Table of Contents
- Welcome to Ceylon
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Language overview
- 1.1.1. Runtime and platform
- 1.2. Type system
- 1.2.1. Mixin inheritance
- 1.2.2. Sum types, self types, and type families
- 1.2.3. Simplified generics
- 1.2.4. Union and intersection types
- 1.2.5. Type aliases and type inference
- 1.2.6. Metaprogramming
- 1.3. Object-oriented programming
- 1.3.1. Class initialization and instantiation
- 1.3.2. Functions, methods, values, and attributes
- 1.3.3. Defaulted parameters and variadic parameters
- 1.3.4. First-class functions and higher-order programming
- 1.3.5. Naming conventions, annotations, and inline documentation
- 1.3.6. Named arguments and tree-like structures
- 1.3.7. Modularity
- 1.4. Language module
- 1.4.1. Operators and operator polymorphism
- 1.4.2. Numeric and character types
- 1.4.3. Compile-time safety for null values and flow-sensitive typing
- 1.4.4. Streams and comprehensions
- 1.4.5. Sequences and tuples
- 2. Lexical structure
- 2.1. Whitespace
- 2.3. Identifiers and keywords
- 2.4. Literals
- 2.4.1. Numeric literals
- 2.4.2. Character literals
- 2.4.3. String literals
- 2.5. Operators and delimiters
- 3. Type system
- 3.1. Identifier naming
- 3.2. Types
- 3.2.1. Member distinctness
- 3.2.2. Subtyping
- 3.2.3. Union types
- 3.2.4. Intersection types
- 3.2.5. The bottom type
- 3.2.6. Principal typing
- 3.2.7. Type expressions
- 3.2.8. Type abbreviations
- 3.2.9. Type inference
- 3.2.10. Type alias elimination
- 3.3. Inheritance
- 3.3.1. Inheritance and subtyping
- 3.3.2. Extension
- 3.3.3. Satisfaction
- 3.4. Case enumeration and coverage
- 3.4.1. Coverage
- 3.4.2. Cases
- 3.4.3. Generic enumerated types
- 3.4.4. Disjoint types
- 3.5. Generic type parameters
- 3.5.1. Type parameters and variance
- 3.5.2. Variance validation
- 3.5.3. Generic type constraints
- 3.6. Generic type arguments
- 3.6.1. Type arguments and variance
- 3.6.2. Type argument substitution
- 3.6.3. Type arguments and type constraints
- 3.6.4. Applied types and and variance
- 3.6.5. Type argument inference
- 3.7. Principal instantiations and polymorphism
- 3.7.1. Inherited instantiations
- 3.7.2. Type argument distinctness
- 3.7.3. Principal instantiation inheritance
- 3.7.4. Principal instantiation of a supertype
- 3.7.5. Refinement
- 3.7.6. Qualified types
- 3.7.7. Realizations
- 4. Declarations
- 4.1. Compilation unit structure
- 4.1.1. Toplevel and nested declarations
- 4.1.2. Packages
- 4.2. Imports
- 4.2.1. Type imports
- 4.2.2. Anonymous class imports
- 4.2.3. Function and value imports
- 4.2.4. Alias imports
- 4.2.5. Wildcard imports
- 4.2.6. Imported name
- 4.3. Parameters
- 4.3.1. Parameter lists
- 4.3.2. Required parameters
- 4.3.3. Defaulted parameters
- 4.3.4. Value parameters
- 4.3.5. Callable parameters
- 4.3.6. Variadic parameters
- 4.4. Interfaces
- 4.4.1. Interface bodies
- 4.4.2. Interface inheritance
- 4.4.3. Sealed interfaces
- 4.4.4. Enumerated interfaces
- 4.4.5. Interface aliases
- 4.4.6. Dynamic interfaces
- 4.5. Classes
- 4.5.1. Callable type of a class
- 4.5.2. Initializer section
- 4.5.3. Declaration section
- 4.5.4. Class inheritance
- 4.5.5. Abstract, final, sealed, formal, and default classes
- 4.5.6. Member class refinement
- 4.5.7. Anonymous classes
- 4.5.8. Enumerated classes
- 4.5.9. Class aliases
- 4.6. Type aliases
- 4.7. Functions
- 4.7.1. Callable type of a function
- 4.7.2. Functions with blocks
- 4.7.3. Functions with specifiers
- 4.7.4. Function return type inference
- 4.7.5. Forward declaration of functions
- 4.7.6. Functions with multiple parameter lists
- 4.7.7. Formal and default methods
- 4.7.8. Method refinement
- 4.8. Values
- 4.8.1. References
- 4.8.2. Getters
- 4.8.3. Setters
- 4.8.4. Value type inference
- 4.8.5. Forward declaration of values
- 4.8.6. Formal and default attributes
- 4.8.7. Attribute refinement
- 4.9. Constructors
- 4.9.1. Callable type of a constructor
- 4.9.2. Partial constructors
- 4.9.3. Constructor delegation
- 5. Statements, blocks, and control structures
- 5.1. Block structure and references
- 5.1.1. Declaration name uniqueness
- 5.1.2. Scope of a declaration
- 5.1.3. Visibility
- 5.1.4. Hidden declarations
- 5.1.5. References and block structure
- 5.1.6. Type inference and block structure
- 5.1.7. Unqualified reference resolution
- 5.1.8. Qualified reference resolution
- 5.2. Patterns and variables
- 5.2.1. Variables
- 5.2.2. Patterns
- 5.2.3. Pattern variables
- 5.2.4. Tuple patterns
- 5.2.5. Entry patterns
- 5.3. Blocks and statements
- 5.3.1. Expression statements
- 5.3.2. Control directives
- 5.3.3. Specification statements
- 5.3.4. Destructuring statements
- 5.3.5. Dynamic blocks
- 5.3.6. Definite return
- 5.3.7. Definite initialization
- 5.3.8. Definite uninitialization
- 5.4. Conditions
- 5.4.1. Boolean conditions
- 5.4.2. Assignability conditions
- 5.4.3. Existence and nonemptiness conditions
- 5.4.4. Case conditions
- 5.5. Control structures and assertions
- 5.5.1. if/else
- 5.5.2. switch/case/else
- 5.5.3. for/else
- 5.5.4. while
- 5.5.5. try/catch/finally
- 5.5.6. Assertions
- 6. Expressions
- 6.1. Literal values
- 6.1.1. Integer number literals
- 6.1.2. Floating point number literals
- 6.1.3. Character literals
- 6.1.4. Character string literals
- 6.2. String templates
- 6.3. Self references
- 6.3.1. this
- 6.3.2. outer
- 6.3.3. super
- 6.4. Anonymous functions
- 6.4.1. Anonymous function parameter type inference
- 6.5. Compound expressions
- 6.5.1. Base expressions
- 6.5.2. Member expressions
- 6.5.3. Constructor expressions
- 6.5.4. Value references
- 6.5.5. Callable references
- 6.5.6. Static expressions
- 6.5.7. Static value references
- 6.5.8. Static callable references
- 6.6. Invocation expressions
- 6.6.1. Direct invocations
- 6.6.2. Default arguments
- 6.6.3. The type of a list of arguments
- 6.6.4. Listed arguments
- 6.6.5. Spread arguments
- 6.6.6. Comprehensions
- 6.6.7. Positional argument lists
- 6.6.8. Named argument lists
- 6.6.9. Anonymous arguments
- 6.6.10. Specified arguments
- 6.6.11. Inline declaration arguments
- 6.6.12. Iterable and tuple enumeration
- 6.6.13. Dynamic enumerations
- 6.7. Conditional expressions, let expressions, and anonymous class expressions
- 6.7.1. if/then/else expressions
- 6.7.2. switch/case/else expressions
- 6.7.3. Let expressions
- 6.7.4. Inline anonymous class expressions
- 6.8. Operators
- 6.8.1. Operator precedence
- 6.8.2. Operator definition
- 6.8.3. Basic invocation and assignment operators
- 6.8.4. Equality and comparison operators
- 6.8.5. Logical operators
- 6.8.6. Operators for handling null values
- 6.8.7. Correspondence, subrange, and stream operators
- 6.8.8. Operators for creating objects
- 6.8.9. Conditional operators
- 6.8.10. Arithmetic operators
- 6.8.11. Set operators
- 6.9. Metamodel expressions
- 6.9.1. Type of a metamodel expression
- 6.10. Reference expressions
- 6.10.1. Declaration references
- 6.10.2. Package and module references
- 6.10.3. Type of a reference expression
- 7. Annotations
- 7.1. Annotations of program elements
- 7.1.1. Annotation lists
- 7.1.2. Annotation arguments
- 7.2. Annotation definition
- 7.2.1. Annotation constructors
- 7.2.2. Annotation types
- 7.2.3. Constrained annotation types
- 7.3. Annotation values
- 7.4. Language annotations
- 7.4.1. Declaration modifiers
- 7.4.2. Documentation
- 7.5. Serialization
- 8. Execution
- 8.1. Object instances, identity, and reference passing
- 8.1.1. Value type optimizations
- 8.1.2. Type argument reification
- 8.2. Sequential execution and closure
- 8.2.1. Frames
- 8.2.2. Current instances and current frames
- 8.2.3. Current instance of a class or interface
- 8.2.4. Current frame of a block
- 8.2.5. Initialization
- 8.2.6. Class instance optimization
- 8.2.7. Execution of expression and specification statements
- 8.2.8. Execution of control directives
- 8.2.9. Exception propagation
- 8.2.10. Initialization of toplevel references
- 8.2.11. Initialization of late references
- 8.3. Execution of control structures and assertions
- 8.3.1. Evaluation of condition lists
- 8.3.2. Validation of assertions
- 8.3.3. Execution of conditionals
- 8.3.4. Execution of loops
- 8.3.5. Exception handling
- 8.3.6. Dynamic type checking
- 8.4. Evaluation, invocation, and assignment
- 8.4.1. Dynamic dispatch
- 8.4.2. Evaluation
- 8.4.3. Assignment
- 8.4.4. Invocation
- 8.4.5. Evaluation of anonymous functions
- 8.4.6. Evaluation of enumerations
- 8.4.7. Evaluation of spread arguments and comprehensions
- 8.5. Operator expressions
- 8.5.1. Operator expression optimization
- 8.5.2. Numeric operations
- 8.6. Evaluation of comprehensions
- 8.6.1. for clause
- 8.6.2. if clause
- 8.6.3. Expression clause
- 8.7. Concurrency
- 9. Module system
- 9.1. The module runtime and module isolation
- 9.1.1. Module isolation for the Java platform
- 9.1.2. Module isolation for the JavaScript platform
- 9.1.3. Assemblies
- 9.2. Source layout
- 9.3. Module architecture
- 9.3.1. Module names and version identifiers
- 9.3.2. Module archive names for the Java platform
- 9.3.3. Module script names for the JavaScript platform
- 9.3.4. Source archive names
- 9.3.5. Module archives
- 9.3.6. Module scripts
- 9.3.7. Source archives
- 9.3.8. Module repositories
- 9.3.9. Package descriptors
- 9.3.10. Module descriptors