-ant.jar --> 
  <path id="ant-tasks">
    <pathelement location="${ceylon.ant.lib}"/>

  <!-- use a typedef to define all the ceylon tasks together -->
  <typedef resource="com/redhat/ceylon/ant/antlib.xml" classpathref="ant-tasks"/>


Note: Prior to M5 we used a <taskdef>, but such usage is now deprecated.

Common parameters

Attribute Description Required
cwd Set the current directory for the task to the given path. No
sysrep Set the system repository to the given directory. No, the default is $CEYLON_HOME/repo.
cacherep Set the cache repository to the given directory. No, the default is ~/.ceylon/cache.
nodefaultrepository When set none of the default repositories will be used by the module resolver, all of them will have to be specified manually using <rep> and/or <reposet>. false

Common nested elements


Milestone 5

A <reposet> element contains a number of <repo> and/or <reposet> elements. It can be defined at the top level, and then used by reference in <ceylon-*> tasks so you don't have to repeat the same list of repositories all the time.

Here's an example from the build.xml for the Ceylon SDK:

<reposet id="reposet.compile.test">
    <repo url="${out.repo}"/>
    <repo url="test-deps"/><!-- Needed for h2.jar dep of test.ceylon.dbc -->

<!-- ... -->

<target name="compile-test-jvm" depends="compile-jvm">

    <ceylon-compile executable="${ceylon.executable}"
        <reposet refid="reposet.compile.test"/> 
        <moduleset refid="modules.test.jvm"/>



A <moduleset> element contains a number of <sourcemodules> and/or <module> elements. It can be defined at the top level, and then used by reference in <ceylon-*> tasks so you don't have to repeat the same list of modules all the time.

A <sourcemodules> element simply includes all the ceylon modules in a given source directory, as specified by its dir attribute. This saves you having to explicitly list all the modules to be compiled, you can instead just compile all the modules in a given directory.

Here's an example using <moduleset>/<sourcemodules>from the build.xml for the Ceylon SDK:

<moduleset id="modules.sdk.jvm">
    <sourcemodules dir="source"/>

<!-- ... -->

<target name="compile-jvm">

    <ceylon-compile executable="${ceylon.executable}"
        <moduleset refid="modules.sdk.jvm"/>


A <module> element must specify a name, and may specify a version. If the relevant ceylon task don't require a version it will be ignored.

Here's an example using <moduleset>/<module>from the build.xml for the Ceylon SDK:

<moduleset id="modules.sdk.js">
    <module name="ceylon.test"/>
    <module name="ceylon.collection"/>
    <module name="ceylon.json"/>

<!-- ... -->

<target name="compile-js">

    <ceylon-compile-js executable="${ceylon.executable}"
        <moduleset refid="modules.sdk.js"/>



A <define> element is used to set system properties for the ant task being executed. It can be used as a child element for any of the Ceylon ant tasks. The value for the property can either be passed as a value attribute as described below or it can be the text between the begin and end tags or it is even posible to dispense with the attributes and use the syntax key=value.

Attribute Description Required
key The name of the property to pass No
value The value of the property to pass No

See also