
ceylon plugin [--cacherep=<url>] [--cwd=<dir>] [--force] [--local] [--maven-overrides=<file>] [--no-default-repositories] [--offline] [--out=<url>] [--overrides=<file>] [--pass=<secret>] [--rep=<url>...] [--script=<dirs>...] [--source=<dirs>...] [--src=<dirs>...] [--sysrep=<url>] [--system] [--timeout=<seconds>] [--user=<name>] [--verbose[=<flags>]] [--] <mode> [<module...>]


There are four modes of action:

  • list: will list the scripts installed
  • install: installs the scripts for the modules listed on the command line. The scripts must either be packed in a repository, or found in the current script folders
  • uninstall: uninstalls the scripts for the modules listed on the command line
  • pack: packs the scripts for the modules listed on the command line and publishes them to the specified output repository

The list of modules specified can have their versions set, but if missing we will try to find the version from the current source path. If the list of modules is omitted, we will use the list of modules found in the current source path.



Specifies the folder to use for caching downloaded modules. (default: ~/.ceylon/cache)


Specifies the current working directory for this tool. (default: the directory where the tool is run from)

--force, -f

Force installation even if a previous version exists


Install to or uninstall from a local folder


Specifies the XML file to use to load Maven artifact overrides. See for information. Deprecated: use --overrides.


Indicates that the default repositories should not be used.

--offline, -L

Enables offline mode that will prevent connections to remote repositories.

--out=url, -o url

Specifies the output module repository (which must be publishable). (default: ./modules)

--overrides=file, -O file

Specifies the XML file to use to load module overrides. See for information. Experimental.


Sets the password for use with an authenticated output repository (no default).


Specifies a module repository containing dependencies. Can be specified multiple times. (default: modules, ~/.ceylon/repo,

--script=dirs, -x dirs

A directory containing your module documentation (default: ./script)


An alias for --src (default: ./source)

--src=dirs, -s dirs

A directory containing Ceylon and/or Java/JavaScript source code (default: ./source)


Specifies the system repository containing essential modules. (default: $CEYLON_HOME/repo)


Install to or uninstall from the system folder

--timeout=seconds, -T seconds

Sets the timeout for connections to remote repositories, use 0 for no timeout (default: 20).


Sets the user name for use with an authenticated output repository (no default).

--verbose[=flags], -d

Produce verbose output. If no flags are given then be verbose about everything, otherwise just be verbose about the flags which are present. Allowed flags include: all, loader.


The following would list the plugins currently installed:

ceylon plugin list

The following would install the plugins:

ceylon plugin install