Blog tagged 1.2

Constructors in Ceylon

Since the earliest versions of Ceylon, we've supported a streamlined syntax for class initialization where the parameters of a class are listed right after the class name, and initialization logic goes directly in the body of the class.

class Color(shared Integer rgba) {

    assert (0 <= rgba <= #FFFFFFFF);

    function encodedValue(Integer slot)
            => rgba.rightLogicalShift(8*slot).and(#FF);

    shared Integer alpha => encodedValue(3);

    shared Integer red => encodedValue(2);
    shared Integer green => encodedValue(1);
    shared Integer blue => encodedValue(0);

    function hex(Integer int) => formatInteger(int, 16);

    string => "Color { \ 
               alpha=``hex(alpha)``, \ 
               red=``hex(red)``, \ 
               green=``hex(green)``, \ 
               blue=``hex(blue)`` }";


We can instantiate a class like this:

Color red = Color(#FFFF0000);

The ability to refer to parameters of the class directly from the members of the class really helps cut down on verbosity, and most of the time this is a really comfortable way to write code.

However, as we've seen over the past few years of writing Ceylon code, there are moments when we would really appreciate the ability to write a class with multiple initialization paths, something like constructors in Java, C#, or C++. To be clear, in the overwhelmingly common case—something more than 90% of classes, I would estimate—constructors are unnecessary and uncomfortable. But we still need a good solution for the remaining trickier cases.

A couple of especially compelling cases we ran into were:

  • the class Array in ceylon.language, which can be allocated with a list of elements, or with a size and a single element value, and
  • cloning copy constructors, used, for example, to implement HashMap.clone() and HashSet.clone().

Unfortunately, I've always found the design of constructors that Java and C# inherited from C++ to be a bit strange and inexpressive. So before I tell you what we've done about constructors in Ceylon 1.2, let me start by explaining what I think is wrong with constructors in Java.

What's wrong with constructors in Java?

As alluded above, the biggest problem with the constructor syntax in languages that borrow from C++ is that in the common case of a class with just one constructor, the parameters of that constructor aren't available in the body of the class, leading to awful code like the following:

class Point {
    public float x;
    public float y;
    public Point(float x, float y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public String toString() {
        return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";

This hurts. Fortunately, we've already made that pain go away in Ceylon.

class Point(shared Float x, shared Float y) {
    string => "(``x``, ``y``)";

So let's look at some additional issues with constructors in Java.

To begin with, the syntax is irregular. In C-like languages, the grammar for a declaration is:

Modifier* (Keyword|Type) Identifier OtherStuff

Constructors, strangely, don't conform to this general schema, having been bolted on later.

Second, the constructors of a class are all forced to have the same name. This seems like a quite bizarre restriction:

  • If they all have the same name, why not declare them with a keyword instead of an identifier? DRY, anyone?
  • It's a restriction that robs me of expressiveness. Instead of new ColorWithRGBAndAlpha(r,g,b,a), giving me a clue as to the semantics of the arguments, I write just new Color(r,g,b,a), and the reader is left guessing.
  • Constructors thus run into Java's totally broken support for overloading. I can't have a constructor that takes a List<Float> and another which takes a List<Integer>, since these two parameter types have the same erasure.
  • Constructor references (Class::new in Java) can be ambiguous, depending on the context.

Third, constructors aren't forced to initialize the instance variables of the class. All Java types have a "default" (zero or null) value, and if you forget to initialize an instance variable in Java, you'll get a NullPointerException, or, worse, an incorrect zero value at runtime. These problems most certainly belong to the class of problems that I expect a static type system to be able to detect, and, indeed, in other contexts Java does detect uninitialized variables.

Further note that this would be an even bigger problem in Ceylon, because most types don't have null as an instance, so there is no obvious "default" value.

As usual, my purpose here isn't to bash Java, but to justify why we've done things differently in Ceylon.

Named constructors and default constructors

By contrast, the newly introduced syntax for constructors in Ceylon is regular, expressive, and doesn't rely on overloading (which Ceylon doesn't support, except when interoperating with native Java code). Here's the basic syntax for a constructor:

new withFooAndBar(Foo foo, Bar bar)
        extends anotherConstructor(foo) {
    //do stuff

When the class to which the constructor belongs directly extends Basic, the extends clause is optional.

And here's an example of how it's used:

class Color {

    shared Integer rgba;

    //default constructor
    shared new (Integer rgba) {
        assert (0 <= rgba <= #FFFFFFFF);
        this.rgba = rgba;

    //named constructor
    shared new withRGB(
        Integer red, Integer green, Integer blue, 
        Integer alpha = #FF) {
        assert (0 <= red <= #FF, 
                0 <= green <= #FF, 
                0 <= blue <= #FF);
        rgba = 
                alpha.leftLogicalShift(24) +
                red.leftLogicalShift(16) +
                green.leftLogicalShift(8) +

    //another named constructor
    shared new withRGBIntensities(
        Float red, Float green, Float blue, 
        Float alpha = 1.0) {
        assert (0.0 <= red <= 1.0, 
                0.0 <= green <= 1.0, 
                0.0 <= blue <= 1.0);
        function int(Float intensity) 
                => (intensity*#FF).integer;
        rgba = 
                int(alpha).leftLogicalShift(24) +
                int(red).leftLogicalShift(16) +
                int(green).leftLogicalShift(8) +

    function encodedValue(Integer slot)
            => rgba.rightLogicalShift(8*slot).and(#FF);

    shared Integer alpha => encodedValue(3);

    shared Integer red => encodedValue(2);
    shared Integer green => encodedValue(1);
    shared Integer blue => encodedValue(0);

    function hex(Integer int) => formatInteger(int, 16);

    string => "Color { \ 
               alpha=``hex(alpha)``, \ 
               red=``hex(red)``, \ 
               green=``hex(green)``, \ 
               blue=``hex(blue)`` }";


Constructor declarations are indicated with the keyword new, and have a name which begins with a lowercase letter. We call a constructor like this:

Color red = Color.withRGBIntensities(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Or, using named arguments, like this:

Color red = 
    Color.withRGBIntensities { 
        red = 1.0; 
        green = 0.0;
        blue = 0.0;

A function reference to a constructor has a natural syntax:

Color(Float,Float,Float) createColor
        = Color.withRGBIntensities;

A class may have a constructor, called the default constructor, with no name. Instantiation via the default constructor works just like instantiation of a class without constructors:

Color red = Color(#FFFF0000);

A class isn't required to have a default constructor, but most classes will have one.

Why do we need the concept of a default constructor? Well, because a class with constructors may not have a parameter list. Wait, let's stop and reemphasize that caveat, because it's an important one:

You can't add constructors to a class with a parameter list! Instead, you must first rewrite the class to use a "default constructor" for its "normal" initialization logic.

However, a class with constructors may still have initialization logic directly in the body of the class. For example, the following is perfectly legal:

class Color {

    shared Integer rgba;

    shared new (Integer rgba) {
        this.rgba = rgba;

    shared new withRGB(
        Integer red, Integer green, Integer blue, 
        Integer alpha = #FF) {
        assert (0 <= red <= #FF, 
                0 <= green <= #FF, 
                0 <= blue <= #FF);
        rgba = 
                alpha.leftLogicalShift(24) +
                red.leftLogicalShift(16) +
                green.leftLogicalShift(8) +

    shared new withRGBIntensities(
        Float red, Float green, Float blue, 
        Float alpha = 1.0) {
        assert (0.0 <= red <= 1.0, 
                0.0 <= green <= 1.0, 
                0.0 <= blue <= 1.0);
        function int(Float intensity) 
                => (intensity*#FF).integer;
        rgba = 
                int(alpha).leftLogicalShift(24) +
                int(red).leftLogicalShift(16) +
                int(green).leftLogicalShift(8) +

    //executed for every constructor
    assert (0 <= rgba <= #FFFFFFFF);

    //other members

The last assert statement is executed every time the class is instantiated.

Value constructors

The constructors we've just seen are termed callable constructors in the language specification, because they declare parameters. We also have value constructors, which don't declare parameters, and which are executed once, the first time the constructor is evaluated in the context to which the class belongs. For a toplevel class, a value constructor is a singleton.

class Color {

    shared Integer rgba;

    //default constructor
    shared new (Integer rgba) {
        this.rgba = rgba;

    //value constructors

    shared new white {
        rgba = #FFFFFFFF;

    shared new red {
        rgba = #FFFF0000;

    shared new green {
        rgba = #FF00FF00;

    shared new blue {
        rgba = #FF0000FF;



We can use a value constructor like this:

Color red =;

Sometimes the constructors of a class share certain initialization logic. If that logic doesn't depend upon the parameters of the class, we can put it directly in the body of the class, as we've already seen. But if it does depend upon the parameters, we often need to take a different tack.

Constructor delegation

To facilitate reuse of initialization logic within a class, it's useful to allow a constructor to delegate to a different constructor of the same class. For this, we use the extends clause:

Integer int(Float intensity) 
        => (intensity*#FF).integer;

class Color {

    shared Integer rgba;

    shared new (Integer rgba) {
        this.rgba = rgba;

    //value constructors delegate to the default constructor

    shared new white 
            extends Color(#FFFFFFFF) {}

    shared new red 
            extends Color(#FFFF0000) {}

    shared new green 
            extends Color(#FF00FF00) {}

    shared new blue 
            extends Color(#FF0000FF) {}

    shared new withRGB(
        Integer red, Integer green, Integer blue, 
        Integer alpha = #FF) {
        assert (0 <= red <= #FF, 
                0 <= green <= #FF, 
                0 <= blue <= #FF);
        rgba = 
                alpha.leftLogicalShift(24) +
                red.leftLogicalShift(16) +
                green.leftLogicalShift(8) +

    shared new withRGBIntensities(
        Float red, Float green, Float blue, 
        Float alpha = 1.0) 
            //delegate to other named constructor
            extends withRGB(int(red), 
                            int(alpha)) {}

    assert (0 <= rgba <= #FFFFFFFF);

    //other members

A constructor may only delegate to a constructor defined earlier in the body of the class.

Note that we've written extends Color(#FFFFFFFF) to delegate to the default constructor of Color.

Definite initialization and partial constructors

An ordinary constructor like Color.withRGB() or Color.withRGBIntensities() has a responsibility to initialize every value reference belonging to the class that is either:

  • shared, or
  • used ("captured") by another member of the class.

The Ceylon compiler enforces this responsibility at compile time and will reject the code unless it can prove that every value reference has been fully initialized, either:

  • by every ordinary constructor, or
  • in the body of the class itself.

This rule would make it difficult to factor out common logic contained in constructors if it weren't for the notion of a partial constructor. For a partial constructor, the requirement that all references are fully initialized is relaxed. But a partial constructor may not be used to directly instantiate the class. It may only be called from the extends clause of another constructor of the same class. A partial constructor is indicated by the abstract annotation:

Here's a contrived example:

class ColoredPoint {
    shared Point point;
    shared Color color;

    //partial constructor
    abstract new withColor(Color color) {
        this.color = color;

    shared new forCartesianCoords(Color color, 
        Float x, Float y) 
            //delegate to partial constructor
            extends withColor(color) {
        point = Point.cartesian(x, y);

    shared new forPolarCoords(Color color, 
        Float r, Float theta) 
            //delegate to partial constructor
            extends withColor(color) {
        point = Point.polar(r, theta);



So far, we've only seen how to delegate to another constructor of the same class. But when a class extends a superclass, every constructor must ultimately delegate—perhaps indirectly—to a constructor of the superclass.

Constructors and inheritance

A class may extend a class with constructors, for example:

class ColoredPoint2(color, Float x, Float y) 
        extends Point.cartesian(x, y) {
    shared Color color;

A more interesting case is when the extending class itself has constructors:

class ColoredPoint extends Point {
    shared Color color;

    shared new forCartesianCoords(Color color, 
        Float x, Float y)
            //delegate to Point.cartesian()
            extends cartesian(x, y) {
        this.color = color;

    shared new forPolarCoords(Color color, 
        Float r, Float theta)
            //delegate to Point.polar()
            extends polar(r, theta) {
        this.color = color;


In this example, the constructors delegate directly to constructors of the superclass.

Ordering of initialization logic

With constructor delegation, together with initialization logic defined directly in the body of the class, you must be imagining that initialization can get pretty convoluted.

Well, no. The general principle of initialization in Ceylon remains unchanged: initialization always flows from top to bottom, allowing the typechecker to verify that every value is initialized before it is used.

Consider this class:

class Class {
    abstract new partial() {
    shared new () extends partial() {
    shared new create() extends partial() {

Calling Class() results in the following output:


Calling Class.create() results in this output:


All quite orderly and predictable!

In the comments, David Hagen suggests a way of understanding how constructor delegation and ordering works.

Using value constructors to emulate enums

You might already have noticed that if a class only has value constructors, it's very similar to a Java enum.

shared class Day {
    shared actual String string;
    abstract new named(String name) {
        string = name;
    shared new sunday extends named("SUNDAY") {}
    shared new monday extends named("MONDAY") {}
    shared new tuesday extends named("TUESDAY") {}
    shared new wednesday extends named("WEDNESDAY") {}
    shared new thursday extends named("THURSDAY") {}
    shared new friday extends named("FRIDAY") {}
    shared new saturday extends named("SATURDAY") {}

We therefore let you use value constructors in a switch statement. The ability to switch over value constructors can be viewed as an extension of the pre-existing facility for switching over literal values of types like Integer, Character, and String.

Day day = ... ;
String message;
switch (day)
case (Day.friday) { 
    message = "thank god"; 
case (Day.sunday | Day.saturday) { 
    message = "we could be having this conversation with beer"; 
else {
    message = "need more coffee";

But when we noticed the similarity to Java enums, we decided to take the idea a little further than what Java offers here. Java enumerations are open, in the sense that a switch statement which covers all enumerated values of an enum must still include a default case to be considered exhaustive by definite assignment and definite return checking.

But in Ceylon we also have the notion of closed enumerated types, where the "default" case—the else clause of Ceylon's switch statement—may be omitted, but the whole switch will still be considered exhaustive.

Note: API designers should be careful to only "close" an enumeration that won't grow new value constructors in future revisions of the API. Day and Boolean are good examples of closed enumerations. ErrorType is an examples of an open enumeration.

If we add an of clause to Day, it will be considered a closed enumeration.

shared class Day 
        of sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | 
           thursday | friday | saturday {
    shared actual String string;
    abstract new named(String name) {
        string = name;
    shared new sunday extends named("SUNDAY") {}
    shared new monday extends named("MONDAY") {}
    shared new tuesday extends named("TUESDAY") {}
    shared new wednesday extends named("WEDNESDAY") {}
    shared new thursday extends named("THURSDAY") {}
    shared new friday extends named("FRIDAY") {}
    shared new saturday extends named("SATURDAY") {}

Now Ceylon will consider a switch statement that covers all the value constructors as an exhaustive switch, and we can write the following code without needing an else clause:

Day day = ... ;
String message;
switch (day)
case (Day.monday | Day.tuesday | 
      Day.wednesday | Day.thursday) { 
    message = "need more coffee"; 
case (Day.friday) { 
    message = "thank god"; 
case (Day.sunday | Day.saturday) { 
    message = "we could be having this conversation with beer"; 

This is an alternative to the existing pattern for emulating Java-style enums.

A final word

The design I've presented here is the final result of a thought process that spanned five years. I personally found this to be a surprisingly difficult problem to address in a principled way. For a time, I hoped to not even need to have constructors in the language at all. But ultimately I'm very happy with the end result. It seems to me not only principled and consistent with the rest of the language, but also very expressive and powerful.