Note: information on this page refers to Ceylon 1.0, not to the current release.
Using Java from Ceylon
This page covers how you can use Java classes from Ceylon.
Important Note: Everything documented here is subject to change before 1.0.
Dealing with Ceylon constraints
Accessing Java types with an initial lowercase letter
If you want to use a Java type with an initial lowercase letter, you have to
prefix its name with \I
to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about
a type name.
Note that this does not apply to Java primitives, which are in general handled by the type mapping or by using the corresponding JVM boxed versions.
Accessing Java methods or fields with an initial uppercase letter
If you want to use a Java method or field with an initial uppercase letter, you have to
prefix its name with \i
to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about
an attribute/method name.
Accessing Java declarations whose name is a Ceylon keyword
If you need to access a Java method or field whose
name is a Ceylon keyword (e.g. a method called value()
), you have to prefix its name with \i
to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about an attribute/method name.
If you need to access a Java class or interface whose
name is a Ceylon keyword (e.g. a class called value
), you have to prefix its name with \I
to let the Ceylon parser know that we're talking about a type name.
Dealing with overloading
Calling overloaded constructors or methods
No special syntax is required to call an overloaded constructor or method.
Occasionally, as in Java, a typecast is required to distinguish the overloaded
version. Ceylon doesn't have unsafe typecasts, but it does have the of
import java.lang { JException=Exception }
throw JException(null of String?);
Overriding overloaded methods
It's possible to refine one overloaded version of a method, but refining multiple overloaded versions is not allowed, because it would require nothing short of supporting overloading in Ceylon, which is not something we want to do.
Dealing with static fields and methods
Just like in Java, you can use static fields and methods as it they were instance fields or methods, so if you have an instance at hand, you're all set up.
Accessing static methods or fields
You can access static methods or fields without having an instance of the container type by importing them from their containing type, which makes them toplevel attributes or methods:
import { File { separator, createTempFile } }
void m(){
createTempFile("foo", "bar");
Note that you can alias them too like other imports:
import { JFile = File { sep = separator, roots = listRoots } }
import java.lang { ObjectArray }
void m(){
ObjectArray<JFile> roots2 = roots();
Note that since many Java static fields actually have an initial uppercase letter you will
have to prefix their name with \i
Accessing instance fields
You can access Java instance fields as if they were normal Ceylon attributes, except if they are not public or if they are hidden by a JavaBean property of the same name.
Accessing JavaBean properties
Ceylon maps instance attributes to JavaBean properties, so naturally, every JavaBean property defined in Java is mapped to a Ceylon instance attribute.
Accessing instance methods
- Java Bean accessors (
methods) will be treated as Ceylon attributes, and therefore can only be accessed as such. - If there is a Java Bean setter that has no corresponding getter (such as in
the older parts of the JDK such as
) then both methods are available as normal Ceylon instance methods. - The
methods are mapped to the respective Ceylon instance attributesstring
, and as such are not visible as instance methods. - The
type is mapped to the Ceylon typeceylon.language.Basic
as defined in type mapping, therefore the fields and methods defined injava.lang.Object
are not visible in Ceylon (we might change this in the future).
Other instance methods can be accessed as normal Ceylon instance method.
Catching Java exceptions
A Ceylon-side catch (Exception e) { ... }
will catch java.lang.Exception
(and, of course its subclasses).
It's currently impossible to catch non-java.lang.Exception
subclasses of
. In particular this means it's currently impossible to
catch java.lang.Error
Java primitive types
Every Java primitive type (including arrays) is mapped to a Ceylon type as described in the type mapping list. This means you can get Java primitives into Ceylon and send them back. If you satisfy or extend a Java type, Ceylon will use the proper Java primitive types to satisfy the constraints imposed by the Java type.
In some very specific cases, such as with overloading, you might have to write
some code in a special way though. For instance, since short
and int
both mapped to the Ceylon type celon.language.Integer
which in turn is mapped
to long
, if you want to call a method overriden for a specific version of these
three types, you have to make it explicit:
public class JavaType {
public void foo(short s){}
public void foo(long s){}
public void takesAShort(short s){}
import java.lang { JavaShort = Short }
void m(){
JavaType t = JavaType();
// this will be stored as a long on the JVM
Integer i = 2;
// this will produce a short and thus call foo(short);
// this will call foo(long);
// naturally this works too
At the moment you cannot declare a method or attribute in Ceylon such that its type represents a certain Java primitive (though if you override a method or attribute, its primitive type will be respected). In the future we may implement this with a compiler annotation to specify the underlying primitive type to use.
Java array types
Java arrays are supported and mapped to virtual objects in the java.lang
Java type | Ceylon type |
boolean[] |
java.lang.BooleanArray |
byte[] |
java.lang.ByteArray |
short[] |
java.lang.ShortArray |
int[] |
java.lang.IntArray |
long[] |
java.lang.LongArray |
float[] |
java.lang.FloatArray |
double[] |
java.lang.DoubleArray |
char[] |
java.lang.CharArray |
T[] |
java.lang.ObjectArray<T> |
These virtual types must be imported from the java.base/7
module, as the rest of the core of the JDK, and
their definition is as follows, for example for BooleanArray
shared class BooleanArray(Integer size, Boolean element = false){
"Gets the item at the specified index"
shared Boolean get(Integer index);
"Sets the item at the specified index"
shared void set(Integer index, Boolean element);
"The array size"
shared Integer size;
"Get a Ceylon Array that is a view backed by this array"
shared Array<Boolean> array;
"Copies this array to another array"
shared void copyTo(BooleanArray destination, Integer sourcePosition = 0, Integer destinationPosition = 0, Integer length = size);
As you can see, we mapped every Java array operation to methods and attributes, and added a way to get a
Ceylon Array
object from a Java array, which allows you to access Java arrays as if they were Ceylon
arrays. Be careful that the Java array is only wrapped so all changes to it will be visible in the
Ceylon Array
Note that the IntArray
type has an extra method to convert an array of Unicode Code Points to a Ceylon
of Character
"Get a Ceylon Array that is a view backed by this array"
shared Array<Character> codePointArray;
See how to use Java arrays:
public class JavaType {
public String[] giveMeAnArray(){ return new String[]{"Foo"}; }
public void takeThisArray(String[] arr){}
JavaType t = JavaType();
ObjectArray<String> array = t.giveMeAnArray();
String first = array.get(0);
array.set(0, "Updated");
Working with Java arrays
We added another virtual type in java.lang
called arrays
, to allow you to create Java arrays based on Ceylon
values, and to unwrap Ceylon Array
to the Java arrays they are wrapping. We also have various methods
to help converting arrays of Java String
and Ceylon String
It has the following signature:
shared object arrays {
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `byte` array"
shared ByteArray toByteArray({Integer*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `byte` array it was constructed from (using `ByteArray.array` at the time)"
shared ByteArray asByteArray(Array<Integer> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `short` array"
shared ShortArray toShortArray({Integer*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `short` array it was constructed from (using `ShortArray.array` at the time)"
shared ShortArray asShortArray(Array<Integer> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `int` array"
shared IntArray toIntArray({Integer*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `int` array it was constructed from (using `IntArray.array` at the time)"
shared IntArray asIntArray(Array<Integer> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `long` array"
shared LongArray toLongArray({Integer*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `long` array it was constructed from (using `LongArray.array` at the time)"
shared LongArray asLongArray(Array<Integer> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `float` array"
shared FloatArray toFloatArray({Float*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `float` array it was constructed from (using `FloatArray.array` at the time)"
shared FloatArray asFloatArray(Array<Float> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `double` array"
shared DoubleArray toDoubleArray({Float*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `double` array it was constructed from (using `DoubleArray.array` at the time)"
shared DoubleArray asDoubleArray(Array<Float> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `char` array"
shared CharArray toCharArray({Character*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `char` array it was constructed from (using `CharArray.array` at the time)"
shared CharArray asCharArray(Array<Character> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `int` array"
shared IntArray toCodePointArray({Character*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `int` array it was constructed from (using `IntArray.codePointArray` at the time)"
shared IntArray asCodePointArray(Array<Character> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `boolean` array"
shared BooleanArray toBooleanArray({Boolean*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `boolean` array it was constructed from (using `BooleanArray.array` at the time)"
shared BooleanArray asBooleanArray(Array<Boolean> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of `Integer` to a Java `Object` array"
shared ObjectArray<T> toObjectArray<T>({T*} values);
"Unwraps a Ceylon array to the Java `Object` array it was constructed from (using `ObjectArray<T>.array` at the time)"
shared ObjectArray<T> asObjectArray<T>(Array<T> array);
"Converts an `Iterable` of Ceylon `String` to a Java array of Java `String`"
shared ObjectArray<JavaString> toJavaStringArray({String*} values);
"Converts an `Iterable` of Java `String` to a Java array of Ceylon `String`"
shared ObjectArray<String> toStringArray({JavaString*} values);
"Converts a Java array of Java `String` to a Java array of Ceylon `String`"
shared ObjectArray<String> javaStringArrayToCeylonStringArray(ObjectArray<JavaString> array);
"Converts a Java array of Ceylon `String` to a Java array of Java `String`"
shared ObjectArray<JavaString> ceylonStringArrayToJavaStringArray(ObjectArray<String> array);
Creating your own Java array in Ceylon
You can create Java arrays in Ceylon:
public class JavaType {
public void takeThisArray(ceylon.language.String[] arr){}
public void takeThisArray(int[] arr){}
JavaType t = JavaType();
ObjectArray<String> a = arrays.toJavaStringArray{"One", "Two", "Three"};
IntArray i = arrays.toIntArray{1, 2, 3};
Java enum
It is currently impossible to create a Java enum from Ceylon, but you can use them as if they were toplevel objects:
public enum JavaEnum {
public long field;
public void method(){}
public long getProperty(){ return 1; }
public void setProperty(long p){}
import { JavaEnum { one = \iONE, two = \iTWO } }
void enums(){
JavaEnum e = one;
e.field = e.field; =;
Calling Java code with unsafe nulls
Ceylon always knows whether a value can or not be null
, but this is not the case in Java,
so when calling Java code, we don't really know if a value, or a method's return value
can be null
or not. There's simply no way to know this, unless you know the API, and so
the decision is yours. When calling Java code, we will make your life easier and treat
the return values as non-optional, so you can store them in non-optional variables,
but you can also treat them as optional (like in exists
tests) and things will work out.
If you decide to store a value obtained from calling Java code into a non-optional variable,
we will insert a null
check at the threshold, so that you get an exception at the most useful
place. That check is of course not generated if you store a Java value in an optional variable,
because null
is allowed then.
We treat Java method parameters and writeable fields and JavaBean properties as accepting
optional values if they are not Java primitives, thus allowing you to set them to null
or to a value.
Implementing Java code with unsafe nulls
When implementing a Java interface or class in Ceylon, you can decide to make the method parameters and return values optional or not. The same is true when implementing JavaBean properties (as Ceylon attributes).
Using Java annotations on Ceylon declarations
Ceylon annotations differ from Java annotations in an important respect:
Ceylon requires an annotation constructor to be invoked at the
declaration being annotated.
Java doesn't have the concept of an annotation constructor, so for
each Java annotation type we pretend there's a corresponding annotation
constructor (whose name is the same as the annotation type name,
but with a lower cased initial letter), which can be import
import javax.annotation{generated,
Resource {
These annotation constructors can then be used in the same way as normal Ceylon annotation constructors
class Foo() {
shared void afterConstrution() {}
Invocations of these synthetic annotation constructors support Java enumeration
elements and class literals (using Declaration
reference expressions):
class Bar() {
annotationTakingClass(`class Bar`)
shared variable String tom = "";
Importing JDK modules
The Java JDK is not imported by default anymore since Milestone 4, which means you need to import the JDK modules if you want to import JDK packages.
The JDK has been mapped to Ceylon modules following the current JDK module list for Jigsaw, which is the module system planned for Java 9. Note that the Jigsaw module list is far from being final, so it is subject to change.
The current list of JDK modules is as follows:
: the JDK base packages such asjava.lang
, NIO and security -
: containsjava.util.logging
aka. JUL -
: containsjava.applet
: containsjava.sql
: containsjavax.sql.rowset.**
: containsjavax.script
: containsjavax.xml.**
: containsjavax.xml.crypto.**
: containsjava.lang.instrument
: containsjava.rmi
: containsjava.util.prefs
: containsjavax.naming.**
: containsjavax.transaction.**
: containsjavax.xml.bind.**
: containsjavax.annotation
: containsjavax.activity
There are additional vendor-specific JDK modules, whose module/package-list mappings are defined in the source.
Obtaining Java jar
You can either install Java jar
dependencies in your Ceylon repositories manually
in order for Ceylon to find them, or you can resolve them from legacy
Maven repositories.