Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.0, not to the current release.
(spread method) operator
The spread method operator maps an iterable of instances through a method, resulting in a new sequence containing the return values of each method invocation.
{String+} names = {"foo", "bar", "baz"};
{String+} initials = names*.initial(1);
You can also spread method references:
Callable<String[], [Integer]> ref = names*.initial;
See the language specification for more details.
The *.
operator is not polymorphic.
The result type of the lhs*.rhs
operator is the callable type of the
type of the right hand operand, with the return type replaced by its
corresponding sequential type.
See also
(spread attribute) operator, the equivalent of the spread method operator but for attributes; - sequence operators in the language specification
- operator precedence in the language specification
- Operator polymorphism in the Tour of Ceylon