Ceylon in the browser
Last week, we met the Ceylon HTTP server,
which we can use to serve dynamic (or even static) content over HTTP.
But what about the client side? Well, today we're going to write a
little HTTP client that runs in the browser, mainly as a way of
showing off Ceylon's new dynamic
First, let's see the server, in a module named hello.server
import ceylon.net.httpd { createServer, startsWith,
Request, Response }
import ceylon.net.httpd.endpoints { serveStaticFile }
void run() {
AsynchronousEndpoint {
path = startsWith("/sayHello");
void service(Request request, Response response,
void complete()) {
response.writeString("Hello, Client!");
complete(); //async response complete
AsynchronousEndpoint {
path = startsWith("");
service = serveStaticFile("../client");
The server has two asynchronous endpoints, one of which simply
serves up static content out of the directory ../client
, and
the other of which just responds to requests with the text
Hello, Client!
The entrypoint to our application is a HTML page.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type"
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
// location of our project's compiled modules
baseUrl: 'modules',
// locations of external dependencies here
paths: {
// path to the Ceylon language module
//alias our hello module to 'h'
function (hello) { h = hello; });
<input type="submit"
value="Say hello"
<span id="greeting"/>
We're using require.js
to load our Ceylon modules. Unfortunately
doesn't really have a concept of module repositories
like Ceylon does, which means configuring it to find all our
compiled Ceylon is a bit fiddly. Nor does it feature very good
error reporting which turns "fiddly" into "time-wasting". (The
implementation of require()
in node.js
is a much better fit,
but unfortunately we don't have that in the browser.)
Finally, the module named hello.client
has the following function:
shared void hello() {
dynamic {
value req = XMLHttpRequest();
void handleResponse() {
if (req.readyState==4) {
.innerHTML = req.status==200
then req.responseText
else "error";
req.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;
req.open("GET", "/sayHello", true);
This function makes use of the native JavaScript API XMLHttpRequest
to send an asynchronous request to our server, and then interacts
with the browser's DOM. But how on earth can a statically typed
language like Ceylon call a weakly typed language like JavaScript!?
Well, code that appears inside a dynamic
block is optionally typed.
That is, Ceylon will make use of typing information when it is
available, but when it is not, it will just shut up and let you write
almost whatever you like, as long as it's syntactically well-formed
Ceylon code. Ceylon can't be certain that there's really a function
called XMLHttpRequest
, and it certainly can't be sure that it has a
member named onreadystatechange
, but it will just assume you know
what you're doing.
Inside a dynamic
block, you can even instantiate a "dynamic"
dynamic {
void printGreeting(value obj) {
console.log(obj.greeting + " " + obj.language);
value obj = value { greeting="Hello"; language="Ceylon"; };
Of course, inside a dynamic
block, all kinds of typing errors can
occur at runtime, things that the Ceylon compiler would usually detect
at compile time. But the compiler at least protects you from having
dynamic typing errors "leak" out of the dynamic
block and into your
regular Ceylon code by performing runtime checks when you assign a
dynamically typed expression (that is, an expression of unknown type)
to something with a well-defined static type.
Well, that's essentially all there is to our application, except for a couple of boring module and package descriptors. Here we can see a server written in Ceylon running in the JVM being called by a client written in Ceylon running in a web browser and interacting with the browser's native JavaScript APIs. I think that's pretty cool.
A note of caution: we're still working through some wrinkles in the
semantics of dynamic
, and dynamic
is still not supported on the
JVM (it will be, eventually). Nevertheless, this will be available
as an experimental feature in Ceylon M5.