
ceylon new [--cwd=<dir>] [--define=<key>=<value>...] [--verbose[=<flags>]] hello-world [--ant=<value>] [--eclipse=<value>] [--eclipse-project-name=<value>] [--module-name=<value>] [--module-version=<value>] [--] <dir>


Generates a new project, prompting for information as necessary

The hello-world subcommand



Specifies the current working directory for this tool. (default: the directory where the tool is run from)

--define=key>=<value, -D key>=<value

Set a system property


Produce verbose output. If no flags are given then be verbose about everything, otherwise just be verbose about the flags which are present. Allowed flags include: all, loader.

Options for hello-world subcommand


This option is not documented.


This option is not documented.


This option is not documented.


This option is not documented.


This option is not documented.