The following tools are high level tools:
ceylon bootstrap

Generates a Ceylon bootstrap script in the current directory

ceylon browse

Open module documentation in the browser

ceylon classpath

Prints a classpath suitable for passing to Java tools to run a given Ceylon module

ceylon compile

Compiles Ceylon and Java source code and directly produces module and source archives in a module repository.

ceylon compile-js

Compiles Ceylon source code to JavaScript and directly produces module and source archives in a module repository

ceylon config

Manages Ceylon configuration files

ceylon copy

Copies modules from one module repository to another

ceylon doc

Generates Ceylon API documentation from Ceylon source files

ceylon doc-tool

Generates documentation about a tool

ceylon help

Displays help information about other Ceylon tools

ceylon import-jar

Imports a jar file into a Ceylon module repository

ceylon info

Prints information about modules in repositories

ceylon jigsaw

Tools to interop with Java 9 (Jigsaw) modules

ceylon new

Generates a new Ceylon project

ceylon plugin

Manages Ceylon command-line plugins

ceylon run

Executes a Ceylon program

ceylon run-js

Executes a Ceylon program

ceylon src

Fetches source archives from a repository and extracts their contents into a source directory

ceylon test

Executes tests

ceylon test-js

Executes tests

ceylon version

Shows and updates version numbers in module descriptors

ceylon war

Generates a WAR file from a compiled `.car` file


The top level Ceylon tool is used to execute other Ceylon tools

The following are low level utilities, which users should not normally need to run (at least, not directly):
ceylon ant-task-doc

A tool generates documentation about the Ceylon ant tasks

ceylon bash-completion

A tool which provides completion suggestions for the Bash shell.

ceylon p2

Generates p2 repository metadata suitable for Eclipse