Blog tagged conference

UK JUG tour

Tom and Stef are going to tour the UK Java User Groups to talk about Ceylon this week, starting with London today, Manchester tomorrow, then Newcastle and Belfast.

Do not miss this if you’re in the UK, check out the details for each date and how to register.

First Ceylon Tour in Paris

The Ceylon team recently had its almost yearly face-to-face meeting in Paris. For those not familiar with how the Ceylon team works (and indeed how most of the open-source development teams work in Red Hat), the Ceylon team consists in surprisingly few individuals working remotely, and distributed world-wide. This includes not only developers such as me, paid by Red Hat to work full-time on Ceylon, but also the community of Ceylon enthusiasts who contribute time, code or discussions in their free time, without financial compensation other than the satisfaction of helping Ceylon be that much better that much sooner.

This means that yes, we do all work without seeing each other in person in most cases. Naturally, we communicate a lot in order to work together, but in our case that means via the Ceylon mailing list, or IRC channel, or via our issue tracker. We don't even do voice chats. This is pretty great for the Ceylon community, as 99% of our discussions are thus online and in the open and visible. I say 99% because there's always cases where there are some one-to-one discussions we have over private channels, especially when we want to prepare surprises :)

An interesting consequence of that is that we have met surprisingly few people of the team in person. A few of us met physically during conferences, others by being geographically close, and others yet during our previous face-to-face meeting two years ago in Barcelona, when we were very few. But overall, most of us had never seen each other in person, which is why we try to hold yearly face-to-faces.

The primary purpose of meeting together in my opinion is to have social interactions and talk about something else than work for once. It also allows us to lock people in a room and prevent them from going out before they've looked at something or given their opinion on something, which is something that can't happen so easily when distributed. An example of that is when Loïc (one of our great free-time contributors) came to present us and wanted our opinion, which we had somewhat neglected to give previously, due to poor planning on our part.

We did also discuss things such as language features, roadmap and priorities, but those have already been reflected openly via our mailing list and issue tracker, where the discussion can continue.

The last (pretty big) advantage of being all together at the same place, was that we could take this opportunity to hold our first Ceylon Tour conference!

The first Ceylon Tour conference in Paris

Thanks to the guys from IRILL we were able to secure a very nice room to hold our first Ceylon conference, for free, where I'm glad to say lots of people showed up. We had people from from Slovenia, Germany and Austria, not to mention all over France and yes, even Paris. We were very surprised by the fact that people came from further than Paris, but it shows that Ceylon generates lots of interest.

We held the following talks during the morning :

Ceylon introduction

Ceylon idioms

Cayla and Vert.x in Ceylon

Ceylon SDK


Ceylon module repositories

Ceylon/Java interop

Ceylon workshop

And in the afternoon we had a great Ceylon workshop where people got to code in Ceylon, driven and helped by Gavin, and I'm glad to say that after 4 hours of workshop, most people were still not only awake, but engaged and coding, rather than just checking their email :)

The next Ceylon Tour?

All in all, we're very happy with the event, the content, the turnout and to answer the questions we got when we announced the first Ceylon Tour in Paris, yes we will try to plan another round in other locations, such as London, Berlin and the USA. If you think we should hold a Ceylon Tour event in your country/city, let us know and we'll happily discuss it.

Ceylon Tour comes to Paris

A Ceylon conference in Paris in January 2014

We have so many exciting things to talk about in the Ceylon ecosystem that it's impossible for everyone to keep track of everything that is happening, but if you live in Paris or not too far from it, we can help you, because we will organise our first Ceylon Tour conference in Paris in January 2014.

Ceylon Tour Paris 2014 logo

The whole Ceylon team will be there, there will be many short talks, discussions and a workshop. The conference is free, but availability is limited so we advise you to reserve your ticket as soon as possible, but only if you're sure to come (it wouldn't be fair to others to reserve a ticket and not come).

Registration, as well as all the info about this conference is detailed on the conference page.

If you live near Paris, any excuse is good to visit Paris, especially a free Ceylon conference :)

If you don't live near Paris, hopefully this is only the start and we will visit your country soon!

JUDCon Boston 2013

Gavin, Emmanuel and I will be at this year's Boston JUDCon for a 4h Ceylon hands-on, split in two 2h parts on Monday, June 10th.

During this session, we will help you learn the Ceylon programming language, hand in hand, from downloading the tools, using the IDE, getting to know the various tools, the language SDK, all the way to running your own module repository and publishing your first Ceylon modules to it and to the official Ceylon module repository.

No edge of Ceylon required, though the audience should be familiar with the Java programming language.

The first part of the workshop (10:00am - 12:00pm) will get you familiar with the Ceylon IDE and its command-line tools, as well as the basics of the language: the new type system, how to work with lists, functional programming and how to write classes and interfaces.

During the second part (1:00pm - 3:00pm), we will examine more advanced topics, such as using the Ceylon SDK to write a REST client, and even as ambitious as writing the ceylon.html SDK module from scratch and publishing it on Herd, our module repository.

Please take the time to download, install and check the following things to make the hands-on as smooth as possible, since it's not fun to spend too much time on installation:

  • Install the Java 7 JDK, and configure it as the default JDK
  • Install the command-line distribution of Ceylon (M5 Version)
  • If you did not manage to configure Java 7 as the default JDK on Windows, define the JAVA_HOME environment variable in your systems properties so that it points to your JDK 7 installation
  • Check that the Ceylon command-line tools run: ceylon --version must print the correct version of Ceylon (M5)
  • Install Eclipse Juno and the Ceylon IDE (or using our update site)
  • Check that you can create a new Ceylon project from within the Ceylon IDE and that you can launch it as a Ceylon Application (make a demo project with Hello Word! to test)
  • Finally check that the Ceylon command-line tools work in your project as well: in your demo Ceylon project's folder, the ceylon compile demo command should compile your project (provided you named your Ceylon module demo), and ceylon run demo/1 (provided you named your version 1) should print Hello World!

Make sure you register, because this is going to be another great JUDCon!

Ceylon webinar Monday 5th of November

Emmanuel and I will be presenting An introduction to Ceylon on Monday, 5th of November online as a webinar. That's this coming Monday, at 18:00 CET or 12:00 noon in NY. Come and join us!

Find out all the info online and don't forget to register.