URLs for blogs are now sanitized
- use lower cap
- remove accents
- replace spaces with dashes
For example Stéphane Épardaud
is now pointing to /blog/authors/stephane-epardaud. Same goes for tags like Cliché
or Do-It-Yourself
For example Stéphane Épardaud
is now pointing to /blog/authors/stephane-epardaud. Same goes for tags like Cliché
or Do-It-Yourself
Ceylon's website has a team member list.
Adding your bio and photo is simple. create a FirstnameLastname.md
file under _data/team
This file should contain your name, photo and level as metadata and your biography blurb in the content.
name: John Doe
photo: /images/team/JohnDoe.jpg
level: 1000
John Doe does not work on Ceylon.
He is however the representative of [...]
John works for ACME Corp.
Your photo must be square. A file of 200px by 200px would be best. Place your photo under /images/team
In order to give proper credit I've introduced the notion of level. Le lower you are, the most important you are (like in SPECTRE).
Once you are satisfied, erase the generated site and run the generation rm -fR _site ; awestruct -d
. Check it out on the team page.
The website is shaping up rapidly.
I need your feedback on:
The website is available at <git@github.com:ceylon/ceylon-lang.org.git> To build the site, check out README.md
As I said initially, the side is a static website built using Awestruct. I need you to have a look at it and play with it for real to see if you will be able to live with in in the coming months. In particular, write pages, (both md and haml files), write blogs, write events. I think Markdown files (.md) will be sufficient for 90% of the pages but everything requiring custom CSS id / class are better handled with .haml files.
I'm quite pleased with what is present even if that's not perfect by any means and if parsing errors can be quite hard to track. It's probable that at some point in the future, Awestruct won't be sufficient and that we will need better tools for specialized content (like blog, wiki etc). But I would never have been able to achieve what I did alone in such a short time without it.
The Play Framework site is very well done and I've shamelessly copied the structure. We of course have much less to show so many areas are different.
The home page. That's the area I worked the less on, Somebody will have to step up and decide what we put in.
Not much to see here, I point to the roadmap
Pointers to the forum, mailing list and the list of events (conferences etc)
Not much to see but that will contain:
This is not a full featured blogging system yet but one can already write blogs in Markdown, tag them. A feed is generated from this. I put some examples.
For me:
For you:
We are at a stage where the website starts to look decent content wise.
I have recently added the notion of upcoming talks
which is built based on the data in _data/events_
I have also added the blog system:
In blog
, create a file YYYY-MM-DD-some-title.md
and add the following metadata
title: We now have a blog system and decent structure
author: Emmanuel Bernard
layout: blog
tags: [site, blog]
Then write down your blog post in Markdown.
Note that unfortunately, the index page is not generated when a blog entry is added.
You need to rm -f _site
and restart Awestruct.