Synopsis |
ceylon compile [--cacherep=<url>] [--cwd=<dir>] [--define=<key>=<value>...] [--encoding=<encoding>] [--javac=<option>...] [--maven-overrides=<url>] [--no-default-repositories] [--offline] [--out=<url>] [--pass=<secret>] [--rep=<url>...] [--resource=<dirs>...] [--source=<dirs>...] [--src=<dirs>...] [--sysrep=<url>] [--user=<name>] [--verbose[=<flags>]] [--] [<moduleOrFile...>] |
Description |
The default module repositories are The When When When All program elements imported by a compilation unit must belong to the same module as the compilation unit, or must belong to a module that is explicitly imported in the module descriptor. The compiler searches for dependencies in the following locations:
Configuration file |
The compile tool accepts the following options from the Ceylon configuration file: |
About resources |
Duplicate resources (resources with the exact same name and path found in several resource folders at a time) are handled on a first come first serve basis where the order is defined by the order of the |
It is possible to pass options to the
Execute Important note: There is no guarantee that any particular |