M3 status update
So it's now just over a year since my first presentation about Ceylon in Beijing. Since then, we've put together a great team, a website, the community module repository, and a full-featured IDE. And it looks like we've now implemented pretty much all the language features that I talked about in Beijing, and much more besides, for both the JVM-based backend and the JavaScript backend. Of course, while all this was happening, the language itself was evolving and the specification maturing. Phew, that sounds like a lot in just a year!
I've spent the last three days with Stef and Emmanuel in Paris, discussing a bunch of technical problems, and planning out the release of Ceylon M3. The major new features of this release are:
- integration of the JavaScript backend into the distribution,
- completion of support for higher-order functions including curried functions, anonymous functions, inline functions in named argument lists, and indirect invocations,
- concrete interface members, and
- comprehensions.
The M3 release is now planned for the second week of June.
We're also now turning our thoughts to the Ceylon SDK. By the
time M3 is ready, or soon after, we'll have preview releases
of several SDK modules available in Ceylon Herd, including
, ceylon.net
, and ceylon.fs
. Of course, the
SDK will go through a lot of growth and evolution over the
coming year.
Meanwhile, we've started work on integrating Ceylon with Red Hat's open source cloud platform.
The bad news is we've decided to cancel the promised M2 release of Ceylon IDE. Sorry. The good news? We plan to release an M3-compatible IDE in June. The focus of this release will be Java interop and integration with Ceylon Herd, including:
- automatic fetching of modules from Ceylon Herd in order to satisfy dependencies declared in the module descriptor,
- the ability to call Java binaries from Ceylon, navigate to their attached source code, autocomplete their declarations, etc, and
- to inter-compile Ceylon with Java, even in the same Eclipse project!
There's also some new quickfixes and autocompletions, a Create Subtype wizard, and my favorite trick, the Move to New Unit refactoring.
It would be nice to have some support for compiling for and launching to node.js in the M3 release of the IDE, but I can't promise that one.
Now that we've got so much to demo and talk about, we're trying to do more events. There's several talks coming up in June.