
ceylon --version
ceylon [--stacktraces] [--] <command> [<command‑options...>] [<command‑args...>]


If --version is present, print version information and exit. Otherwise <tool-arguments> should begin with the name of a ceylon tool. The named tool is loaded and configured with the remaining command line arguments and control passes to that tool.

  • compile - Compiles Ceylon and Java source code and directly produces module and source archives in a module repository.

  • compile-js - Compiles Ceylon source code to JavaScript and directly produces module and source archives in a module repository

  • config - Manages Ceylon configuration files

  • doc - Generates Ceylon API documentation from Ceylon source files

  • doc-tool - Generates documentation about a tool

  • help - Displays help information about other Ceylon tools

  • import-jar - Imports a jar file into a Ceylon module repository

  • info - Prints information about modules in repositories

  • new - Generates a new Ceylon project

  • run - Executes a Ceylon program

  • run-js - Executes a Ceylon program

  • src - Fetches source archives from a repository and extracts their contents into a source directory

  • test - Executes tests

  • version - Shows and updates version numbers in module descriptors

See ceylon help <command> for more information about a particular subcommand.



If an error propagates to the top level tool, print its stack trace.


Print version information and exit, ignoring all other options and arguments.