Example of Markdown syntax
This page shows various examples of markdown syntax elements including code and highlighted code. This support the original Markdown syntax (detailed in the link). We also support some of the Markdown Extra extensions especially support for tables.
This is a h1 header
This is a h2 header
this is a h3 header
This is some paragraph. To create a new paragraph, make sure to leave a blank line. If you don't, this is considered the same paragraph. So make sure to leave a blank line.
Like this.
You can also avoid the extra line by ending the paragraph with two spaces.
The next paragraph is glued.
You can define lists like this
- first
- second
- third
You can of course put things in bold like this or that and things in italic like this or that.
You can define links or explicit links http://hibernate.org
Use backtick to use inline code load("META-INF/persistence.xml")
Prefix code with 4 spaces to write a block of code (without syntax highlighting)
public class Hello {
You can also use syntax highlighting by using an HTML pre element
and use class="brush: ceylon"
or class="brush: java"
public class Hello { public String name; }
shared class Hello() { shared String name; }
You can also write tables
Title | Description | |
Coco | Nuts| |